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Business Develoment/Business Start-up

Business Develoment/Business Start-up

Work Experience

I am professionally qualified Senior SME Interim Business Adviser. I have over 25 years of successful 'Hands-On' experience in helping businesses' from 10 to thirty-five thousand employees'. From conception to implementation of an idea(s), training and retraining of staff, and helping businesses' obtain funding from the most
appropriate source(s).

My 'Expertise,' from local to international levels, has included many 'blue chip'
companies, International Funding Agencies in the UK., European Union (EU).,
Middle East, Central and South East Asia, and Pacific Rim countries. I have managed budgets and contracts of $50 million plus.

SUMMARY OF RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE (Continued in Letter of Application above.)
Client Adviser African Development Bank (ADBA), West Africa. December, 1996.
Prepared a proposal, on behalf of a client, who was tendering for a 'Delivering Successful Presentations Course' of 20 sessions. The course was successful and repeated.

SME Consultant PERA International, Melton Mowbray, UK. November, 1996.
Worked on a range of SME projects including: Mass Communication Media for Management Training in Small Rural Enterprises; Stimulating Entrepreneurship; New Business Start-Up and Development.

Consultant London Transport, London, UK. September—October, 1996.
I wrote a five-day 'Business Development Programme' to form part of London Transport's portfolio of Middle and Senior Management Courses, offered to internal and external clients' in the UK. All courses have now become part of their core management programmes.

Consultant Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines. July—August, 1996.
Prepared a proposal to the ADB, on behalf of a Swedish company, who were tendering for work with the ADB. The proposal was to train Section Personnel Managers in Outplacement Counselling of Senior Managers. The proposal was accepted and has been adopted as a training model by the Bank.

SME Consultant
PERA International, Melton Mowbray, UK. February—June, 1996.
I wrote a 365 page report entitled 'Improving Links with Local Industry', for the Governments of Thailand and Nigeria. It was a Technical Vocational Education (TVE) project funded by the World Bank (WB), and the Overseas Development Agency (ODA). Main areas of investigation were: Cost Effective Technical Education in Thailand and Nigeria; Links with Formal and Non-formal Training and Apprenticeships.

Outplacement (OPC) and Pre-decision Support Counsellor
British Gas plc/Hoskyns plc Leicester, UK. August, 1995—January, 1996.
Pre-decision Support Counselling of Information Technology (IT) and
Information Systems (IS) staff who had been offered re-employment by Hoskyns,
taking over from British Gas plc. This was a major restructuring period for the company.
Over 200 employees' were seen. Ninety-six per cent were successfully re-employed.

Training and Retraining Consultant
Sugar Industry — WB/United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), and National Economic Development Council (NEDC) Mauritius. Seconded
to Maxwell Stamp plc, London, UK. May—July, 1995
I was retraining consultant to the UNDP/NEDC, Mauritius, for 35,000 sugar workers'
who could be made redundant if the bottom were to drop out of their sugar market.
'A worst case scenario' situation. I wrote a report on retraining the present workforce
towards the years 2000, and 2020. My report was entitled 'Retraining in the Mauritius
Sugar Industry'. It was accepted by the NEDC, during early January 1996. It contained a wide-range of recommendations, many were implemented by them.

Business Enterprise Consultant
PERA International, Melton Mowbray, UK. January—April, 1995.
Business Enterprise and Training Consultant to PERA International in Melton
Mowbray. Areas of responsibility were: advising client's from Developing Countries
on Business Enterprise Start-Up; type and quality of training required to facilitate
the process; sources of International Funding.

Senior Enterprise Training Consultant
WB/UNDP/The British Council, Sri Lanka. September—December, 1994.
My main areas of responsibility, for the $50 million project were: survey all 360
existing enterprise training centres; review of vocational training in
further and higher education; start a Skills Development Fund (SDF); try and bring
industry and education closer together; advise on potential growth areas for Sri Lanka
towards their year 2000 initiative. Prepare a final report with recommendations; for
the WB; Ministry of Industry and Planning; The British Council in Colombo.
My recommendations were accepted, and the enterprise restructuring programme is still on-going today.

Senior Inward Investment Adviser
ADB, Manila, Philippines. August 1993—August 1994.
Main areas of accountability were: writing feasibility reports and business plans for a
wide-range of client's wishing to set-up a business in the Philippines. Minimum capital -stake required by law was US $ 75,000. Business interests ranged from: light manufacturing to heavy industry; financial and service industries; setting-up of Agencies;
Head Offices; Rural Development Programmes. My two final reports were for British
Global Gas plc., and Armstrong Flooring Inc. Both Singapore, based but wishing to have a presence in the Philippines.

