Flex Manager
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General Manager

General Manager

Work Experience

Multilingual Senior Executive experienced in business development and management who built a sales team for different companies increasing sales from € 6 mio to € 25 mio (in 3 years) .

Selling ICT solutions to major industrial companies in the electronics, telecom , steel, automotive, governmental market .
Realised individually yearly turnovers of more than € 2.5 mio at 20% margins
Has his own consultancy firm bringing together investors with start-ups, writing business plans, setting up proof of concepts, coaching salesteams, performing interim management

MEDEA Consulting
June 2002 -
General Manager of an Investment Company providing management consulting services for a Marketing company (ADDICT), setting up a European Operation for a CADCAM/ Engineering company(Iuvant), investing in a US based company

General Manager
Interim General Manager Restructured IT infrastructure company, set up a business plan for IP telephony (with Cisco equipment), Responsible for € 10 mio, 20 people. Bringing together Start-ups with investors Setting up business plans, operational management

INTERXION 2001 - August 2001
Sales Manager
Starting the Housing business in Belgium. Interxion expressed severe financial difficulties (ENRON being the major investor)

CODENET 1998 - 2001
Sales Manager
Telecom company, member of the Tractebel Group , doubling turnover each year (€ 6 mio - € 12 mio - € 25 mio), recruiting and building a new sales team (9 people) , major customers KPN Orange, Belnet, C&A, Ticket BBL Travel,…

ONE2ONE 1995 - 1998
Managing Partner
Developing the Open Systems sales and marketing activities within the Netbuilding Group. Project Management of Large Industry projects. Key Accounts : Ministry of Justice, Belgacom, Alcatel Bell … € 2.5 mio +/year projects

BIM 1990 - 1995
Sales Manager
People management of a Salesteam of 10 to 15 people ( pre-sales, sales, secretaries) realizing turnovers of more than € 12 mio. Account and Project Manager of Large Industry accounts (Agfa, Barco,…). Definition and Coordination of Open Systems Infrastructure Projects combining/integrating SUN Microsystems, NCD, Wellfleet equipment.

Consultant - Sales
From consultancy for the Worldbank (accountancy education mission of 1 year in Africa for the Office des Routes) I ran into sales at Digital and got the taste of IT and selling (doubling each year the turnover from € 600 k as salestrainee to € 3 mio).

Rita Peeters Aces International General Manager, Luc Dooms C-Cure General Manager,Dirk Pauwels EDS, Luc Pintens General Manager Econocom, Patrick De Maeseneire General Manager Callebaut Switzerland,


Masters Degree in Production and Management (Handelsingenieur) at the Brussels University 1980. Additional courses include Business Analysis Training at IMEDE Lausanne 1988 , IT Management, Telecommunications Regulatory Affairs 1999, Krauthammer Management training 2000, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux shareholders Business School 2002.


More than 20 years experience in sales, sales management, business development, general management


Fluent in English, Dutch and French. Notions of German.
Currently based in Brussels.


Willing to relocate internationally.


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