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Manager Interactive Marketing

Manager Interactive Marketing

Work Experience

today Hotheads Holding BV
[matching site for self employed people]

- business development
- project management

2001 Neboko Advertising Bureau > interactive marketing unit
[accounts: Unilever, AXA, Shell, Heineken, PCM]

- business development
- project management

Lost Boys Interactive,
[Arrows Formula One UK, internet site]

- project management

2000 Loyalty Management Netherlands
[Airmiles, internet site] [LCI back end / Lost Boys front end]

- workflow management
- project management

[Vrouw Online, internet site] [IBM back end / Lost
Boys front end]

- workflow management
- project management

1997- 1999 Master Communications BV in Amsterdam (interactive communication)

- senior project and account manager
- management team member


Sony Europe (Professional Systems - Displays)
- multimedia POS programs on CD-ROM

Canon Europe
- multimedia POS programs (Digital Video
- internet site (Digital Video Department)
- internet site (Professional Photography

Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat
- internet site Hoofddirectie van de Waterstaat
- internet site 200 years Rijkswaterstaat
- interior re-design Waterpaviljoen Neeltje Jans
(mobile POI's)

Randstad Holding (New Media Group)
- strategy development interactive media

KPN Telecom
- Interactive POS Primafoon (‘Chipper’ and ‘Hi’

KPN Research
- Demo program streaming video-conference
equipment ‘Arena’

Ministerie VWS / Nederlandse Transplantatie Stichting
- 65 Interactive Workshops in hospitals concerning
Organ Donation (WOD)wireless voting system with
DVD video .

1994- 1997 Spring Communication BV in Amsterdam (advertising agency)

- senior account director new media unit
- management team member


Sandoz International Basel
- POI program about the product Visken (London UK)
(award winner)
- POI program about the product Lomir (San Antonio
- Opinion leader program Lomir (La Napoule France)

Gist brocades International
- POS program about the product DeNol (Sydney

Philips International (Corporate Division)
- six multimedia motivation programs for all
affiliate Philips companies worldwide,
supporting the revitalization program ‘Centurion’
[award winner]

Philips Nederland
- consumer CD-i music band 2-Unlimited (award
- consumer CD-i motor company Harley Davidson

De Lotto
- interactive POS sites (product information)
- internet site (corporate- & product information)

Glaxo Nederland
- product information (product: Serevent)
- corporate multimedia project

Wyeth Nederland
- interactive refresher courses for GP’s (product:

NCR / Yapi Kredi Bank
- strategic advice on interactive Points of Sale
(Istanbul, Turkey)

1989-1993 EVAC BV in Amsterdam (bureau for interactive

- project manager
- management team member


- 21 internal AV journals, supporting the merging
- 5 internal motivation AV programs

Ministerie van Landbouw
- Floriade Zoetermeer Aart's Paradijs 2 x
interactive POI
- Unie van Waterschappen 6 x interactive POI,
outdoor site
- Interactive presentation Minister Bukman and
State Secretary Gabor

Veilig Verkeer Nederland
- Interactive POI programm on traffic & alcohol
consumption(award winner)

Other clients:

Sony Industrial, Staatsbosbeheer, Leo Pharma, Modam, IHE Delft, TNO, NCR,Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland.

1986-1988 BKP BV in Badhoevedorp (AV-producer)

- project manager
- management team member (1987)


Philips Nederland
- six interactive education- and training programs

- Organisation ‘Genootschap voor Reclame Congres’
- Organisation ‘Genootschap voor Reclame Congres’

Hakuhodo / Canon Europe
- Introduction program Canon EOS camera’s (16

1980-1985 Sony Industrial / Broadcast in Badhoevedorp (import AV equipment)

- project-engineer broadcast systems 80-82
- sales internal service industrial products 83-84
- marketing assistant industrial products 84
- marketing & sales manager new media products 85


2001: Landmark Forum / Advanced & Self Expression and Leadership Program
2000: Media training [Television] MCS Hoofddorp
1998: Management training 'Coaching' Innova Consultancy
1997: Management training 'Socratische gesprekken' Innova Consultancy
1992: Management training 'Self teaching Teams' The Wissema Group
1990: Management training 'Teambuilding' The Wissema Group
1984: French conversation courses (Maison Descartes)
1983: Marketing Manager ISW/IBW (equivalent Nima B)
1982: Marketing assistant ISW/IBW (equivalent Nima A)
1981-85 Sony UK indoor management / sales trainings
Sony Netherlands technical trainings
1980: International RT Licence (all types)
1979: Military Service
1979: Flight licence A2/A1 (RLD)
1978: HTS Elektrotechniek
1977: Racing licence Formula Ford & Formula Super Ford
1975: HAVO


I like to manage challenging interactive marketing / communication projects in the field of internet, interactive television and telecommunication. I really have proven results concerning:

• complex multidisciplinary interactive marketing / communication projects
- quality management
- time management
- financial management (max. € 2 mio budget size)
• relation management key accounts / suppliers
• team management (max. 50 team members so far) creative / technical / sales

I am adequate immune to stress, a discussion- / sparring-partner on senior management level.
‘Customer first’ approach. No 9 to 5 mentality. Slowly moving toward a more coaching /
consulting role. Convincing through communication, verbal as well as writing (Dutch / English).
Experienced in client relationships, -negotiations and -confrontations.Affinity for pure technical
skilled people (IT) and 'creative people' (communication) Broad relations network at client side (companies and government) and supplier side.

Specific skills and experience:

• Market research and market research methods
• Product positioning methods and -models
• Film-, video- and animation business
• Handling international projects
• Speaking in public
• Human resources management and processes of change


Dutch / English / Fench



1996 founder and vice chairman Associatie Interactief, De Bilt
1995 member of Innova Consultancy Network, Haarlem
1990 - 1995 member VAP (vereniging audiovisuele producenten), Hilversum

Side activities
2001 guest speaker for PCM publishers (TKMST / Carp)
2000 guest speaker for Haagse Hogeschool Den Haag
1997 - `2000 guest teacher interactive marketing Haagse Hogeschool, Den Haag
1995 guest speaker for Sony Nederland
1994 guest speaker for AT&T / NCR
1992 speaker for Glaxo
1991 guest speaker for DMIN (direct marketing congress)

1996 ‘5 basic media needs in a changing media consumption pattern’


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