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Project Management/ Automatiseerder

Project Management/ Automatiseerder

Work Experience

2003 – up to present time: Running own company in maintenance and advice

•partly as freelancer, working direct for various companies. Works diverse from making quottes/offers to manual labour
•partly obtain own projects, therefore fully responsible for finance and schedule, parts of these projects are being executed by third parties.

2000 – 2002 : Glenayre EMEA

position: Project Manager

responsible for:
•scheduling of daily maintenance, problem resolving, and projects with one of three major customers
•installation of new systems for customer all over the EMEA region (project value between $200k and 1.5 million)
•in house implementation of new standards

1995 – 2000 : Engineering company Raytheon E&C

position: Discipline Manager CAD Engineering

responsible for:
• setup of PDS projects. Together with a CAD engineer project setup with, if required, implementation of specific customers requirements
• Keep in detail up to date with developments within PDS (company standard) and in general with CAD developments.
• Inform the organization, as well the PDS/CAD user as management on relevant new developments.
• When required schedule and execute the implementation of new CAD software (requirements of the clients or upgrades)
• Organized a small test pilot on PDMS as Raytheon wanted to be more competetive
• organization of daily support on all CAD software and assist to solve any technical problems
• when needed organize, in cooperation with departments, user training (in house and outdoors)
• keep contact with other offices on experiences/ knowledge on software
• implementation of 2D and 3D PDS projects on site with the clients
• focal point/ contact person for all contacts with CAD software suppliers
• When required give presentation to (potenial) clients on finished projects in DesignReview
• schedule supply of hardware on the several in house projects

Main tasks were to make sure that all technical requirements of the customers at the hand over of the projects were met and together with that the in house use of CAD software and all related issues run as smoothly as possible.

1993 – 1995 : PDS software supplier Intergraph

position : CAD Support Engineer

responsible for: 3D CAD support and development

• training: the scheduled in house and on site with customers: PDS modules Equipment and Piping, Spec writing, the Steel structure package FrameWorks and electrical/ instrumentation EERway.
•give training on generating required drawings with PD-draw and Isogen
•Keep up to date with Microstation as this is the basis of PDS.
•Using DesignReview for demonstration and instructions during training and demo’s.
•PDS project setup with all related issues like installing sofware, creating databases, organize the project structure on Unix and/ or NT with reference files, server setup and workstations setup, creating users and setting the correct rights
•Basic training on the P&ID package PDS2D
•Promotion of the integration between PDS2D P&ID schematics and 3D modeling. Mainly by giving demonstrations to engineers companies
•Direct use of databases like Oracle, Informix and SQL server mostly for PDS but as well as a help to find out problems with PDS
•problems encountered by clients were investigated by creating a simular environment as with client and try to repoduce the problem. If problem couldn’t be solved localy a solution had to be found in cooperation with the head office.
•certifing PDS Equipment module in main office Huntsville
•system support: when required assist customers with Unix and/ or NT questions/ problems in combination with PDS
•Programming in Perl

Main task was supporting clients with trouble shooting on the installed software and training of users. Secondary task was testing of software, assist sales and the promotion of the integration of P&ID and 3D.

1991 – 1993 : Comprimo (Stork)

position: Rotating Engineer

responsible for:
• specify and selection of rotating equipment
• acceptance test with suppliers
• evaluate and report on offered equipment
• provide data to project team / designers

1988 – 1991 : Tebodin Engineers and Consultants

postition: group leader department Engineering

responsible for:
• Mainly involved in the automation of piping department. Worked in a team to implement CAD (CADAM) and material handling software.
• Invested, evaluated and worked on pilot project of 3D modeling software (PlantSpace)
• Organized and gave user training and management introduction training
• Implement material package in other offices.


1980 - 1987 : Technical University Delft,
Engineering, specialization Vehicle Dynamics

1976 - 1979 : VWO (High School)

1974 - 1976 : Havo (Senior General Secondary Education)

1970 - 1974 : Mavo 4 (General Secondary Education)

1990 : Course Engineering Piping

1992 : Basic management training

1993 - 1995 : Various Intergraph/ PDS software package training
UNIX Operating system training,
Databases: Oracle/ Informix
Windows NT training

1998 : Management course

1999 : Advanced support training

2000 : Project management course

2001 : Several product training MVP course


Nederlands, Engels, Duits


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