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Marketing and Corporate Communications Director

Marketing and Corporate Communications Director

Work Experience

Recent roles
European Telecom plc (international mobile telephone distributor) 2000 - 2001
Group Marketing Director responsible for marketing, corporate affairs and internal communications across the Group. Managing internal and corporate communications including City, disposals, redundancies, relocations and restructures. Developing marketing campaigns targeted at the independent dealer channel. Team of 12 direct reports.
Introduced integrated communications programmes (including intranet) across the business to support significant change management and BPR
Restructured channel marketing and introduced product marketing function
Evaluated minimum cost re-branding activity including re-launched dealer monthly magazine
Re-established visibility in trade media

Thorn/Nomura (Quadriga subsidiary) - interactive TV solutions for hotel industry
Head of Marketing (1997 to 2000)
Responsible for international marketing and corporate communications function in 30 EMEA countries. Directed product marketing and developed integrated marketing programmes.
Focused business to act as a single entity across EMEA
- repositioned business as market leading in its core products
- implemented radical new global brand strategy and identity
Developed internal and external briefing programmes and major events to communicate new strategy, brand and proposed business sale
Introduced customer behaviour research for product development, sales training development, customer dialogue and media coverage (increased from minimal to regular exposure)

Cable and Wireless plc (global business to business telecoms)
Head of Global Marketing Communications (1993 - 1997)
Management of team focusing on brand development, internal and external communications.
Directed start-up marketing programmes for new business developments (joint ventures in oil and shipping)
Developed, repositioned and launched Global Services brand
- masterminded C&W’s first integrated global marketing programme
- built 10% increase in awareness of global services solutions worldwide (24% US )
- initiated and leveraged media and publishing consultants interest from a zero base
Strengthened global internal communication to support dispersed global business

Nortel Ltd (telecoms manufacture)
Marketing Communications Manager, Telephone Products Division (1991 - 1993)
Established Marketing Communications function and sales support services to support growing UK and international sales, product management and manufacturing for the business throughout Europe.
Introduced a new product identity in UK, Poland and Spain
- implemented first sales promotion and events for Polish telephone business, increasing sales
Introduced internal communications programmes across multiple sites
Managed the international manufacturing plant’s rebirth including Royal opening event

Madge Networks Ltd (IT manufacturing)
Marketing Services Manager (1990 - 1991)
First corporate communications manager to move the company to be marketing led
Revised company’s public relations strategy
Implemented worldwide corporate standards for sales support
Developed £1m budget for corporate and channel marketing communications

Data Logic Ltd (IT services)
Marketing Services Manager (1987 - 1990)
Managed the corporate communications department providing a full range of external and internal communications
Implemented a complete new corporate identity
Increased market awareness of products and services through media relations
Initiated and managed a major strategic review of a loss making division resulting in its
disposal and managed the supporting communications for that disposal


Edinburgh University (Bachelor of Social Science, with distinction)


Brand creation and management
International product marketing and through-the-line marketing communications
Corporate affairs strategy and supporting PR and internal communications
Market research track record
Efficient management of major budgets
Additional skills
Consultancy, major project management, market research (academic and commercial), Middle East business operations


A creative, energetic, highly experienced international marketing professional specialising in communications. Develops strategy and programmes across multiple environments and cultures. In-house skills supported by consultancy experience. Strong team leader with a high degree of interpersonal skills and relationship management.


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