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Change, Transition and Restructuring Management

Change, Transition and Restructuring Management

Work Experience


Company part the Multinational Konica Corporation - Japan, manufacturing and selling analogue
and digital office equipment

function : Area Service Manager North

achievements :
- outsourcing of the logistic activities
- relocation of the office
- implementation of the ERP system “Oracle/Square”
- Implementation of the planning system “Rafael”
- renewal of important service contract ex. BASF, SIDMAR a.o.

· CONSULTING 1996 - 1998
Own company for advice and consulting in the fields of Human Resources, General Management, Change Management, Strategic Operations, Production and Plant Management, Logistics and Total Supply Management, Start-Ups, Transition and Restructuring Management.

function, : Management Consultant

achievements :
- several successful achievements as Management Consultant for different Consultancy Companies
- BaaN- ERP implementations by Overtime, Manudax a/o.
- take over off the activities of the software house Black Label Belgium
- development of the IRIS (International Repair Information System) software for the account off
- customized software development for the supply chain VandenBorre, Nokia, Grundig a.o.
- implementation off standard software packages by several Service Organizations

· WHIRLPOOL BELGIUM N.V. 1993 - 1996
Company part of the International group of Whirlpool Corporation manufacturing and selling
major domestic appliances. Turnover : 4000 mio BF. Number of Employees : 120

function : Director Operations Benelux
Member of the Board of Directors
Representative of the Direction by the Workers Council
Member of different International Work and Steering Groups

responsibilities : Restructuring of the Benelux Operations, managing the integration of the two
complete different company’s cultures of Philips and Bauknecht, social as well as operational
activities. The day to day Management of the Call-Center, the After Sales Service, the Customer
Assistance Center and the Spare Parts Operations.

achievements :
- successfully integrated two different company cultures
- closed the five local Branches in Belgium, centralizing the operations in Brussels, closed the
eight local Branches in the Netherlands, centralizing the operations in Breda.
- organized product- and technical training for both the Dealers and Employees
- organized customer relations training, telephone answering training etc.
- contracting out of the non core-business activities
- as part of the first company in Belgium and the Netherlands equipped it’s Technicians with
handhold computers
- actively participated in the creation of a Central European Warehouse for Spare Parts in Comerio
-computerized the Call-centers and Consumer Assistance Centres in the Benelux
- introduced extended warranty contracts in both countries
- computerized the order process procedure for the Dealers
- computerized the complaint handling procedures
- restructured the operations, laying-off 50 % of the Employees without any social disruption
- negotiated a Social Plan regarding this matter with the Unions, without drawing unnecessary
attention of the Media
- managed cost effectively a fleet of 250 cars, co-negotiator for a European contract with
VW-Wolfsburg in Germany
- realized the budget objectives and goal settings in terms of cost savings, creating additional
- initiated the procedure for ISO 9000 certification

· SONY BELGIUM N.V. 1983 -1993
Company part the Multinational Sony Corporation, manufacturing and selling consumer and
professional audio and video equipment. Turnover : 6000 mio BF. Number of Employees : 130

function : Senior Service Manager Belgium and Luxembourg
Member of the Direction Committee
Representative of the Direction in the Workers Council
Member of several International Work- and Steering Committees
Chief of the Work Safety Organization

responsibilities : Create a commercial and customer care oriented After Sales Service. Preparing
and executing the operational move from Antwerp to Brussels, both social and logistics

achievements :
- initiating the Technical Services for the commercial and customer care activities for both the
Consumer as well as the Professional Division
- organized product- and technical training for Employees and Dealers
- cultivated personnel contact with the Professional Customers (BRTN, RTBF, VTM a.o.)
- introduced and commercialized Customer tailored Maintenance Contracts
- managed the Spare Parts Operations
- created the Customer Assistance Center
- managed the facilities and the technical infrastructures
- computerized the administration and spare parts operations
- participated actively at the creation of a Central European Ware House in Londerzeel-Belgium
- realized the budget objectives and goal settings in terms of cost savings and creating additional

· OCE BELGIUM N.V. 1978 - 1983
Company part of the International Group Océ-Vandergrinten, manufacturing and selling copiers,
office automation and reproduction machinery. Number of Employees : 350

function : Branch Service Manager Brussels
Member of the Direction Committee

responsibilities : In charge of the reorganization of the Brussels Office for copiers and the Office
Automation Group for Belgium and Luxembourg. With the objective of creating a commercial and
customer oriented After Sales Service, managing and controlling the costs and the revenues.

achievements :
- recruited new Employees and organized their training
- realized the budget objectives, reducing costs and increasing revenue
- followed up personally the Major Accounts (BBL, Shape, different Ministries, a.o.)
- commercialized and renewed important maintenance contracts
- managed the Spare Parts Operations
- realized the budget objectives
· LEVER INDUSTRIAL N.V. 1973 - 1978
Company part of the Multinational Unilever, selling and manufacturing cleaning products and
cleaning machinery. Number of Employees : 80

function : Technical Commercial Director
Member of the Board of Directors

responsibilities : Starting from scratch this new Division; managing the day to day commercial-,
marketing- and technical activities in Belgium and Luxembourg.

achievements :
- hired the necessary and skilled Employees
- searched for and arranged new location
- realized the budget objectives
- followed up personally the Major Accounts
- organized the After Sales Services on site by the Customers
- commercialized Maintenance Contracts (Group Inno-GB, Colruyt etc.)
- managed the Spare Parts Operations
- negotiated personally with the Government and other Official Organizations about approvals for
different industrial machinery and installations
- personally developed approved dose appliance for use in industrial kitchens
- finally closed the Division after five years of successfully activities

· Royal Airforce 1963 - 1973

function : Officer

responsibilities : by continuous training and simulation maintaining operational readiness to
execute the tasks ordered by the Ministry of Defense, both in Belgium and in foreign countries.

achievements :
- successfully graduated as a Polytechnician at the Royal Military School
- learned discipline, order and accuracy
- learned to work in a Team
- being able to take correct decisions quickly often in very important matters
- flexibility in all circumstances



- Polytechnician


- Grid Organization Development by Scientific Methods Inc. Austin Texas
- Meeting and Communication Techniques by I.T.C., Brussels
- Basic Course Information Technology by Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Professor Jansens
- Application System by Pecoma B.V., Amsterdam
- Service Satisfaction Anytime Anywhere by Sony Corporation, Brighton UK
- Diploma Veiligheidschef Niveau 2 eindverhandeling “ Geluidsoverlast in een labo voor
Audioherstellingen) by Provinciaal Veiligheidsinstituut, Antwerpen
- Diploma Brandbeveiliging eindverhandeling “Brandbeveiliging van een Verzorgingstehuis voor
Mentaal Gehandicapten” NVBB/ANPI, Ottignies
- Datatransmission by Academic Service, Brussels
- CP/M Operating System by Academic Service, Brussels
- Motivation Quality Management by Formation de Cadres, Eric Krauthammer s.a., Geneva
- Management &, 2 and Senior Management 3 by Formation de Cadres, Eric Krauthammer s.a.,


please see my resume


Dutch/Flemish : mother tongue
French : fluent
English : good
German : basic knowledge


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