Flex Manager
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IT Manager

IT Manager

Work Experience

March 2004 – current
Alpha Group Consulting– Frankfurt a. M. / Germany
Sr. Manager IT Strategy
Major Projects:
IT Manager in a merger of two international banks. Advisor for new technology and network infrastructure.
Development of new Cluster solution
Strategic business development in aviation industry. Advisor for IPv6 technology and mobile communication
Business development strategy for a US company to penetrate the European market with their network technology solutions based on Linux server/router and monitoring systems
Speeches and Workshops in IT Controlling, IT Infrastructure development, and new technologies for CIO’s

June 2003 – March 2004
BOSCH Security Systems – Frankfurt a. M. / Germany
Project Manager International COM&Key Projects
Major Projects:
Strategic Business Development and change of an IT department from Cost Center to Profit Center
Leading and Coordination of Transport Security Project with Satellite Technology in Netherlands/Global
Lead the development and implementation of CRM Systems (SAP)
Foreign and domestic Telco contract discussions and negotiations. Meeting with and supporting other departments such as Marketing, General Management, Development, Sales International and Security Systems.

May 2002 – May 2003 GLI Europe B.V.,Netherlands
IT Manager/Consultant
Responsibilities included creation of corporate network backbone.
Establishing multi-national network platform, collocation, and staffing.
Managing all aspects of the day to day operations of a 24x7 networkn Training resident staff and establishing procedures

May 2001 – February 2002
Neural Networks AG Berlin, Germany
Sr. Project Manager
Responsibilities included: To install and manage co-location of 90 client Internet servers and server farms.
To coordinate engineering, backbone engineering, telephony, and installation teams for a successful implementation. To implement and manage the processes, and any issues that arose during the customers stay, requiring knowledge of Internet Routing, IP, TCP, UDP, and routing protocols RIP, RIP2, EGIRP, OSPF, and BGP 10/2000 – 04/2001 Siemens AG ICM Berlin,GermanyIntegration Test Management UMTSn Responsibilities included: to design the departmental information management architecture and implement an international, fault tolerant, system, and infrastructure n Managing data redundancy and availability, monitoring, all internal and external web sites.n Maintaining data security 02/1999 – 09/2000 Siemens AG ICM Berlin, GermanyProject Managern Responsibilities included: Managed information systems group supporting international software development teams for Siemens Information Communication Networks. Supervised seven direct reports and controlled the project related documentation of standardization (ITU, ETSI) and coordinated the transactions between development, system test and customer service § Reorganized entire project related information management for improved productivity, realizing a EUR 150,000 annual saving. Reduced resource requirements, allowing Development departments to independently organize.§ Increased productivity and reduced expenses by replacing „manual“ archiving system, providing a fast response in central network between the development departments on different international locations as well as between the customer service groups.n Analysis, conceptualization, and implementation of business processes and structures of information systemsn Investigation of Process and Security weaknesses, Presentation and Agreements with departments


2004 IT Controlling Workshop, Germany2004 ITIL Workshop, Germany2003 Project Portfolio Management, Gartner Group, Spain2003 CIO Gipfel Workshops, Switzerland2003 Administration for Linux Systems, Netherlands2003 Cisco Enterprise Management Solutions, Germany2003 Preparation for exams for CCIE, Germany 2002 Cisco Router Programming & Internetworking, Netherlands2002 Network Administration for NT4.0, Netherlands2002 Bay Networks/Nortel, Netherlands2002 Win2000/XP support, Netherlands2001 TCP/IP, Germany 2001 MS Access Database Programming I + II, Germany, 2000 Information Management System Development, Germany 1999 Knowledge management, Germany1999 Configuration Management, Germany1999 GPRS/UMTS, Germany1999 Project Management, Germany


English, German, Dutch


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