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HR Director

HR Director

Work Experience



HR Director (full time assignment for 13 months)
GBM Services
Recruitment assignments (part-time)
Queens Moat House Pension Schemes
Adviser to the Trustees (part-time)


1993 – 2001 Director of Human Resources
2000 – 2001 also Director of e-commerce

1987-1993 BET PLC

1991-93 Human Resources Director, Initial Contract Services
1987-90 Human Resources Director, Biffa Waste Services


1982-87 Group Personnel Manager, Powell Duffryn Timber
1978-82 Personnel Manager, PDT Palgrave Brown

Joined as trainee – progressed to Head Office Personnel Manager


JIGSAW DAY NURSERIES LTD Sept 2001 to Oct 2002

A VC (3i) backed enterprise, comprising 35 children’s day nurseries, all purpose-built, offering a high standard of child care, based around an extensive curriculum. Turnover c £15million and growing, c.850 staff. Developed by an entrepreneur who failed to meet the profitability expectations of the investors, and I was asked to join a turn around team, initially for two months, subsequently extended several times to a total continuous assignment of 13 months. The business was consistently hitting budget, for the first time ever, at the time that I left

• Recommended, gained acceptance for, and implemented a new senior management structure
• Recommended, gained acceptance for, and implemented a new HR structure and recruited a young HR Manager with good growth potential to lead it.

• Achieved significant cost savings from the implementation of a staff childcare scheme, maximising tax advantages through a ‘salary sacrifice’system.
• Achieved a 20% reduction in absenteeism
• Following a serious incident, I undertook a review of all Health & Safety policies and procedures and personally managed the production of new Health & Safety, Childcare, Kitchen & Food Safety, Risk Assessment Manuals and a comprehensive Safety System
• Took responsibility for all aspects of a Head Office move from London to Milton Keynes, including staffing, telecomms, space planning, furniture, IT infrastructure. Delivered on time (six week timescale) and to budget.


I was asked to continue as an Adviser to the Queens Moat Houses Pension Schemes and to attend their meetings. This arrangement was renewed after an initial period. I also undertook recruitment assignments for GBM Services, a contract cleaning business.



Director of Human Resources
Director of e-commerce

An international hotel group with current sales in excess of £350 million and 90 hotels in the UK and continental Europe.
Head-hunted to join a small top management team put in place to rescue the company immediately after well publicised losses of £1 billion were incurred and its shares had been suspended.


Led a team which implemented a 6% payroll reduction in the first 12 months (£8 million saving); Profit Related Pay (PRP) was introduced, using Government incentives to generate a further £1 million p.a. saving.

Conceived, developed and implemented a programme to instil a service culture in the business. This resulted in an improvement in our Mystery Guest scores of 10 percentage points and contributed to a labour turnover reduction of around 50%

Recruited MDs for each of our two European divisions, and worked with them at developing their management teams. Recruited and developed the cadre of hotel general managers in the UK business. Instilled a culture of vibrancy and achievement.

Took control of the recruitment budget, previously held by hotels, and delivered improved performance and a cost saving of 25% in the first year (previously increasing each year by 20 –50%).

The management team was successful in increasing operating profits from £18.4 million in 1993 (£0.7 million loss in 1992) to £67 million in 2000 on a substantially reduced property portfolio, and the balance sheet was converted into a net asset position.

Took on the role of e-commerce director in 2000 (retaining my responsibilities as HR director, but devolving day to day work to my deputy), subsequently promoted to group e-commerce director. Over a period of approximately 18 months researched the application of e-commerce activities to a company such as QMH, and set up a small team to develop room sales via the internet.

Set up a web-site with many innovative elements, and a sales line that rose from zero to exceed an annualised rate of £1 million within 12 months. Developed and introduced an active intranet, which was playing an increasingly important role in the company’s administration.

BET PLC 1987 to 1993
An international business services group, one of the UK's top 100 companies. Divisions included cleaning, textile rental, security and communications, transport and distribution, plant services, personnel and catering services. Revenues were £2.5 billion from 1300 locations worldwide.

Initial Contract Services - Human Resources Director 1991 - 1993
The world’s second largest contract cleaning company with revenues of £350 million and 65,000 employees. Invited to join the Board by the newly appointed Chief Executive to help him integrate recent acquisitions and restore declining profitability.

Identified that the management was over extended and responsibilities diffused; removed two levels of management, merged several profit centres and focused responsibilities. Achieved £5 million annual savings.
Totally refurbished senior management structure; in the first 18 months recruited 50 MD's, directors and senior managers mainly from outside the business. Made ICS an exciting place to work!
Reduced customer attrition from 35% to 20% in the first year as a result of increased attention to service quality.
Reduced Industrial Tribunal applications by 50% by improved management and controls.

Biffa Waste Services - Human Resources Director 1987 - 1990
Company activities included waste collection and transport, landfill, clinical waste, gas management and liquid waste treatment. Recruited to manage the HR dimensions of the business during a period of rapid growth - revenues were subsequently increased organically from £25m to £125m in four years, with better than pro-rata profit growth in an increasingly "green" environment..

Implemented an extensive organisation restructure, recruiting for a large number of new key posts, increasing the level of professionalism in the business.
Worked with the Chief Exec. in our first European acquisitions. Recruited a chief executive for Belgium/Holland and worked with him at recruiting and developing the management team for the newly formed subsidiary which grew to £30 million sales.
Developed and led Industrial Relations strategy and national negotiations
Identified the need for, specified and implemented a computerised personnel control and information system. Built up developed a professional personnel and training team.

An industrial group with two thirds of its interests in distribution and storage (then fuel, oil and chemicals) and one third in specialist engineering and the supply of construction materials. Revenues c. £700 million.

1982 - 1987 Powell Duffryn Timber - Group Personnel Manager
1978 - 1982 PDT Palgrave Brown - Personnel Manager
Joined Palgrave Brown to develop operational personnel experience and to set up a new personnel function in a division of 12 branches in East Anglia. Successfully introduced contracts of employment for all employees, managed aggressive union problems, recruited, analysed training needs, and devised and implemented training and management development programmes.
Promoted in 1982 to responsibility for all of Powell Duffryn Timber's 40 branches (£60 million sales, 1200 employees), led an organisation restructure, recruited at a senior level, introduced cashless pay, implemented an appraisal scheme and trainee schemes and successfully 'sold' our management development programme to other PD group companies.


Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development 1994


A Senior Executive, operating at Management Committee level in international service companies, effective in improving business performance through the application of HR Management strategies.


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