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Work Experience

11/02 ¡V Present British Broadcasting Corporation UK
Server and Storage Strategy Manager

Delivering a comprehensive server, storage and desktop strategy through 2005-2010. The deliverable was a comprehensive strategy document with full financial support for the Board of BBC governors.
Evaluation of current strategies and point solutions, leading to the creation of a more convergent strategy.
Recommendation of middleware and Application development platforms.
Strategy and implementation of comprehensive tiered storage solution to deal with both business data and Digital end to end production
Definition and delivery of a multi channel desktop.
Mobiiity and collaboration solutions.
Portal technologies
Citrix Solutions
Definition and delivery of Tiered Storage model
Delivery of Server consolidation solution and realigning business into a services based organisation
Deliverables include end to end process definition and implementation of such people and processes.
Technology Evangelism communicating current and future developments to the various business units ensuring both the take up of technologies and alignment of projects with the future strategy.
Leading a highly technical team of 4th line developers. Developing solutions for 30,000 seat plus environment.
Solution and Supplier due diligence

Supplier relationships and engagement strategies:
„« HP
„« IBM
„« EMC Corporation
„« Microsoft
„« Sun Microsystems
„« Oracle
„« Documentum
„« Avanade
„« Network Appliances
„« Cisco Systems
„« Unisys
„« Veritas
„« HDS
„« Citrix
„« StorageTek
„« KVS
„« Dell
02/00 ¡V 11/02 Lookbeyond Netherlands

Technical Director

Next generation ASP technology. Providing secure, Data, Applications and VoIP as an integrated service, utilizing thin client technologies on both Windows and Unix technologies, in a non stop configuration. Delivered over secure broadband connections.
Development and deployment of middleware layer integrating Linux, Unix, windows and Mainframe applications., controlled through our software development partner in India. Applications made available for the web for use through standard browsers and 3G capable devices.
Responsible for the design and conception of the architecture, testing and development.
Responsible for production of funding documentation and corporate governance standards.

Developing partnership relationships with suppliers and manufacturers
„« Cisco Systems
„« Network Appliances
„« Easy Net
„« Bbned
„« Sun Microsystems
„« 4Cplus (Delhi)
„« Worldcom
„« Netvoyager
„« Cisco Systems/iPlanet
„« Redback Networks
„« Extreme Networks
„« Alcatel
Structuring supplier agreements
Delivery of Financial forecasts in conjunction with our CFO
Investor relationships
Media relationships
Oversee development of VoiP and Terminal applications, CTI implementation

07/00-07/02 Optiver Derivatives, Optiver VOF, Optiver LLC
Optiver Limited, Optiver ltd (AUS)

IT Manager/Strategist
Service development and design for Global Derivatives and Equities house.
Responsible for IT Operations globally
3rd Party Contacts
Shaping of Strategic Development
Resource Definition
Project definition and delivery
Design of Service support
Strategic Partnership investigation and Decision-making.
Responsible directly to the board to develop a core strategy for moving towards global implementation of and discovery of strategic market solutions.
Development of the teams and support services to enable a growing company to expand its operations across the globe without loss of service levels to the various trading activities desks.
Managing large, geographically dispersed teams, providing support and leadership to them to create a synergy across both platforms and sites. Encouraging lateral thinking in what is seen to be a staid market, therefore enabling the team members to be creative in their solutions, resulting in some unorthodox but compelling developments.
Created an environment of trust and cooperation between IT and the core business units enabling rapid development with the full backing of the end users.
Technologies and solutions introduced and integrated during this period include:

Gigabit LAN implementation
ATM wan links between international sites
Business Continuity Planning and implementation, dispersed application and data feeds across 3 geographically dispersed sites. ATM links ensuring no loss of real time data . Dispersion of market feeds on lowest cost basis, European feeds split between London and Amsterdam. North/ South American feeds split between Chicago and New York. In an on-site off site configuration.
Security Scanning and Firewalls
Integration of Unix / NT infrastructures
ORC implementation in Sydney, Hong Kong, New York and Amsterdam. Including database rationalization, for follow the sun trading.
GL infrastructure implementation including fail over to various international sites
RTS implementations again fail-over to London and New York.
Development of trading platform VC++, XML, XSL, Java (J2EE)
Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Server implementation. (Knowledge Management)
Exact (enterprise resource planning)
Market links to over 30 international Bourses
Standard working practices in both System Operations and Systems Development
Storage solution, NetApps and Compaq Storage Works
Core services database
Virus scanning and Viral defense systems
Project planning for New Buildings, Design, implement and move in a 0 downtime environment.
New MER environment
Introduction of Cost center accounting practices
Reuters Triach/ Bloomberg/bridge data feed rationalization and redundancy.
Review of Sun architecture including Sun Ray/Citrix platform integration for new dealing room concept.
03/99-07/00 KPN Netherlands Netherlands
Service Development Manager
Service development and design for major European Telco.
VPN Strategy; Definition and Design IPVPN Concept and Design documentation
IPsec infrastructure Radius integration , iPass secure servers, 802.1q vlan
Frame Relay / IP / ATM integration of core backbones to new DWDM based core.
Research and Development ¡V Cosine IPSX9000 and various VPN concentrator (led to Cisco¡¦s purchase of VPN concentrator technology)
Design and Implementation of Service support processes.
Billing schema
Projects included
„« Snelnet ¡V DSL test bed
„« Mxstream ¡V DSL production project, MDF, DSALM and aggregation
„« C7/ SS7 interconnect rollout project (based around LS1010 and SC2200 signaling controller) required for ¡§kickback¡¨ functionality for carrier pre-select customers.
„« Global roaming solution.

