Flex Manager
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Work Experience

Last 12 months:
- 4 month assignment at a mobile operator to define his regulatory strategy
- Beltug (Belgian Telecom User Group) assignment to organize workshops on FMC (Fixed Mobile Convergence) and NGN (Next Generation Networks)
- Belgian Tariff Simulator: Mediation part
- 3 months assignment on corporate tariffing
- Finance: margin analysis modelling


1990 – 1996 Catholic University of Leuven – Leuven - Belgium
Commercial Engineer
2002 IMD Lausanne, “Building on Talent” - program
2004 “Instruments for corporate governance”, Instituut voor Bestuurders - Institut des Administrateurs (IvB-IdA), now Belgian Governance Institute.


General Management
Product management & launch
Financial analysis
Regulatory management
Strategy & Marketing analysis
Corporate Governance Audit
Corporate Social Responsibility


Dutch, French, English


2005-2006 Consulting, Manager side profession in regulatory and mediation services
Main projects:
• Market potential & implementation of a new mobile internet data offer for a Belgian mobile operator
• Implementation of new data roaming bundle
• Market Study for Wireless Office Solutions.
• Mobile & Fixed Broadband strategy project for a mobile operator (offered via the appropriate incumbent‘s regulated offerings)
• Audit of end-to-end campaign management process with definition of clearer roles and responsitiblities between Market Managers, CMR Intelligence and CRM Operations
• Position paper on the difference between interconnect charges of 2 former European incumbents (assesment of competitive environment, network structure and cost modelling).
Belgacom - Brussels – Belgium

2003-2005 Chief Regulatory Economics Manager, Broadband Data
- Responsible for negotiation of ADSL/SDSL reference offers offered to other operators with regulator BIPT (Belgian Institute for Post & Telecommunications) – BRUO (unbundling of the local loop) & BROBA (bitstream access)
- Analysis of optimal spectrum management technical possibilities for ADSL/SDSL (distance – signal strength relation)
- Defense of Belgacom’s retail positioning on ADSL/SDSL

2000-2003 Chief Regulatory Economics Manager, Telephony
- Elaboration of Economic Value Added & Tilted Annuity Methodology for Interconnect Conditions
- Responsible for negotiation with BIPT of BRIO (Belgacom Reference Interconnect Offer) telephony conditions offered to other operators
- Member of the management team of Belgacom Carrier Services

1998-2000 Belgacom France, Marketing Manager (Voice Products & Regulation)
- Responsible for Belgacom France‘s Licence application for Wireless Local Loop (BLR – boucle locale radio, 2000)
- Voice business portfolio product management
- Product launch management
- Interconnect-negotiations with France Télécom
- Regulatory lobbying towards ART (Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications).


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