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Interim Manager / Programma Manager

Interim Manager / Programma Manager

Work Experience

2006 (until today) Inland Revenue / Tax Telephone Hengelo
Position: Interim Branch Manager

Tasks and responsibilities:
Preparing and starting the implementation of the work flows: Income Tax of the Regional tax offices to the new office in Leeuwarden.

Responsible for implementing the personnel policy, the financial policy, setting up the Tax Telephone, Leeuwarden office and the internal and external communication;
Applying national policy and objectives to policy and objectives for the own office;
Supervising some of the executives.

2005 (until Dec.) Inland Revenue / Tax Telephone Leeuwarden
Position: Interim Branch Manager

Tasks and responsibilities:
In connection with the care and rent surcharge: setting up a new call centre with 250 seats and 500 staff-members and making it operational in a very short time (4 weeks). Also preparing and starting the implementation of the work flows: Income Tax of the Regional tax offices to the new office in Leeuwarden.

Responsible for implementing the personnel policy, the financial policy, setting up the Tax Telephone, Leeuwarden office and the internal and external communication;
Applying national policy and objectives to policy and objectives for the own office;
Supervising some of the executives.

2004 – 2005 (until Sept) School of Technology INHOLLAND University
Position: Interim Training Manager Bachelor of ICT

Tasks and responsibilities:
Final responsibility for the Courses: Informatics, Operations Informatics and Technical Informatics in Alkmaar and Haarlem.
Responsible for Bachelor ICT curriculum. Responsible for planning and organising education and managing educational innovation for courses in Alkmaar, Haarlem, Delft and Diemen.
Hierarchic and functional supervision of coordinators and teachers who coordinate and implement the development and organisation of education. Supervising of teams of teachers and hereby applying all HRM-instruments available for this purpose. Responsibility for implementation of projects.

2003 – 2004 (until Dec.) Bureau Verkeershandhaving Openbaar Ministerie
(Traffic Enforcement Public Ministry)
Position: Operations Manager

Tasks and responsibilities:
Final responsibility for the Operations Department, comprising of the Finance, Purchasing, IT, Personnel and Organisation Departments and the Facilities Company.
Final responsibility for annual budget of € 86 million.
Supervising the following activities:
Managing and further professionalisation of the Operations Department, for example, by introducing one management for the departments; developing and implementing operational processes. Organising the Planning & Control Cycle in the field of the traffic funds with the National Office of the Public Prosecution Service, the police regions, the National Police Agency (KLPD), the Public Ministry, the Judiciary, Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB) and Government Road Transport Agency (RDW). For example, responsible for the application and development of means of traffic enforcement, including flash posts and trajectory inspection systems.

2001 - 2002 Wolters Noordhoff
Position: Interim Programme Manager Digicoach

Tasks and responsibilities:
Supplying all methods of teaching of the Business Unit: Secondary Education of Wolters Noordhoff and Educatieve Partners Nederland. The ICT-component is part of the methods when it is a mixed-media concept (combination of folio, internet and CD-ROM). Hereby the ICT-component is an integral part of the teaching methods in 2003.
The scope of this commission was to realise 100 methods (schoolbooks) through 100 partial projects supervised by 10 project managers.
It involved components consisting of text parts, interactive tests and reference material per method and all functionalities that are accessible for teachers and pupils through the Internet (incl. Kennisnet) and CD-ROM.
Supervising the following activities:
- Drawing up functional design;
- Revamping the organisational structure for the project Digicoach-workbook-i;
- Drawing up project plan;
- implementing project plan;
- Preparing and realising framework agreement and partial; agreement with project suppliers;
- Managing the project in conformity with the project plan approved by the Steering Committee and the tasks and responsibilities of the project manager described in the plan.
- Implementing work method project management within Wolters Noordhoff (derived commission)

1999 - 2001 Casema NV
Position: Interim Member Executive Board Customer Service Organisation

Tasks and responsibilities:
- final responsibility for “Delivery”: process from first client contact up to and including billing new customers
- Structuring the new Customer Service Organisation;
- SWOT and plan of action aimed at downsizing Customer Service Organisation

Position: Interim Manager Information & Activation

Tasks and responsibilities:
- setting up this call centre;
- incorporating this call centre in new Customer Service Organisation;
- increasing service levels (for example, through Critical Presence Indicator’s (KPI’s)) and targets;
- increasing quality level, customer satisfaction and satisfaction staff;
- in- and outsourcing.