Strategic Partners
„« Ascend
„« Alcatel
„« Cisco
„« Cosine
„« Redback Networks
„« IPass
Strategic Partnership investigation and Decision-making.
Responsible directly to the corporate business unit to develop a core strategy for moving towards VPN implementation across the varying product offerings that KPN has at present and would like to offer in the future.
Provide a single unifying structure that is both scalable and cost effective. Ensuring services complied with Telecommunications legislation.
Briefing of Sales and Marketing on new product ranges, pricing and performance
This has involved close association with all areas in KPNs internet services units. As each has it¡¦s own view of where the business should be going and it¡¦s own particular links with preferred manufacturers.
Integration of sales and implementation processes of different Network units to enable billing process to work in disparate internal cost centers.

11/98-03/99 Shell N.V. Netherlands
Network & Infrastructure Consultant
Employed as a third party to investigate and report on network performance issues and business practices for a group of user communities. User groups were experiencing network/application and service delivery difficulties that impacted the groups core business strategies and profitability. The problem proved to be a political one with Shell having recently split the Oil exploration and development business units from it¡¦s service and support units. By doing this Shell had a commercial IT service company with the ability to sell service and support to various outside entities. Unfortunately the new Service unit leaned heavily on it¡¦s ¡§fixed¡¨ internal customers for revenue, whilst still being unprofitable in it¡¦s own right.
Recommendations included sliming of IT service arm relying less on outsourced and contract staff.
Ring fencing part of client units Capex and Opex and allowing them to shop on the open market for better value services.
„« Physical and Logical Network audit.
„« Data Flow statistics
„« Data Modeling
„« Reporting and Recommendations to senior management at an international level.
„« Process identification from customer and supplier sides.
05/98-11/98 Digital NCIS Netherlands
Infrastructure Architect
Represented DEC as a Technical / Business Consultant on client site. Initially involved in an investigation of Network and Systems configuration and feasibility of splitting network infrastructure for resale to UPC.
The client company is a large Utilities company that as part of it¡¦s infrastructure provides Cable TV and Telephony to it¡¦s customer base. During the 1980¡¦s the Dutch government invested heavily in providing fiber backbones over it¡¦s power distribution system. When these companies privatized in the late 90¡¦s. They were left with this infrastructure and client base intact. As this was not core business and represented a large asset base, it was decided that the infrastructures should be logically split allowing the Utility to sell this asset.
The split occurred in September 1999, this was then sold to UPC/ UPG for approximately 0.5 billion euros. The resulting funds enabling the utility to purchase 2 smaller companies.
I was offered a role with UPC at this point but declined the offer.
Integration of Network , Systems, Applications and Processes needed before implementation of CA Unicenter.
Redesign of WAN components to provide a switched backbone, with an element of redundancy. IP based network using Digital Multi-chassis with VN switch technology and Cisco routers.
Capacity planning: Systems and Network to add provision for growth in both Data and applications usage

06/97¡V05/98 Shell NV Netherlands
Network / Systems Consultant
Involved in preliminary planning for ATM core services.
ATM, Gigabit Ethernet preparation. Including Data flow analysis of present
network structure.
NT4 Infrastructure Design: Servers and Desktop.
Planning and providing all the functionality required in such a demanding environment as Shell. Integration and testing of up to 300 applications from data modeling to simple X services
Integration of MS Outlook with Openmail back end.
Router configuration
Provision of SQL and IIS services

11/96-06/97 IBM (UK) U.K.
NT & Exchange Server configuration, for Halifax building Society. Probably the largest NT implementation at the time. Approx. 32,000 seats.
My role there was to help and advise the full time IBM team, whilst moulding them into a coherent systems management team. Managing Servers and Desktops with Tivoli and the ATM / Token ring network with HP Openview

1984¡V1990 Great Universal Stores PLC. U.K.
Data Operations
Data Processing and Dissemination
Systems Admin / Data Operations
Involvement in planning data center move from Worcester to Manchester. Move was completed successfully without undue disruption to normal operations schedule.
Provided support and advice to contract centers when we received our first PC¡¦s


1982¡V1984 Manchester Polytechnic U.K.
Computer Technology and Management Studies
1974¡V1981 Chadderton Grammar School U.K.
8 O¡¦Levels
3 A¡¦ Levels
Prince II
Management Development Courses Krauthammer 2000, 2001, 2002
Nederlands Taal ¡V Regina Coeli 2000


Man Management, Budget provision, Project Management,Service Development.


English, Dutch


An entrepeneurial individual that wants to share hi svaried experiences with others


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