Flex Manager
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hr manager

hr manager

Work Experience

Functional expertise (own company)

Co-Founder and Director Operations Europe, PowerCV, August 2008 - July 2009

Together with former Monster colleague (VP HR AsiaPac) started PowerCV: premium career services for C-level executives in financial services and other industries.

Functional expertise (Interim assignment)

Interim HR Manager, Robeco Rotterdam, February 2008-July 2008

Dutch based Global Asset Management company.

Worked at board level to finalise Robeco\\\'s global HR strategy, project lead for the role of out of this strategy in terms of the international HR processes, procedures and instruments to the foreign branches. Initiated and led change management program for the global virtual HR team leading to a more effective way of cooperation and reducing cost. Further supported integration of Canara Bank in India into Robeco. Repositioned and clarified role HR international team within team HR Rotterdam. Advised on introducing web 2.0 ways of working to help the department become more productive and customer focussed.

Functional expertise (fixed employment)

Global HR director, Exact Delft, August 2009 -

Dutch based software company, reporting the CEO.

Mandated by the CEO to lead HR at Exact from \\\'transactional to strategic\\\'. Redefinition of HR vision and mission, structure and roles from local focus to global alignment. Introducing the Global HR Service Desk concept to reduce cost per transaction and increase consistency in service delivery. Rebuilding the global HR team towards the business partner role. Introduced key hr metrics for board level strategic decision making.
Role out of global hr initiatives in the area of performance measurement and talent development. Introducing employee and manager self service approach and instruments. Working on Top management compensations surveys. Inititiative to help the company to further develop it\\\'s the competitive edge through strategic resource planning.
Customer Best Practice HR leader for Exact\\\'s key HR software products.

Director Human Resources, Monster Worldwide, April 2007 till January 2008

US based worldmarketleader in online recruitment, reporting to the CEO Northern Europe

In april 2007 started as the HR Director for the Northern region (Benelux, Nordics) based in Amsterdam. Focus on recruitment, compensation and benefits and training and development. Introducing eHR solutions for the region to speed up and enable consistency of HR processes and systems. Introduced key HR statistics reporting for the region. European lead for global compensation and benefits project to help the business to become more competitive, fair and transparant in it\\\'s compensation decisions and policies. Negotiated new terms and conditions (CLA)with the workscouncil. Regional lead for the global restructuring program, achieving restructuring targets within time and budget.
In September 2007 (due to company wide restructuring) continued as the Director HR for the Benelux region, reporting to the General Manager Benelux. Worked as part of a global team to help the company align it\\\'s cost/revenue base.

Manager Human Resources, Cisco Systems International, 2004 – 2007 (MARCH)

US based (Silicon Valley) worldmarket leader in IT networking, reporting to the Director HR Europe.

In 2004 started as the HR manager for The Netherlands based European HQ. Focus on rebuilding trust in the HR function itself and repositioning the function on the site. Responsible for restructuring employee consultation and information processes on the site. Worked closely with corporate hq in San Jose to create a fine balance between company culture, employee needs and local legislation. Regional project lead for the outsourcing of the recruitment role to a European partner. This was part of the global HR strategy to help HR to develop a truly business partner role. Further automated and or outsourced all transactional HR work to reduce cost and increase productivity.
In 2005 took on the responsibility of HR manager for Northern Europe (Benelux and the Nordics) with 11 direct reports and a focus on HR operational excellence, leadership development, performance- and productivity management and compensation and benefits. Further contributed to the development of Cisco’s unique employee and manager self reliance HR model to help boost productivity across all functions. Regional project lead for the roll out of a major talent review initiative to help the business grow faster. Became Cisco certified Change program leader.
In 2006 with the split of the Northern European region into two separate business regions (Benelux and Nordics) returned to the position of HR Manager for The Netherlands. Continued to drive on operational excellence in recruitment, talent development and performance management. Regional lead for the role out of the Cisco HR Tollgate project (six sigma) to reduce HR time spent on benefits administration. Managed the insourcing of the recruitment function as part of a global repositioning of the hr function to help fill vacancies in time and against budget. Further developped the relationship with the newly established newly workscouncil by creating a spirit of trust and transparacy.

Director Human Resources Benelux/European Shared Services, The Reader’s Digest Association 1998 – 2004

US Publishing/Direct mail company with offices in Amsterdam and Brussels. Reporting to Managing Director Benelux and Vice President Global HR in New York.

