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Work Experience

2001 - 2008 Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation SDC / Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit SHA

2005 - 2008
Conseiller d’ambassade pour les questions de l’aide humanitaire in Port-au-Prince (Haïti)
Setting up of the coordination office, project management, coordination.

2004 – 2005 WATSAN Engineer UNHCR Abéché (Chad) (secondment)
Responsible for the coordination of planning and implementation of water supply schemes for 12 refugee camps (Darfour refugees) along the eastern border of Chad.

2003 – 2004 Water specialist Cooperation office SDC/SHA in Asmara (Eritrea)
Consultant in water supply related issues to the Ministry of Local Government MoLG Responsible for planning and implementation of water supply schemes for rural communities and small cities.

2001 – 2003 WES Projekt officer for Data Base and GIS (seconded to) UNICEF/OLS (Operation Lifeline Sudan), Nairobi (Kenya) Establishment of a data base including all water supply facilities in Southern Sudan (approx 6000 facilities) and linking of the gathered data to a geographical information system GIS. Consultant for water prospection and drilling issues.

1985 – 2001 Independent Consultant for engineering geology Owner of a consultancy in Zernez GR (eastern Switzerland), The activities included consultancy in the typical fields of engineering geology: foundation problems, tunnels, landslides and other terrain instabilities, quarries, water supply issues, etc..

1982 - 1985 Geologist, consultant Büro für technische Geologie AG, Maienfeld.

1981 - 1982 Junior Geologist Geologisches Büro Dr. Heinrich Jäckli AG, Zürich

1979 - 1980 Geophysicist G.E.R.I. Consult GmbH, Frankfurt (D) Geophysics and Geology on the section Booué – Lastoursville of the « Chemin de fer Transgabonais » project OCTRA (Gabon)


1973 – 1979 Lausanne University, MSc in Geology (1979).

1972 – 1973 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne; Civil Engineering.

1969 – 1972 Collège du Soir, Genève, Matura Typus B 1972.

1965 – 1969 apprenticeship as carpenter and cabinet-maker, certificate 1969.

1960 – 1965 secondary school, Gymnasium, Kantonsschule Trogen 1954 – 1960 primary school in Bad Ragaz und Winterthur




Raeto-Romanic 1. Native language.
German 2. Native language.
French lived, worked or studied approximately 10 years in French- speaking environment (Haiti, Chad, Lausanne and Geneva.
English lived and worked nearly 4 years in English-speaking environment (Eritrea, Kenya).
Italian I understand spoken as well as written texts. I speak the language but I do not write it.
Spanish I can understand written texts


My prime field of interest is clever management of resources in general, and adequate and responsible use of energy


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