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Interim manager

Interim manager

Work Experience

Chris established After-Thought Solutions Limited in December 1996 as a portfolio vehicle to offer either short term consulting or longer term interim Management Assignments in the knowledge management, document & information management technologies.
His areas of interest concern the effective application of technology to business problems. His research in this area and in the wider area of information, knowledge management and technology has included a number of consulting projects for clients where speed, an innovative approach and an ability to execute effectively were essential requirements.
Project Summaries
2000 - 2002 Raft International – Chris was invited to join Raft (on a PAYE basis) just prior to the company’s IPO and delivered a number of projects on their behalf.In addition he was responsible for developing and initiating the internal change management strategy designed to transition the company from a “Bespoke” development house to a Product Company.His final project with Raft was to research the market and competitive profile of the Credit Risk, Collateral Management and Energy Trading Markets in detail and formulate a market engagement strategy.
Brask Investment Bank – Brask Investment Bank was a start-up organisation aiming to identify investment opportunities and channel funds from large institutional funds in the Middle East.As a start up organisation the Chairman wanted an information and document management strategy that was both affordable initially and capable of being scaled smoothly as the bank grew.In addition an outline design for an innovative time management system was designed to give visual cues to the Investment Bankers to ensure they were maintaining the target mix of business development and execution.
Rathbones – Rathbones were experiencing increasing problems with client servicing satisfaction.A TOC analysis of the problem demonstrated that client behaviour had changed and significantly more business was transacted by telephone than had been the case in he past.As the Private Bankers did not have online access to much of the clients data it was impossible for them to give an immediate confirmation of required transactions.This caused errors and delays in confirming client instructions.
British Petroleum – The “Digital Business” division of BP were failing to be successful with the implementation of a “Systematic Reuse” strategy involving component based software development.Chris worked with the project team to try to understand the failure and determine if the project could be rescued – unfortunately it could not be revived before funding ran out.
Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein – The Private Equity Business of DrKW wanted to understand whether the use of advanced data and document management techniques might provide benefits in their highly specialised and individual environment.Chris was asked to interview the business principals primarily in London and New York.From a starting point of extreme scepticism within 6 weeks DrKW had scoped 17 individual projects of which 5 were deemed to be emergencies.
1996 - 01 British Institute of Regulatory Affairs –Chris has a long term involvement in the Pharmaceutical Document Management field as a result of his work in the early stages of the Documentum launch.He is a co-opted member of the IT Steering Committee of the British Institute of Regulatory Affairs. He has been a prime mover in the development of an innovative Internet strategy for the Institute. He then engaged in implementing a new web based community for both The British Institute of Regulatory Affairs and The European Society for Regulatory Affairs in consortium with TeamWARE Group – then a division of Fujitsu.
1999 - 00 Euler Trade Indemnity - Chris has been working with Euler the world's largest credit insurance company to help them understand the implications of the Internet for the credit Insurance business. He then helped Euler formulate their B2B e-commerce strategy and with the marketing of their new global web presence.
1999 Black Forest Group - Chris was invited to present on the emerging field of Knowledge Management at the recent Dublin meeting of the Black Forest Group.This is a small but highly influential group of senior executives from CitiCorp, General Motors, The Post Office, Motorola, etc. This group was instrumental in setting up of the Workflow Management Coalition and the Document Management Alliance and is presently concerned about business to business ecommerce and security issues.Chris was invited to join the group as an individual member, particularly to participate in the groups consideration of the area of knowledge management.
1999 CCTA -Chris worked with the CCTA (now part of the Office of Government Commerce) Document Management Interest Group to help government departments understand the implications, costs and benefits of electronic information management as part of their information management strategies.
1997 Data Protection Registrar – The new Commission for Data Protection is one of the key regulatory bodies with a role in the future of e-commerce in the UK.Further projects involved working with the DPR to improve their understanding of the role and implications of the Internet for the commission.
1996 – 02 Kingston University – Chris is regularly invited to lecture at Kingston University on the topic of Human Computer Interaction and Document Management particularly in relation to Clinical Data Management and Regulatory Affairs in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
1997 - 00 Post Office – Chris was the Project Manager for the Post Office Integrated Work and Information Management (IWIM) Procurement.This was a project to identify and select an appropriate prime contractor for the Post Office IWIM programme.IWIM was a five year investment programme designed to address the management of unstructured information in the Post Office.Research has shown that the project encompasses up to half of the identified overhead of the business.
This procurement was required to be full compliant with GATT/WTO rules and had to be completed in a highly compressed time-scale using the PRINCE2 Project Management Method.Through the unique and innovative use of the Internet the project was completed on time and in compliance with all of the required regulations.This had been thought to be impossible.
In 1999 Chris was contracted to organise an innovative senior management conference with supporting workshops for the top 200 managers in the Post Office. He is now working on a project to enable wider communication of the program through the Post Office.
Chris has participated in the development of the IWIM business architecture and is working with the Post Office Research Group to develop the Post Office strategy and approach to Knowledge Management and to e-commerce and the Internet.
1998Further Education Funding Council – Chris led a team that completed an intense study to assess the feasibility of utilising electronic document management throughout the FEFC.
1998 – 9 Opentext Intranet Limited - Chris was asked to assist the company with its European entry strategy including the identification, investigation and analysis of a number of companies as potential acquisition targets for the company.
1998 British Broadcasting Corporation – Chris was invited by the BBC to participate, as a full team member, in the development of an Intranet Strategy White Paper for the BBC.Chris’ role was to prevent the project from getting "overly process or technically oriented" to ensure the project was focused on user requirements.In this role over 60 previously unconsidered new applications opportunities for the BBC were identified and substantially documented.
1997 - 99 Strategy Magazine – Chris has been invited to review several new publications in the Technology and Internet sphere. Details of his reviews are accessible on the @tsl website.
1997 - 00TeamWARE Group – Chris was a co-founder of Sentinel Net Limited a specialist ISP established to support research into the evolution of virtual communities in the Internet.This research has lead to a marketing/technology partnership between ATSL and TeamWARE Group which is implementing an initial reference site with the British Institute of Regulatory Affairs.
1996 - 98Nat West Bank - Several assignments in the Document and Information Management areas primarily involved with the development and re-engineering of the processes supporting the internal branch procedures and guidance documentation and information circulars.Responsible for developing an approach to benefits recognition and ROI appraisal for Intranet projects.
1996 - 98Xerox Research Centre - Chris was retained to assist the Xerox Research Centre in Grenoble with early market identification and commercialisation opportunities for a number of research projects including Internet based knowledge brokers, constraint based querying mechanisms and wide-area and web based workflow systems.

