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Interimmangager, Consultant

Interimmangager, Consultant

Work Experience

Description of Positions

Consultant for renewal and upgrading of a Industrial Plant
• Modernisation of the Workshop, development, improvement and expansion of Production.

2003 - 2006
Interimmanger, Managing Director, establishing a sales division, product design and –development of a subsidiary of a power plant
• Outsourcing of the sales department.
• Technical and commercial responsibility for the fields product design, marketing, sales, accountancy, calculation, contracts, and human recourses
• Customer relationship, customer service.
• Know how transfer and engineering.
• 14 employees.

2000 - 2003
Interimmanger, Managing Director of DZK, Dienstleistungszentrum für Krankenkassen
• Launching in trusteeship and start up of the company with technical and commercial responsibility.
• Employing, building the accountancy, product design und –development. Leading and integration of 180 new employees.
• Establishing of the corporate Identity.
• Process optimising to match market demands, marketing, developing new distribution channels.
• Gaining the break even point and the profitability.
• QM-handbook.

1995 - 2000
Managing Director of Sprint Sanierung GmbH, technical Services
• Technical and commercial responsibility.
• Turn around of company and increasing of company’s efficiency.
• Developing of new markets, distribution channels and programs with the result of increasing the turnover.
• Stuff training, QM-handbook.
• Key accountancy care.
• 55 employees.

1994 - 1995
Managing Director of MEFA GmbH, Metal- and Vehicles construction
• Technical and commercial responsibility for the production of general steel construction as well as mass production.
• Reorganisation of the fabrication, developing production facilities,
• QM-handbook.
• Developing marketing and new business.
• Regenerating of the break even after 15 months.
• Increasing the efficiency in production and administration.
• 63 employees.

1991 - 1994
Managing Director of HSC Hamburger Stahlwerke Consulting GmbH
• Responsible for the commercial and technical section .
• International marketing and international contracting.
• Transfer of technology.
• Delivery and implantation of know how at customer’s plants.
• Increasing the productivity at customer’s site with own personnel.
• 20 employees.

1985 - 1991
Director of Montan Engineering GmbH, Hamburg
• Technical and commercial responsibility for marketing, engineering, and turnkey delivery of central railway-workshops world wide.
• International Know how transfer for maintenance technology.
• Responsible for 6 employees.

1977 - 1985
• Projectengineer at Gebr. Hoffmann Werkzeugmaschinen KG, Anlagentechnik
• Technical and commercial responsibility for international marketing, engineering, turnkey delivery and transfer of know how of central railway maintenance workshops.

1976 - 1977
Projektengineer at Friedr. Krupp GMBH Industrie und Stahlbau
• International sales department for engineering and delivery of production plants for the tyre- and plastic manufacturing industry.
• Responsible for the cooperation between the technical and commercial department as well as for the documentation.
• Marketing in East Europe.



1973 - 1976
Technical University Section Industrial Engineering (technical and commercial education)
• Degree: Diplom. While the education tutor in the section Industrial Plants.

1968 - 1970 Export department at F. Laeisz, Hamburg
• Clark in the export department for central- and south.

English safe in contract negotiation, fluent spoken and written. French as well as Spain basic knowledge.


Managing skills and branch experience
- Engineering of productionplants
- Steelstructure and vehicle construction
- Civil buliding services/Facilitymanagement
- IT-Services
- Turn around of company and increasing of company’s efficiency.
- Developing of new markets, distribution channels and programs with the result of increasing the turnover.


German, Englisch and Spanish basic.


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