Flex Manager
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Work Experience


Personal Details

Birthdate : 09 april 1973
Place of birth : Den Haag, Nederland
Civil status : Married, 2 children


Passionate manager with wide experience in the field of processes and project management, both at projects in the initiative phase, the work preparation and implementing fase and at the use stage. Called experience acquired within several types organisations among which commercial institutions, retail and housing corporations.


nov. ‘99 to present XXXXXX BV Den Haag
Executive / independent entrepreneur

Constituents : ING Projectmanagement / Construction Supervisor
Van den Bergh Kruifheer Elffers Architects Construction Supervisor
STAEDION Real Estate Developement Projectmanager / Construction Supervisor
STRABAG construction & developement Work preparator
HEIJMANS construction corporation Work preparator
Housing corporation “de Nieuwe Unie” co-management department Systematic Maintenance
Housing corporation “STAEDION Wonen” Projectmanager Systematic Maintenance
Dyade dienstverlening onderwijs Projectmanagement / Construction Supervisor / Quantity Surveyance / Quality Control
ROB Holland-West Projectmanagement / Construction Supervisor / Quantity Surveyance / Quality Control

For a vast overview of the tasks carried out during the period as independent entrepreneur see the appendix at this resumé

dec.‘98 up to nov.’99 Kloet & Van de Merwe Architects Delft
Projectengineer / Manager

Projects : Development of housing project of 188 private owned houses Literatuurwijk West in Almere
Development of housing project of 56 public owned houses Horsterveld te Zeewolde

Responsabilities : Authority technical area, supervisor of 5 draughtsmen and 3 assistent projectengineers
Responsible for “cold acquisation” of new projects
Responsible for manufacturing, monitoring and if neccesary / possible adjustments of plannings
Conducting disdussions with consituents and remaining in process involved parties
Manufacturing of tenders / offers
Coordination of daily “ins and outs” on the office

July’98 up to Dec.’98 Jaap van Kampen Architects Delft
(Assistent-) Projectengineer

Projects : Restauration / Renovation public owned housing 2° Scheepvaartstr. in Hoek van Holland
(former project of a Dutch well-known 1930’s architect J.J.P. Oud)
Development of entrances for flats Kobelaan in Rotterdam.
Renovation of entrances STER-flats in Rotterdam.

Responsabilities: supervisor of 2 draughtsmen
Monitoring of project progress, as well as manufacturing of construction drawings and details
Checking of drawings (incomming and outgoing)

may ’95 up to june ’98 L I A G architects and constructional advisors Den Haag
Draughtsman - Assistent projectengineer

Projecten : produced drawings in Specifications phase of Renovation Technical University of Delft (Mechanical
Engineering) Internal renovation / modernisation of Shell hadquarters in Den Haag (construction of
Congresroom, Meetingrooms, Restaurant and kitchen-facilities) (all phases from Master Design to
Constructions Drawings)
Master Design, Specifications Phase and Constructions Phase drawings for Renovation / Modernisation and
construction of ABN-AMRO bank regional headquarters Kneuterdijk in Den Haag.
Master Design drawings Provinciehuis (Province House) Zuid Holland in Den Haag (details)
Master Design and Specifications Phase drawings Bridge-building in Rijswijk (OV-plein)
Master Design, Specifications Phase and Construction drawings Renovation and extension Primary School
“de Krakeling” in Arnhem.
Design, Master Design, Specifications Phase and Construction Phase drawings Construction / Renovation
“Merewade College” in Gorinchem
Master Design and Specifications Phase drawings Construction HTS-Autotechniek (Technical school) in Arnhem
Master Design and Specifications Phase drawings Construction HEAO (Economics school) in Arnhem

jan. ’93 up to aug. ’93 L I A G architects and constructional advisors Den Haag
Training Period

Projecten : Construction Phase drawings Renovation / Restauration building former S.V.B in Amsterdam
(commercial / offices building former project of a Dutch well-known 1930’s architect D. Roosenburg)
Specifications and Construction Phase drawings Restauration offices Royal Institute of Engenieers, KIvI, in Den Haag

sept. ‘92 up to dec. ’93 SLOKKER Construction Corporation Zoetermeer
Training Period