Previous Career
Rank Xerox 1986 – 12/96
Joined Xerox as the company was establishing a market position in Office Systems. Primarily associated with marketing Office Automation Systems, Networking and Document Management products.
Document Evangelist1995 – 1996
Internal and external product marketing and training Xerox people to be able to articulate the Xerox story around being “The Document Company”.
Documentum Marketing Manager1992-1996
Establishing the early market for a new product from a Xerox venture associate company, Documentum.For the first two years Chris was the only business development resource in the UK for Documentum. The Documentum product is an advanced, object oriented, client/server Enterprise Document Management System (EDMS). Chris was closely involved in the application of an advanced market engagement strategy (Crossing The Chasm) designed to facilitate rapid market penetration for innovative high technology products.
The success of this project is measurable through the very high level of awareness and market share for Documentum – initially by capturing 90% marketshare in the pharmaceutical industry and more recently in telecommunications and finance. Documentum achieved its IPO with a market Capitalisation of $480 million from an initial Xerox investment of $11 million.
Manager, Integrated Systems Marketing1991 – 1993
Responsible for identification ofthe market potential for a range of technologies in development at Xerox PARC including information visualisation (now InXsight), document management (now Documentum) and workflow (now InConcert).In addition managed an integration team responsible for several major systems integration bids (e.g. LITS – Logisitics Information Technology Strategy value circa £750 million, Royal Navy Bookworm – technical documentation on Royal Navy ships. ASPECT etc..).
Manager, Office Systems Marketing1989 – 1991
Launched Xerox’s own Desk Top Publishing system into the market.In parallel, developed the Xerox Ventura DTP package to 80% market share in the UK.
Group Product Manager, Office Systems1987 – 1989
Managed a group of product managers concerned with a full range of office systems
Manager, Strategic Business Opportunities1986
Investigated emerging PC market and adapted Xerox (UK) strategy accordingly.
DRG/Apricot 1983 - 1986
Headhunted to turn round the Micro-Computer Distribution Division that had suffered major changes in its supply chain as its US supplier of systems merged with a competitor.
Re-organised the business and grew it into the largest independent microcomputer dealer chain in the UK. When DRG eventually decided to withdraw from the microcomputer business and transferred the division to ACT (Apricot) it had grown from £2.4 million to £8 million annual turnover returning 60% on Capital employed.
After completing the transfer of the distribution business to Apricot, returned to DRG as Area Director for the DRG Barratt Business to turn around their business in Northampton.
Nissei–Sangyo1982 - 1983
Nissei-Sangyo was the Trading Division of the Hitachi Group responsible for establishing initial marketing partnerships on behalf of non branded Hitachi factories.Established distribution for a 16bit8086 based Microcomputer which involved a complex set of relationships and negotiations for software supply from, athen small but fast growing, Microsoft.
Vermont Research Limited1977 - 1982
Commercial Manager - Responsible for sales administration and for controlling and routing the company service engineers. (3 years)
International Sales Manager - Responsible for France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Yugoslavia.
VRL was a specialist manufacturer of rotating Mass Memory devices aimed primarily at the Military, Telecommunications & Process Control OEM Market.


BAHons (Business Studies),
GinstM, MCIM


Records Management
Document Management
Knowledge Management
Workflow management
Business Process Management
Requirements Discovery
Business Case Development
Investment Case Analysis
High Technology Marketing Strategies
Project Management Prince2 & Critical Chain
Market Research
market Intelligence
Internet Branding
Internet Marketing
Procurement Management
Risk Management
Operational Risk
Business Development


English, French


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