Flex Manager
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Interim manager

Interim manager

Work Experience


Commercial Manager/Director (1995 - 2002) With a UK based Agricultural Group.
Business Unit Manager (1987 -1995) In the Oil Industry forAsia and the Pacific Rim.
Financial & systems Controller (1984 – 1987) With a European Salmon farming Group.
Financial & Operations Manager (1981 – 1984) For an Irish manufacturing company.
Accountant (1975 – 1981) In Ireland.



M.B.A. Masters Degree in Business Administration. Edinburgh University (1994).
P.G.Dip. Post Graduate Diploma in International Finance. Ulster University (1987).
B.Sc.Hons. Joint Honours Degree in Economics and Accounting “ (1975).



My financial management experience is mainly within the international agricultural and energy industries working with many different business cultures and systems including MRP, inventory control, SOP/POP and of course, full financial accounts processing, control and reporting responsibilities. My business achievements, include organising, operating and successfully managing several management information and control systems in many different countries. My wife and I decided last year to “re-construct” our careers and family commitments by moving to the Achterhoek, which has meant me having to learn Nederlands! I have recently completed and passed a one year language course, and now am ready to fully employ my business skills and extensive management knowledge concerning the European market in a Dutch working environment.


native english speaker, french, learning nederlands



I am a 49 year old business professional with 25 years successful international financial management and operations systems experience, who with my Dutch wife, now lives in Doetinchem. We have three grown up daughters, one in Japan, one in England and one in Nederland. I am currently looking for a professional position which not only has the business development challenges suited to my management capabilities, but also fits my personal commitments to becoming fluent Nederlands and living here in the Achterhoek. I am interested in many sports, and continue to be involved in golf, rugby and squash. My wife and I also enjoy the arts, backgammon and biking for relaxation. We both have good health, own our own home, have full European driving licenses and have never had any criminal record.


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