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interim manager

interim manager

Werkervaring interimmanager

A career as independent entrepreneur in roofing and insulation. Also Legal expert, constructor and developer of real estate in several countries.
Dedicated to customer satisfaction and excellence in support.

* 2005 - 2006 : Construction of a villa in
Leesburg, FL, USA
* 2000 - 2005 : Sabbatical / in-depth exploration of the USA and Canada - 48 states - 9 provinces
* 1995 : Participation in Development Partnership
Austin, TX, USA
* 1994 : Renovation of a house in Kessel Lo, BE
* 1994 : Development Plan for Partnership Patio Homes in Houston, TX, USA
* 1993 : Participation in Development Partnership in Austin, TX, USA
* 1988 : Renovation of a villa in Winksele, BE
* 1986 - 1999 : Management of own company in Graphics - Kessel-Lo, BE
* 1985 : Renovation of a villa in Oostduinkerke, BE
* 1982 : Development plan for Bowling Center in St Pieters Leeuw, BE
* 1976 : Development and construction of second office building in Brussels, BE
* 1974 - 1980 : Court attached legal expert in waterproofing and insulation in Brussels, BE
* 1970 : Development and construction of offices and warehouse in Brussels, BE
* 1968 : Development and construction of office building in Brussels, BE
* 1966 - 1991 : Management of own roofing company in Brussels, BE

Opleiding interimmanager

* Apr 1982 : Santander, SP - hands-on Live course in Spanish
* Aug 1974 : Brussels, court-attached legal expert in waterproofing and insulation
* 1970 - 1980 : Various Course Trainings in Construction Management, Insulation, Jurisprudence
* Jun 1968 : IBM, Brussels - diploma Programmer / Analyst
* Jun 1964 : Highschool St Pieterscollege, Jette - ASO, Scientific A

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Strong interpersonal skills with customers, architects, contractors and subcontractors, staff and workers.
Excellent relating to Senior Managers : no generation gap
Analytical mindset applied to Projects.
Experienced in leading a team through all execution phases.
Handling of Human Resources and drive for results.

Excellent customer handling skills, focus on customer satisfaction
Translating business needs into concrete actions
Excellent people skills
Performance Management
Organized and methodical
Quick to adapt
Stress resistant
Technical mindset
Computer minded
Familiar with multiple cultural environments
Fluent in several languages

* Conversant with the following software :
* MS Windows
* MS Office - Word, Excel, Access, etc.
* Corel Photo Paintshop XI
* Corel WordPerfect
* Adobe Pagemaker, InDesign, Dreamweaver
* Powerdesk, Nero, Eudora, Mozilla, OmniPage, etc.
* Internet
* E-mail

* Extensive travel all over Europe, USA, Thailand, Canada
* Experience and respect of multiple cultures
* I live in Belgium and in Florida.
* Extensive travel should be no problem
* Language skills and ease with various cultures.

Talenkennis interimmanager

* Flemish (mother tongue) : spoken, written
* French : spoken, written
* English : spoken, written
* German : spoken
* Dutch : spoken, written
* Spanish : spoken


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