Projecten : assistent construction site manager appartments / offices Bezuidenhoutseweg in Den Haag

aug. ’91 SLOKKER Real Estate Developement Zoetermeer
Holiday Job


september 2010 EPA advisor (house energy rating)
september 2010 EPA inspections (house energy rating)
januari 2010 PRINCE II® foundation (PAT Learning Solutions)
januari 2010 building-site security VOL-VCA (VCA Nederland), certificaatnr. 9644551/2/NL/054692
december 2006 EPA Advisor (house energy rating) (Meijer Energy & Milieumanagement)
februari 2005 Course aggression control (Pieters & Partners)
1997-2002 Hogeschool Rotterdam & Omstreken Bachelor study Engineering
1990-1995 Tinbergen Techniek, Potter MTS, Den Haag study Engineering
1987-1990 S.G. “Westhage”, Den Haag MAVO D
1986-1987 Chr.S.G. “Groen van Prinsterer College”, Den Haag MAVO / HAVO


affinity with computers, affinity with, and interests for, new developments in both the field and the world around of my specialisation, interest in several cultures, equitation, golf, cars as well as holidays (co-owner of a holiday rental in Morocco)


well adaptability in new and/or changing organisations and surroundings circumstances
management style on human relations, team shaping, efficiency and functionality.
good analytical and problem solving capacity.
good communicative skills, oral and written expression skill good
knowledge of and skill with automation

Languages :
Dutch (orally: native / in writing: native)
English (orally: good / in writing: good)
French (orally: well / in writing: basic level)


On request I gladly supply a complete list of references

list of tasks / constituents

2007- 2009

- ING, Amsterdam (Facility Management, Facilities Domestic Banking)

Activities: - Projectmanager region West (Zuid-Holland + UItrecht (Zuid))
Projectmanagement and end-responsable (budget and planning) for roll out of the “NWE bank” project
(new bank concept with new bankstore)

Acting as a intermediair between constituent and executive party (constuction compagny), conducting Executive Board, coordinating the implementation with all parties concerned, budget responsable, deciding on all necessary questions (both financially and time-tied) checking of all drawings incl. looking after the distribution of drawings, looking after the required administration, chairing meetings with all in the construction process involved parties Anticipating the rebuilding activities inspection of the appointed “to be renovated objects” and coordinating design, budgets and invitations to the tender. On-site (on the construction-site) solvation of all kinds of problems (that can obstruct progress), both technical and organisationally (planning / organisation). Supervising 1 Projectmanager

Project description:
Within 3 years and on an exceptionally high speed old “Postbank” offices and newly acquired shopspace had to be turned into the new concept: a “bank shop formula” of ING, the total roll-out of this “bank shop formula” had to take place on 250 locations all over the Netherlands. I have organised and managed the total renovation of 86 shops (turn-key) within a period of 3 weeks per shop from start-to-end (all within budget and planning) leaving the project with a budget surplus because I have improved several processes during the constructions phase.


- Staedion Real Estate Developement (formerly known as Citadel Projects), Den Haag

Activities: - Projectmanagement during Construction of divers projects
- (e.g. project of public housing “Hunzehof” in Den Haag (realisation family houses and en apartements)

Coördination of the construction-process with all parties concerned, budget responsable, checking of all drawings incl. looking after the distribution of drawings, incl. looking after the drawing distribution, looking after the required administration, chairing meetings with all in the construction process involved parties

- STRABAG Construction & Real Estate Developement BV, Vlaardingen

Activities: - support work preparation IKEA hotel, Delft
- support calculations during invitation to tender, Militairy Airbase Gilze-Rijen
- support calculations during invitation to tender RMPI

Checking all drawings incl. looking after the drawing distribution, examinating complex parts of the work, preparation of the project, looking after the required administration, chairing meetings with all in the construction process involved parties, checking and steering of plannings and budgets

2006 - 2007

- Van den Bergh Kruisheer Elffers arch. te Rotterdam (construction / renovation Rijnlands Lyceum, Wassenaar)

Activities: - Construction Supervisor

acting as a intermediair between constituent, architect and executive party in a “frustrated” construction process, coordinating the implementation with all parties concerned, budget responsable, checking all drawings incl. looking after the drawing distribution, looking after the required administration, chairing meetings with all in the construction process involved parties

Project description:
Project of construction / renovation of a new building for a school with tight planning, during the execution of the activities the school was still functional


- Heijmans Bouw te Capelle aan den IJssel (construction IKEA retailcentre / International learning centre, Delft)

Activities: - troubleshooter during constructions phase, detection / recognition of construction errors and offering solutions
- work preparator phase I (construction car park and extension / construction of 40.000 m2 shop space)

acting as a intermediair between constituent, architect and executive party in a “frustrated” construction process where the former contractor was sent away. There was a very thight planning with an obligation to deliver the buildings on a certain date, and as extra complication there where extensive construction errors which showed during the entire process so “hands-on troubleshooting” was needed.
I was selected to detect / search and retrieve construction errors, communicating them to all involved parties and to make sure cost effective solutions that would fit in the planning and process where found and implemented and the coordination of such activities as well as examinating complex parts of the work, and preparation of complex parts the project

Project description:
Project of construction of a new building for an Internationally well know furniture retail compagny with tight planning, during the execution of the activities the store was still functional


Bachelor Engineering (BBE)


English: good
French : medior
Dutch : native


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