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HR Manager

HR Manager

Work Experience

1. KBC Global Services (01 Sep 08 – 20 Feb 09): KBC is a Belgian banking & insurance company with more than 10.000 employees. ICT Services had 400 employees in the Czech Republic and 80 in the Slovak Republic. I reported to the HR Manager for Central Europe ICT Services.

HR Project Leader for ICT Services in Centraal Europe (Czech Republic & Slovakia)
Areas of responsibility:

a. Project management: career development in ICT for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
b. Czech republic:
i.Identification of career ladder towards Key positions: Business analyst, Project manager, ICT Architect, Technology analyst
ii.Implementation of follow up cycle monitoring talent and implementing training programs
iii.Definition of a training path per function
c.Slovakia: function alignment with Belgian structure, job weighing according to Hay classification model, mobility, competence management, training
i.Alignment of functions in Slovak Republic according to the Belgian model
ii.Study of Belgian model on career development and potential management
iii.Followed the training Project management in ICT on how to respect procedures and reporting techniques. Learned new elements on various features of project management (fine-tuning of scope, Status report, Steering Committee,...)

2.PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax and Legal Services (01 Sep 07 – 01 Sep 08): PwC is a major consultancy firm of 2000 employees in Belgium. Tax & Legal Service is one of the three business units with 350 employees. I reported to the HR Director Belgium.

HR Manager for Tax & Legal Services

Areas of responsibility:
a.Technical: management of headcount, including all efforts necessary such as: leading recruitment campaigns, selection of personnel, evaluation, dismissal, negotiations with line management, headcount simulations, career interruption, contracts, salary review, answering questions on salary and social law, projects such as Women at PwC.
b.Peoplemanagement : in charge of three persons
i.Retention measures by the project Women at PwC: summer camp for children
ii.Recruitment and Employer Branding: diversity hiring project
iii.Learned how to use SAP/HR + reporting
iv.Development and defence/presentation of a strategic HR approach for Tax & Legal Services in 1,5 months considering various parameters: global HR approach, Employer Branding, records from various databases and input from strategic partners.

3.Oracle (300 employees in Brussels): 17 Jun 06 tot 01 Sep 07. Oracle is second largest software company in the world with a commercial/Sales office in Belgium (300 employees) and a unit in Luxemburg (14 employees). As the president of the prevention committee I was reporting to the managing director and as a Business Partner I was teaming up with the Consulting Director Belux and the HR Director.

HR Business Partner Consulting + recruitment advisor for Sales & Consulting Division + Trainingsmanager Sales & Consulting

Areas of responsibility:
a.Technical: management of headcount, including all efforts necessary such as: leading recruitment campaigns, selection of personnel, evaluation, dismissal, negotiations with linemanagement, headcount simulations, career interruption, contracts, salary review, answering questions on salary and social law, management employees on international missions abroad.
b.Peoplemanagement : president of the Prevention Committee + leading activities in recruitment over Ireland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg.
i.Implementation of a employee assistance program
ii.Hired 12 employees in Sales
iii.Presentation of the hiring plan to the Country Management Committee
iv.Integrated employees from various companies as the result of mergers and acquisitions (ex EONTEC & Hyperion
v.Rolled out the training Interview Techniques for management and Commercial attitude for technical consultants
vi.Restarted the Prevention Committee successfully after a period of several months
vii.Development of a proposal on stress management
viii.Control and roll out of the medical check up of the staff
ix.Started up Talent development program
x.Set up rules on international mobility (including Limosa, European laws on social security and personal tax management – in cooperation with PwC).
xi.Development of an annual training plan
xii.Saved about 70.000EUR on training budget
xiii.Worked with various ERP to recruit but also administer employees (Peoplesoft/ Oracle HR/ Oracle Recruit).

4.The Bank of New York (950 employees in Brussels): 2000 tot 17 Jun 06 The Bank of New York is aNYSE quoted multinational with about 30.000 employees at that time. In Belgium they have the biggest international operational unit specialised in Global Custody services with 900 employees. As a HR Coordinator and later head of recruitment I was reporting to both the Belgian HR Manager and the HR Director Europe.

HR Coordinator + head of recruitment.

Areas of responsibility:
a.Technical: management of headcount, including all efforts necessary such as: leading recruitment campaigns, selection of personnel, evaluation, dismissal, negotiations with linemanagement, headcount simulations, career interruption, contracts, interim, salary review, answering questions on salary and social law.
b.Peoplemanagement : relationship with payroll and training, development of our team (4 members), appraisal, temporary staff, management of external suppliers (head-hunters, media, interim, special projects such as competence management…, maintenance of external relations with companies such as IBM, Euroclear, Cisco, SWIFT, Mastercard)
c.Conceptual : development of several initiatives such as retention management, international mobility, career development, function classification, offshoring project
2000 – 2003 : Assistant Treasurer (= a corporate title)
2003 – 17 Jun 06 : Assistant Vice President – head of recruitment and selection
i.Implementation and development of a new selection approach
ii.Development of jobdescriptions
iii.Classification of jobs in cooperation with an external company
iv.Implementation of a mobility council
v.Modification of the review process/annual performance
vi.Development of an annual recruitment plan
vii.Fine-tuning of the referral policy
viii.Fine-tuning of the exit policy in case of both dismissal and voluntary departure
ix.Implementation of a new performance procedure for executives
x.Analysis and proposal management of an ERP for staffing: Taleo, Monster, Oracle
xi.Management of the pricing and contracts with interim offices, publicity agencies and media channels

5.Advice & Executive Search: 1999 tot 2000 (01/10) Advice & Executive Search is a small recruitment and selection company, specialised in ICT recruitment (10 employees). I was reporting to the managing Director.

Senior consultant: executing selection missions based on direct approach (including commercial efforts).
Achievements: I got a broad view on the different selection tools (direct approach, advertisement and file search)

6.Mercuri Urval: 1998 until 1999 (01/05) Mercuri Urval is a international selection company specialised in selection based on advertisement. I was reporting to the Business Unit Manager Brussels East (6 employees).
Junior consultant : executing selection missions based on advertisements (including commercial efforts).
Achievements: how to do cold calling, how to present a selection approach to a potential customer, what different kind of organisations exist and use the services of a selection expert.

7.Luchtmacht: 1991 until 1998 (01/09). Each Unit I worked for had about 1000 employees. As an officer you were always directly reporting to the CEO (Base commander) or to his direct report.
a.Personnel officer Kleine Brogel: HR administration (absences, career break, foreign missions, promotion, evaluation, 1400 employees with a team of 10 professionals). No salary administration.
Projects: implementing IT technology in personnel administration.
b.Trainer Basis Bevingen (Sint Truiden): providing and maintenance of training (personnel administration & personnel management). Leading a team of 4 employees.
c.Personnel officer 20e Wing in Brussels: personnel administration (including financial administration) of 3000 employees. Leading a team of 40 employees.
i.Analysis of workflow and follow up of the implementation of an ERP to manage staff (= red line in my career at the Armed Forces).
ii.Implementation of a new performance review procedure
iii.Learnt how to roll out effectively trainings and how to summarise training material and present it to an experienced audience.


MBA, Masters in Aeronautical Sciences, Masters in Economics


Soft side of HR, project management and social relations


English, Dutch and French


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