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Interim manager

Interim manager

Work Experience

CABLEVISION CORPORATION, Bethpage, New York 2000 - 2002
Fortune 500 supplier of cable TV, Optimum Online high-speed data and entertainment services in New York metropolitan area. Turnover $4 billion, 22,000 staff.

Senior Project Manager
Responsible for several high profile IT projects and managed multi-disciplinary teams to deliver them to specification, within agreed budget and timescale as well as in accordance with company’s development process.
· Delivered enhanced Optimum Online self-provisioning application in required timescale which resulted in improved customer experience when installing Optimum Online service and consequent reduction in churn.
· Managed Webmail and Remote Dial-up Access projects to enable Optimum Online to compete with offerings from other service providers, such as AOL and Verizon.
· Justified use of Vitria technology as basis for undertaking developments to improve Optimum Online service for customers thereby reducing calls to call centres.
· Managed Sales Force Automation project from inception to demonstrable prototype in four months enabling viability of investing $3 million on mobile computing support for 500 strong residential sales force to be fully assessed.
· Secured approval to complete stalled $14 million pilot Field Service Automation system and made it operational thus allowing key operating metrics to be collected and efficiency gains to be established for different operating scenarios.
· Prepared series of implementation strategies and cost benefit analyses for full roll out of $28 million Field Service Automation system to 1500 field service technicians across New York region and won Pride in Performance award.
· Mentored Project Administrator in project management techniques enabling her within six months to begin transition to Project Manager role.

NET-TEL COMPUTER SYSTEMS LTD, Wheathampstead, England 1997 - 2000
Developer and supplier of advanced X.400 messaging, X.500 directory and messaging security products. Turnover £3 million, 45 staff.

Business Unit Director (1998 - 2000)
Responsible for business development in NHS, e-commerce and bespoke software development sectors. Reported to Managing Director.
· Carried out survey of UK e-commerce market and worked with Paris-based e-commerce reseller (Illicom) to enhance business proposition for their TradeXpress B2B e-commerce product line in the UK market.
· Organised and ran series of road shows for both NHS and e-commerce sectors that generated leads and prospects.
· Installed contact management system enabling all sales initiatives with customers and prospects to be managed.

Operations Director (1997 - 1998)
Responsible for company’s Production, Customer Support and Quality Assurance functions with a brief to improve their overall operational efficiency. 15 staff across three functions. Reported to Managing Director.
· Converted product shipments from floppy disc to CD and introduced pre-printed end user licence terms and conditions which cut production costs dramatically and improved product acceptability.
· Implemented a database for recording details of product shipments thereby improving licence tracking and support call handling.
· Reviewed outstanding customer support requests and introduced stricter call closure rules to reduce support call backlog by more than a third.
· Introduced Test Plans, End of Test reports and Acceptance Criteria to QA function which improved quality of delivered software products.

ACORN COMPUTERS LTD., Cambridge, England 1983 - 1997
Supplier of high performance computers, set-top boxes and network computers. Turnover £30 million, 150 staff.

Manager, Product Engineering (1994 - 1997)
Responsible for product development, manufacturing support and management of third party suppliers. 24 staff. Reported to Technical Director.
· Managed development of first network computer, based on Advanced Risc Machines’ processor, from proof of concept through to prototype run of 500 units in eight months and achieved volume unit cost target of US$500.
· Managed internal multi-disciplinary development team, third party suppliers and subcontract manufacturer which produced highly acclaimed Online Media digital set top box based on ARM processor, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) streaming technology and MPEG2 digital video encoding on time and to budget.
· Participated in creation of world’s first ATM-based interactive TV trial using JPEG encoded menu screens and MPEG2 encoded video material - the Cambridge iTV trial - involving companies such as Anglia Television, Cambridge Cable, Tesco and Nat West - and presented its capabilities to dozens of potential investors from across the world.
· Improved efficiency of product development with introduction of ECAD and PDM systems together with prototype build facility.
· Led company’s contribution to European Commission’s interactive television project (AMUSE) and secured £400,000 from OMI and ACTS funding programmes.

Project Manager (1989 - 1994)
Responsible for production and maintenance of all project plans, preparation of all product documentation, and obtaining development funding from the European Commission. 12 staff. Reported to Technical Director.
· Led team of hardware, software, third party developers and subcontract manufacturer to produce award winning Risc Personal Computer on time and met target unit manufacturing cost of £400.
· Introduced concurrent engineering techniques to company’s development function which improved quality and delivery of Risc Personal Computer.
· Managed software team of thirty people to produce enhanced release of company’s Risc OS operating system on time.

Financial Analysis and Planning Manager (1983 - 1989)
Prepared development budgets, investment appraisals for new products and provided project planning service to Project Managers.
· Improved budgeting techniques and investment appraisal of potential new products which strengthened financial control.
· Installed and ran Artemis project management system to provide effective project control in development group of 140 staff.
· Improved company’s business and product development review meetings by providing high quality development status information.

HUNTING ENGINEERING LTD., Ampthill, England 1976 - 1983
Major defence industry contractor engaged in advanced weapon systems development. Turnover £50 million, 1,500 staff.

Group Leader
Managed team which undertook assignments within company designed to improve project management of large projects as well as of other activities being handled by company.
· Set up and ran project control system for group company managing large re-equipment contract for Cadburys which enabled successful completion of project.
· Introduced database system to give effective control of company’s media archive which saved £000’s in material preparation costs.


Experienced and motivated Senior IT Project Manager and Chartered Engineer with strong inter-personal and communication skills and a successful record in managing large, complex system and product developments.

Key Skills
· Extensive backgrounds in IT and high technology sectors as well as other industries.
· Proven abilities in project management, cost/benefit analyses, process re-engineering and business analysis.
· Effective people manager able to motivate teams to produce high quality solutions to meet customer requirements.
· Exposure to many technologies such as: Windows OS, Cabledata, Advantex, Oracle RDBMS, C++, Java, EJBs, LANs, firewalls, data security, Vitria, Tivoli, B2B e-commerce, XML, web technology, mobile communications, ASICs, EMC, PCB and circuit design, interactive television.

Training Courses
Project management, ISO 9000 certification, team building, concurrent engineering, conducting staff reviews, Artemis, speed reading






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