Flex Manager
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HR (Project) Manager

HR (Project) Manager

Work Experience

Project manager Group HR, ABN AMRO
Responsible for the design and grading of the HR Job Family Structure, generic pro-files. memeber of Hr Restructuring team. Desiging org.structure of Centres of Expertise within HR.

• Mediating between board of a theatre-(foundation) and the director regarding roles, responsibilities and expecta-tions. Delivering teamwork training for the permanent staff.

• Project manager Group Compliance HR Infrastructure, ABN AMRO Duration: 12 months
Responsible for the design and grading of the (Global) Group Compliance Job Family Structure, generic pro-files, competency catalogue and the grading of the roles. As well as alignment with local grading systems. As-sisiting HR in validating proposals for promotions. Ad-vising Compliance Business Units on specific aspect of Organizational Design. Creating overview of all Com-pliance training programs within AAB. Responsible for creating continues overview of GC headcount and va-cancies. Meetings with members of GMT and Global and Regional COO. Alignment meetings with senior managers in Netherlands, UK, Brazil, North America and Hong Kong. Managing HR Project team (max.4 fte).

• Interim manager “Pantein Thuiszorg” in Boxmeer (NL) Member of Board . Managing 15 fte. Responsible for the junction of two administrative departments and aligning the administrative organization. Implementing new ways of working. Creating more cost awareness with the em-ployees as well as a change in behaviour. Duration: 10 months

• Interim HR manager in a law firm (30 employees) Describing a personnel guide, creating a personnel data-base, responsible for attracting and hiring. Duration: 3 months

• Interim manager/consultant with a retail organisation. Giving advice and implementing a way to decrease the percentage of sick leave. Result: decrease from 11% til 8% (after 5 months)

• Delivering training for ABN Amro (BU-NL and GSS coaching and performance management (hired via Right Management Consultants)

• Project manager of the Royal Dutch Airlines Outplace-ment Centre. Writing and implementing guidelines. Managing and coaching a team of 10 career consultants as well as 4 job coaches. Frequently meetings with the CWI, Head of HR of the Royal Dutch Airlines, external vendors. Duration: 11 months

• Implementing Competency and Performance Manage-ment with the Rabo bank (20 local offices)


• “Training and Development” Hogeschool Holland in Diemen (best to be looked upon as Bachelor organisa-tional Psychology), graduated


Knwoledge of Dutch Labour legslation, experience in working in high presuure international result driven organizations. Communications skills, Project Management skills, delivering training and coaching. Desining frameworks and models for talent management.


German English Dutch


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