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Work Experience


1995 – present Management Consultant/Interimmanager


2003 - present Developed concept for a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between a hospital owned by the city of Munich and a private company, UROFOCUS GmbH, Munich; conducted due diligence in hospital, prepared compensation programs and profit sharing models for management and 200 employees, developed business plan and budgets for PPP to start in 2004 or 2005.

Interim Management

2001/02 Sirius Software GmbH, Munich
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, interim management in finance and controlling of an innovative and expanding company, financed by Venture Capital funds. Company developed software to define, monitor, and manage business-oriented service level management in real-time, especially for the telecommunication market. Personnel about 55 with subsidiaries in the US and UK, restructured the organisation, built up controlling and handled investor relations.

1998 BvS Berlin, institution under public law, Director Finance and Controlling of subsidiary in Dresden. Cleared pending sales contracts with respect of guarantees for investments, employment, payments etc., finalised open negotiations, successfully closed down the subsidiary by end of the year.


2000 EM.TV & Merchandising AG, Munich
Market leader in production/co-production of animated series for children`s and family TV, dealer of licenses and merchandising rights. Designed and set up controlling system for film production with integration into financial controlling, revised MIS.

2000 Bauverein zu Hamburg AG, Hamburg
Construction company and developer of real estate projects. Internal audit, improved controlling system.

M & A

1999/2000 ChemiePark Bitterfeld GmbH, Bitterfeld
Acquisition of all shares of the company for the Preiss-Daimler Group, Dresden. Company is involved in restructuring and developing an industrial area to attract various kinds of companies of the chemical industries to settle and is managing the infrastructure. Conducted due diligence, reviewed organisation and personnel, negotiated final contract with a transaction value of 800 Mill. DM.

1998 DISOS Informationssysteme GmbH, Berlin
Sale of all shares of the company on behalf of the shareholder BvS, Berlin. Prepared business plan, conducted evaluation of shares, public tender offer, various acquisition meetings, examined investors to short list, negotiated three alternatives and successfully closed final contract with IBM Germany for a price of double-digits Million DM.

1997 Lintra Beteiligungsholding GmbH, Berlin
Sale of four companies in the fields of engineering, precious metal recycling, and vehicle construction on behalf of the shareholder BvS, Berlin, conducted evaluation, public tender offer, investors research, review of business plans, final negotiations of contracts.

Restructuring / Turnaround

1995/96 Zeltaplan GmbH, Taucha/Leipzig
Producer of tents for industry and trucks, delivered the material for Christo to cover the German Reichstag in Berlin. Revised strategic targets, reduced number of products, successfully negotiated for increase of capital.

Löwenbäcker GmbH, Leipzig
Biggest industrial bakery in Eastern Germany, restructured the company, set up a new cost accounting and controlling system, stopped loss bearing products, improved financing by some “sell and lease back” transactions.

Professional Employment

1990-94 Treuhandanstalt, Berlin

After reunion owner of all business entities of the former government of DDR.
Director of Treuhandanstalt, subsidiary Leipzig, responsible for all business of about 600 companies with more than 100.000 employees of various branches in the whole county of Leipzig, had to select board members and management, built up a controlling for all entities, decided about investments, financing, sale or liquidation.
Department manager for chemical industries, member of the supervisory board of various Aktiengesellschaften ( e. g. Chemie AG Bitterfeld, Erste Baugesellschaft Leipzig AG, SABAG AG, Leipzig).

1988-90 GFTA, Feusisberg/Switzerland

Private company for investment banking and consulting with activities worldwide and offices in London, New York, Chicago, Tokio, and Nassau/Bahamas and with joint ventures with Morgan Stanley, Kuweit Investment Office (KIO) and the Chicago based family Pritzger.
Company traded shares, commodities and currencies of own portfolio as well as portfolios of about 30 clients (“blue chips”) not under 100 Mill. $ each.
Executive Vice President and CFO, responsible for controlling, cash management and administration.

1985-88 Dornier Medizintechnik GmbH, Munich

Innovator of ESWL-technology (Extra-Corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy), which revolutionized the treatment of kidney stones and gallbladder stones with annual total sales of about 500 Mill. $ worldwide.
Executive Vice President Controlling, responsibilities for corporate strategic planning, business development, operational controlling of corporate business as well as all subsidiaries in the US, Japan, Singapore, Italy, and Spain. Started from the very beginning with no staff, recruited key personnel in Germany and all foreign subsidiaries.
1977-84 Bertelsmann AG / Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG), Munich

One of the world`s majors in the music and publishing industries with then 14 music and video companies in 11 countries including USA.
Vive President Finance of the holding Ariola International Group (AIG), responsibilities in operational controlling, mergers and acquisitions, major deals with artists and labels. Negotiated the acquisition of Arista Records & Music Publishing, New York from Columbia Pictures in 1979 as well as the sale of Interworld Music Publishing, Los Angeles, to Polygram, New York.
Developed plan for cost cutting and restructuring of all AIG-companies in the US, negotiated the sale of 50% of Arista Records to RCA, New York, and a joint venture of RCA Music Division with AIG in 1983/84.

1973-77 Pioneer Beton GmbH, Munich
German subsidiary of Pioneer Concrete Services Ltd., Sydney/Austr.
Chief Financial Officer of the German company, started with head office and one plant in Munich, expanded up to 15 plants countrywide.
Responsibilities in finance and administration, reporting to European Headquarters in Madrid/Spain as well as to Corporate Head office in Sydney.

1967-73 Vereinigungsgesellschaft Rheinscher Braunkohlenbergwerke m.b.H,
Wesseling/Cologne, part of Germany`s leading energy concern RWE
`71 - `73 Chief Financial Officer of daughter company, Rheinbraun Haustechnik GmbH, with 4 subsidiaries in Germany.
`67 - `71 Internal audit of about 30 daughter companies.



1966 Master of Business Administration (Diplom-Kaufmann)
University of Cologne,Col./Germany


Finance, international accounting and controlling


German, English


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