Position: Interim Project Manager “Operational Organisation”

Tasks and responsibilities:
- setting up a project-like environment next to the line organisation in a short time for fast launch of Digitale Television, Broadband Internet and Telephony and implementation in the call centre and external call centres;
- Changing it into a new department and incorporating it in the line organisation of Casema.

Position: Interim Project Manager improvement projects

Tasks and responsibilities:
- managing projects: such as collection, training plans, career development path, digitalisation archives, subcontracting and automation fulfilment, automatic distribution incoming e-mail; failure costs, improving cooperation in relation to handling of complaints;
- change in management from directive to facilitating management;
- establishing information interfaces between Service Provider and Network Operations on the one hand and product lines and customer service on the other hand.

Position: Interim Manager Back Office

Tasks and responsibilities:
- final responsibility for the administrative organisation of the customer service;
- supervising and coaching team managers;
- improvement in quality and efficiency of operational processes, procedures and work instructions; adjusting the administrative procedures and the customer information system to the new products: Digital TV, Basic Internet and Telephony via the cable.

1998 – 1999 MeesPierson NV
Position: Interim Manager IT-department and member of the MT

Tasks and responsibilities:
- combining and streamlining three departments into one department: business office;
- defining and implementing procedures within
IT and consulting the line organisation (divisions) of the bank;
- setting up management information, financial
and project information, project management,
administrative organisation, information systems and databanks;
- setting up internal communication again,
recruitment, coaching IT trainees and coordination of housing;
- final responsibility for working groups that implemented IT applications;
- Quality Assurance for the departments “Software Development”, “Infrastructure” and
- rate negotiations with IT detachment companies and suppliers.

1987 – 1998 IMK Nederland BV (permanent employment)
Position: Project Manager and manager and member MT

Tasks and responsibilities:
- Member of the management team;
- Acquisition, initiating and implementing European, national and branch and training programmes in the field of management, ICT, quality management, Working Conditions, environmental care and HRM (for example, in cooperation with Ministry of Economic Affairs and Social affairs (EZ and SZW), Dutch Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MKB Nederland) and Confederation of Netherlands Industries and Employers (VNO-NCW), Chamber of Commerce, Innovation centre);
- Developing training programmes for entrepreneurs and employees in Small and Medium-sized business
- Representative IMK in various committees;
- Member of the board (secretary, treasurer of international foundation: “Grensoverschrijdend Ondernemen” – “International Entrepreneurship”);
- Final responsibility for the Back Office.

1986 – 1987 KPN Telecom and De Wissema Group (permanent employment)
Position: Management Consultant

Tasks and responsibilities:
Various advice commissions in the field of
organisational change, management and

1984 – 1986 Foundation Gelder-Kennis (permanent employment)
Position: Managing Director

Tasks and responsibilities:
- Commissioned by the foundation board to set up a Science park for high-quality technological start-up companies;
- Designing and implementing regional economic policy with regard to technology and innovation.
(The Foundation board consisted of representatives from the Province of Gelderland, GOM, municipalities, the Board of Governors of the Radboud University Nijmegen and the Board of the St. Radboud Hospital).

Publications and presentations
National and international publications and presentations about quality management, internet, ICT and E-business.

Administrative positions
1996–present Foundation Grensoverschrijdend Ondernemen
Foundation for International Entrepreneur- ship
1999-present Vereniging van Eigenaren Torenwijck
(Association of Owners Torenwijck)

Dutch : Fluent
English : Fluent
French : Good
German : Fluent


Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, Kandidaats
Nederlands Recht, 1981
Graduate School of Management Delft,
Doctoraal Bedrijfskunde, 1984

Courses: management, project- en programmamanagement (Prince 2), kwaliteitsmanagement (ISO en HACCP), arbozorg, milieuzorg, personeelsmanagement, administratieve organisatie, financieel management, informatiemanagement en IT Servicemanagement (o.a. ITIL) en CRM.


Energetic and result-oriented people manager who works towards realistic targets and can function well in complex political and administrative fields and within different corporate cultures. Has strategic insight into the field of organisational development.
Focuses on organisational improvement, new business development and innovation on the intersection of organisation and ICT.
Stimulates, motivates and assists managers and employees to take their own responsibilities and realise and improve their tasks in a result-oriented way.


Nederlands: vloeiend
Engels: vloeiend
Duits: vloeiend
Frans: goed


Knowledge of and experience with: management, change management, project and program management (Prince2), quality management (ISO-9000), marketing management, financial management, staff management, housing, SAPR/3, BPR, CRM, administrative organisation, information management, ICT, IT-Service management (ITIL) and Web development.


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