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Vice President International Relations

Vice President International Relations

Work Experience

FdC Consultants since 2000
Independent Consultant providing professional advice, coaching and implementation for NGOs and Start-Ups
Main achievements
NGOs Change Management Programme, Strategic Repositioning, Organisation, Recruitment, Fundraising and Partnership Building for International, Human Rights, Education and Women’s Rights NGOs
Start-ups: Business Plan, Team Building and Financing for Medical Education and Telecommunication trading start-ups (temporary CEO)

SITA – Airlines’ Worldwide telecommunications and information services 1981-1999
Telecommunication network dedicated to the Air Transport Industry with:
· a sister company (EQUANT) offering similar services to other industries
· a division (ATS) providing information services, airport system integration and air-ground services.
Multicultural organisation, present in 220 countries with total staff of 5000 and a 2000 turnover of $1.5 billion.
Airline-owned Co-operative, founded in 1949, in the process of transformation into a commercial company.
Vice President Business Planning - Air Transport Systems Geneva 1998-1999
Mission and Scope
- Coordination of the business units on all financial and organisational aspects (with 3 HQ staff)
- Budget supervision (turnover $ 300 million, staff of 1100 and investments of $ 70 million)
- Planning and negotiation of partnerships and acquisitions
Main achievements
- Implementation of new procedures and processes to facilitate investment approvals
- Negotiated and agreed more realistic sales and revenue targets with marketing and sales
- Elaboration and proposal of new strategy for e-business platform and domain names
Vice President International Relations Geneva 1993 - 1998
Mission and Scope
- Continuous updating of the licence and operating rights portfolio (with a staff of 12)
- Negotiations with administrations and/or partners to allow the optimal operation of the network
- Representation to official organisations (European Union, World bank, ITU, WTO…)
Main achievements
- Creation of a multidisciplinary team managing multiple projects involving a variety of partners
- Transformation of the company form service provider to network operator
- Negotiation of working agreements in all continents in a strong monopolistic environment
Managing Director – Scitor Ltd (now EQUANT) Maidenhead 1991 - 1992
Mission and Scope
- To extend the SITA network offering to markets out of the air transport environment
- To build a customer base across target industries and generate secure, recurrent revenue
- To ensure the co-operation of SITA in the delivery of the services
Main achievements
- Recruited and trained a team of 80 effective professionals in 2 years (USA, continental Europe and Asia)
- Built a new name, corporate identity and logo in a dynamic market
- Signed milestone contracts with leading customers (Hilton, Marriott, Shell)

Director Market Planning and Development Paris 1987 - 1990
Team member Strategic study with McKinsey & Co Paris & London 1987
Senior Manager Pricing and Customer Relations Paris 1986 - 1987
Manager Planning Paris 1984 - 1985
Manager Economic Studies, Budgeting and Control Paris 1981 - 1983


B.Sc (Econ) London School of Economics
MBA Manchester Business School


International Negotiations
Team Building
Business Planning


French, english, dutch


Solidar'Monde S.A. Paris since 1986
Importer of artefacts and food from cooperatives in the Third World
· Serving essentially fair trade and organic food distributors
· 2001 turnover: € 4.0 million
Co - founder and shareholder, member of the Conseil de Surveillance


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