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Business/Competence Development & Recruitment Manager

Business/Competence Development & Recruitment Manager

Work Experience

Three years of full-time experience in recruitment & competence management on the GeHRMs project.
Previously over 15 years of secondary assignments in training management, recruitment and related activities.

Examples of assignments:
- Write strategic plan for a professional organization that wants to strengthen its activities in continuing education for engineers.
- Assist company auditor with recruitment issues.

Other professional experience:
- Initiator & coordinator of the GeHRMs project, 2006-2008; investigating impact of decision criteria and other factors on quality of recruitment processes and
- Manager of a company developing tools for recruitment & competence management (2004-now).
- Country manager for a wholesaler of high-end computer systems (2001-2003)
- Account manager & Business unit manager for a wholesaler of high-end computer systems (1998-2000)
- Account manager in speech processing
- Account manager/ sales manager in digital signal processing.
- Analyst-programmer in international ICT consultancy.


M.Sc.Engineering (Groep T, \\\'89) & Master in Information technology (VUB, \\\'91).

Further education:
- Training \\\'People Management\\\', VIK
- Studieproject \\\'Schattingstechnieken in projectmanagement\\\'.
- Instructional Design
- Research project on e-HRM tools for competence management & recruitment in collaboration w. prof. Karel De Witte & others.


Competence management
Training Management & life long learning
Organizational Development


Dutch (mother tongue)
French (fluent)
English (fluent)
German (fair)


Strong results and process oriented approach. Excellent internet & computer literacy. In-depth knowledge on intercultural issues.

Additional experience:
- Operational Business Unit Management (over 10 yrs).
- R&D Management (3 yrs.)


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