Flex Manager
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General manager

General manager

Work Experience

Present occupation:
Director and General Manager of Asset Investment Management 1984 S.A. and Beneficial Trust S.A. Two Swiss registered private companies.

Key achievements while with Digital Equipment Corporation 1966-90.

Training and Development.
Created, and for many years ran, first United Kingdom then European Training department for Digital Equipment Corporation. This entailed determining training needs for customers and internal staff, creating an overall delivery strategy, design of certain courses, establishing and gaining approval for the budget and business plan, setting up of training centers across Europe, selection and hiring of staff and direct participation in delivery of several courses.

Organizational Design and Executive Development.
While working directly for the Director of Finance and Administration, Europe, carried out a country by country review of all supervisory and senior management posts including, responsibilities, compensation and individual development plan requirements. Developed and delivered workshops for senior management team. Directly responsible for executive selection programme and screening of all candidates for top posts, including European Treasurer, Controller etc.

Personnel Management and Management Development.
While holding the post of Personnel Manager for the European Headquarters of Digital in Geneva, developed personnel policy for all Swiss based staff and international assignees. Recruited and relocated internationally approximately 120 staff per year. Managed the compensation committee and established salary levels for all EHQ staff. Personally conducted and designed management training programmes for new managers from all European countries. Conducted an extensive review of European Headquarters staff training needs and introduced a programme specifically designed to enhance individual performance in the areas of report preparation, speed reading, presentation design, memory, speech preparation and creativity, job planning and review.

Information systems and Computer aided Instruction.
Directly responsible for needs assessment, followed by system design, development and implementation, of office automation, training enrollment and student management system. Ran various studies examining information system requirements using Digital's "Top Mapping™ and RAMs" methodologies. Directly participated on behalf of Digital, in the design of the interactive video disc based programme "The World, the UN and You", prepared for and presented at the 40 th anniversary celebrations of the United Nations in Geneva.

Business Design and Development.
Programme manager for the Customer Service Business development manager, Europe. This entailed working with external consultants and all European Customer Service business managers, to determine the business goals for the coming decade (1991-2000) and designing the implementation strategies for achievement of those goals. I designed and ran numerous working sessions for the teams involved and ensured the total program stayed on track and on time.

Achievements since leaving Digital, end 1990.
Coaching management and staff of a major “Customer call handling Center” to improve performance. This including diagnosis of problem areas and staff training. Major improvements were achieved over a two month period.

Adviser to owner of large private group with international interests in Shipping, Banking and Oil Refining on the use and modernization of computer systems in three international business units. My recommendations were followed and I continue to keep track of implementation issues.

Participated in ongoing development of Customer Services business strategy for a major subsidiary of Digital.

Provide direct business development, marketing and management support to IIB S.A., a company specializing in Competitive Intelligence studies for major international businesses.

Established a pollution control, energy savings and telecommunication company, Conopol Trading Limited (SA).

Personnel consultant and advisor on, compensation, relocation, recruitment and organizational design matters to three companies establishing their headquarters in Switzerland during 1998-99. Given my technical background I also advised on strategic matters concerning telecommunication and information systems.

Director and General Manager of two Swiss companies, Asset Investment Management 1984 S.A., and Beneficial Trust S.A.


Hardys Grammar School, Dorchester, Dorset.
Royal Air force Air Radar Boy Entrant 32nd Entry, RAF Cosford (Second Prize)
Air Radar Fitter (BG), RAF Yatesbury.
Air Radar Fitter (Fighter), RAF Yatesbury (Credit).
Various computer hardware and software courses. I.C.T. and Digital.
Manchester Business School, Prof. Tudor Rickards. Managing Tomorrow.
Webster College, Geneva. Third World Politics.
Webster College, Geneva. International Organization.
Webster College, Geneva. Personnel Management.
Bristol University. (RAF). Meteorology.
National Training Labs, USA. Human Interaction.
National Training Labs, USA. Advanced Training Theory and Practice.
Mind and Body, Learning Methods Group, Tony Buzan.
The Inner Game of Management, Sir John Whitmore.
Latsis Colloquium, Gstaad 1988.


Systems analysis. Business strategy development. Customer services managment. Human resources managment, personel policy, recruitment, compensation, orgnizational design. Managment training and development. Technical training, computing. Business consulting. Staff relocation.


English mother tongue.
French, working language.
Limited understanding of German.


Other significant responsibilities.
Manufacture's representative to European board of the Digital Equipment Corporation Users Society (DECUS)

Board member eight years, including four as Chairman, to the Foundation of the International School of Geneva. During my tenure I led, or directly participated in a total revision of the staff pension plan, the funding and completion of two major building projects, selection and appointment of the Director General, negotiations for long term land lease with the Canton of Geneva.

Personal style and objectives.
I look for practical and effective solutions to problems that effect business performance. Information and communications technology together with people and their behavior are key to the success of any organization. It is my experience and conviction that effective and relevant staff development programs ensure that each individual in the organization understand where their activity contributes to the success of the total business, and are competent to perform their role. I have a supportive and pragmatic style, which encourages staff development and personal growth. When dealing with clients and superiors I am tenacious in ensuring that objectives are clear before we start on any major project. I apply my experience and expertise to helping organizations and people be successful on their own terms while achieving a good standard of living for myself and family.


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