Senior Training and Outplacement Adviser
Government of the Republic of the Philippines/UNDP. Seconded (for three months)
from Action Employment Training Services (AETS) Limited. January—April, 1991.
Responsible for a $1.2 million resettlement project for 2,500 Filipino migrant
workers', returning to the Philippines due to the Gulf War. My job was to: design a
database for categorising workers'; set-up a job skills workshop and assessment centre;
arrange for psychological counselling; create links with local, national, government;
private training centres and agencies; help train local counterparts.

Managing Director and Owner
AETS Limited, Croydon, London, UK. June, 1990— July, 1993.
I started AETS with five Associates after leaving Right Choice. AETS
offered a wide-range of employment services including: outplacement counselling,
course writing and development; customer care; preparation of business plans and
feasibility studies; questionnaire design for business start up; business report writing
for Middle and Senior Managers. Clients came from local, national, and international
businesses — from manufacturing to the financial services sector.

Training Manager
'Right Choice', Croydon, London, UK. January, 1988—May, 1990.
A Training Manager (TM) appointed by the Training Agency (TA), to design and deliver
Employment Training (ET). Catchment area was the London Borough of Croydon and the
South East of England. Directly responsible for: 500 trainees'; 20 trainers'; 10 staff.
The design and implementation of trainee's individual 'Action Plans': designing and selling
training programmes; managing a budget of £10,000 per month.

Senior Training and Curriculum Development Adviser
Government of the Republic of the Philippines/UNDP. August—December, 1987.
Helped to set up a four year full-time BA (Hons) Textile Design and Manufacturing course at the Technological University of the Philippines (TUP). The budget was $2.5 million. Introduced IT into the syllabus: designed a database to record manufacturing and academic resources available to support the course locally, nationally and internationally; trained local counterparts; advertised and monitored the course; assisted in recruiting students'.

Head of Department (HoD)
Croydon College, Croydon, London, UK. August, 1986— July, 1987.
HoD in Curriculum Development Evaluation, Staff Development and Training.
Responsible for the analysis, evaluation, a monitoring of all new course proposals before
they were submitted to the appropriate validating body or academic board. Managed a development budget of £500,000. Chief Technical Adviser (CTA) The People's Democratic Republic of South Yemen, Aden, UNDP/UNIDO. September, 1985—July, 1986. Fully accountable for a $25million refurbishment industrial project, and 850 employees'. Trained, and retrained, nationals from unskilled shop floor workers' to senior management in: job design; analysis; evaluation; upgrading of production methods; evaluation of quality of production set against agreed targets; arranged overseas industrial training through UNIDO, for relevant technical staff; started a sales and marketing department; introduced Management by Objectives; wrote a report with full recommendations for UNIDO, and the Ministry of Industry and Planning in Aden.

Principal Lecturer (PL) Croydon College, UK. September, 1976—August, 1985.
PL in: Vocational Course Design; Evaluation and Development; Marketing of existing, and new vocational courses, to local and national Industry.

Senior Lecture (SL) Croydon College. September, 1974—August, 1976.

SL in: Industrial Liaison; Marketing of existing, and new vocational courses, to Industry.

Lecturer 1 (LI) Blackpool College, UK. September, 1967—August, 1974.

L1 in: Textile Design; Production and Marketing; Industrial Liaison and Student Work Placement.


BA (Hons) Textile Design, Marketing and Production 1962-1966.
ATD Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching 1966-1967.
MA Curriculum Development and Evaluation (Further and Higher Education.) 1982-1983.
PhD Human Resources Development: transferable (portable) job skills in manufacturing
industry and commerce at local, national and international levels 1984-1987 (part-time).

Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). Fellow of the Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD). Fellow of the Chartered Society of Designers (FCSD).

Retraining in the Mauritius Sugar Industry, WB/UNDP, 1995.
Small Enterprise Development Programme ILO, 1995.
Career Counselling for British Gas Staff , 1996.
Cost-effective Technical and Vocational Education in Thailand and Nigeria, 1996.
Delivering Successful Presentations ADBA, 1996.
Stimulating Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development, UNIDO, 1997.


English, mother tongue (fluent). French, German, Arabic and Tagalog, Filipino (basic).


COUNTRY EXPERIENCE (Countries worked in.)
North America, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan ROC, China, East Malaysia, Thailand, Austria, Myanmar, Kenya, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Djibouti, Singapore and People's Democratic Republic of South Yemen, Syria, Lebanon.


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