During 1999 together with Managing Director carried out restructuring program to reduce cost and bring profit back to the company. Reduced headcount from 300 FTE to 150 FTE in 6 months. Initiated and executed the negotiations with works councils and unions in Belgium and The Netherlands. Negotiated new CLA with unions and workscouncils.
Successfully introduced company culture change program and HR tools to revitalize the business model and to help the company develop into a multi product, multi channel marketing operation.
Tools used are; talent reviews, rebuilding the compensation and benefits program, employee survey, 360 degree performance appraisal, managing high performance training, continuous dialogue programs to improve cross functional working and simplify business processes (reduce complexity). Member of the global talent review council responsible for defining leadership competencies.
In 2000 contributed to the successful start up of Reader\\\'s Digest European Financial Shared Services based in Amsterdam. Newly established Center went from 0 to 40 FTE in 6 months. Responsible for managing the process of transitioning the various Finance and accounting activities of the European country organizations (Germany, UK, France, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium) functions into the center.
In 2001 negotiated with Reader\\\'s Digest European employee representatives towards an agreement for setting up the Readers Digest European Information Consultation Forum (in place as from April 1 2002). Started Master’s degree program. Modernized pension scheme from Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution to reduce the cost (by 10%) and make the scheme more predictable and compliant with US bookkeeping standards (FAS 97).
In 2002 Completed new job grading project and graduated in HR leadership with a Master’s Degree from Rotterdam School of Management. Reduced cost of running the facility (building) with 20% by outsourcing the department.
In 2003 carried out a restructuring program through to bring cost base in line with revenue. Initiated and executed the negotiations with workscouncils and unions in Belgium and The Netherlands to reduce the headcount from 150 to 70 FTE. Increased the companies Culture Effectiveness Index (employee survey result) with 9 points by focusing on the employee needs and wants ( challenging content of the jobs, quality of coaching and performance management).
In 2004 further developed the Shared Services center with new countries coming on board from the former Eastern European area (Poland, Czech republic, Slovakia, Russia). Initiated and executed the election of new members for the European Information and consultation forum.

Manager Human Resources, Nissan Europe NV, Amsterdam 1989- 1998

Japan’s no. 2 automotive company with sites all over Europe. Reporting to the Global HR director in Tokyo.

From ’89 to ’95 did the start up of the newly established European HQ. Responsibilities included Recruitment, introducing company philosophy and HR instruments, labor conditions and internal communications, start up of workscouncils, building network with European HR colleagues to develop pan European HR programs (culture, training, exchange, foreign service assignment policy).
From ‘95 to ‘97 assigned to Nissan’s European Technology Center Cranfield Beds. UK. Responsible for recruitment, employee conditions and relations, training and development. Led pan european project to change company culture from Engineering/Production driven to Sales and Marketing focused. Achieved this by pulling together and mixing groups of people from various business units across Europe. Trained and licensed for KT\\\'s problem solving and decision making training program
From ‘97 to end of service assigned to Nissan’s European Vehicle Logistics Organization in Amsterdam. Mission: Reduce labor cost and improve quality by strengthening the organization. Goal: to make it ready for the market and to perform a leading role in European Vehicle Logistics. Introduced Nissan’s own manufacturing continuous improvement program (kaizen, genba kanri) in the production facility..

HR Specialist, GE Plastics, Bergen op Zoom 1987- 1989

US manufacturer of engineering plastics. Reporting to the VP HR in Bergen op Zoom.

Responsible for operational and strategic HR agenda for European Marketing & Sales sections. Led GE’s European talent review and introduced and carried out the GE
European Graduate Recruitment and development Program to help back fill the organization with talent in order to help rotate and develop key players.

HR Officer, Philips, Eindhoven 1984 - 1987

Dutch manufacturer of consumer and industrial electronics. Reporting to the manager HR in Eindhoven.
Responsible for operational personnel matters for the Dutch Sales and Marketing Division. Introduced training program for young salespersons.

Administrative Officer, ABN Bank, Amsterdam 1978 - 1980

Dutch bank. Responsible for all administrative matters for the Bank’s expatriate staff.


Master’s Degree in HR LeadershipJanuary 2001 – June 2002 (graduated June 18, 2002)
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus Graduate School of Business.
Thesis: “Develop a Pan-European recruitment strategy for Reader’s Digest Europe”

Bachelor’s Degree
Personnel Management, ‘De Nijenburgh’, 1984 (practical year with
Ballast Nedam in Bahrain)

HAVO Secondary school
RSG Enkhuizen, 1977


+ Implemented a global change management program finalizing and rolling out HR systems and processes internationally (Robeco)
+ Implemented a restructuring program in the Nordic region as part of a globally integrated HR plan (Monster)
+ Developed and executed roadmap for employee information and consultation process (Cisco)
+ Negotiated with unions and workscouncils on CLA\\\'s and restructuring (Nissan, Reader\\\'s Digest)
+ Supporting the global HR process quality training roll out (Six Sigma) (Cisco)
+Introduced global HR service desk to streamline HR services (Exact)


NL mother tongue, English and German


Marathon runner and skater


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