Flex Manager
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Sales- and marketing manager B2B

Sales- and marketing manager B2B

Work Experience

Positions held:

January 1999-present, Consultant

Consultancy company Sales Intelligence BV is working for sales companies in a B-to-B high-tech environment.

1988- September 1998 Sales and marketing manager OMRON Electronics, Hoofddorp, the Netherlands.

OMRON is one of the market leaders in the field of Factory Automation.

Responsible for a staff of 40 and a turnover of Nfl. 40 million. Yearly growth 10 to 15%, outperforming the market growth by around 7%.

Direct sales and channel sales through dealers and system houses.

Participated in a turn around project for the German OMRON organization, where I was responsible for regrouping of the Factory Automation activities.

European project leader for OSIS ( OMRON Sales Information System).

Planned and implemented a major business re-engineering project within OMRON-Netherlands. The Dutch OMRON organization is a top performer within the European OMRON organization in terms of growth and profitability.

1985-1988 Sales Manager Compri, Almere, the Netherlands.

Compri is a systems house specializing in turn-key automation projects for the printing industry.

Responsible for all commercial activities.

1980-1985 Geveke Electronics/Getronics, Amsterdam.

From 1983 Dealer manager, Data Handling Products Division.
Responsible for start-up of the sales activities for Altos computer systems in the Netherlands.

Started as technical/commercial staff member of the Geveke Physics department. Supporting the sales of scientific and medical instrumentation.



Post graduate courses:

Economics (University of Amsterdam)
Technical Programming (HTS Amsterdam)


HTS Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, 1982, following two years’ physics study at the University of Utrecht.


Atheneum B, 1974, mathematics, physics, chemistry, languages.


Sales related: good writer, good presentation.
Good general insight in ICT. Broad technical knowledge.



English: fluent speaker
German: fluent speaker
French: good speaker
Spanish: some knowledge


Position sought:

Post offering the challenge of building and/or expanding a sales group in a high-tech, business-to-business environment, preferably in an international setting. Target markets and business segments: Factory Automation, Information Technology, Medical and/or Scientific instruments, Machine building.


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