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Advanced Productivity Specialist

Advanced Productivity Specialist

Work Experience

13 years in productivity improvement consultancy in 5 countries,
CEO of glass plant,
Production director in OEM (machinery producer), 5 languages.
Project Director and Unit Vice President of Operation of an American Consultancy in Europe.
Experience with troubled companies in need of \"urgent surgery\" and turnaround.Worked on projects in Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Russia


Postgraduate study and university degree both in Electrical Light.
Several courses on management, productivity and sales - Italy, Ireland, USA,
project management course.


quick identification of potential for improvement and development of solution - improvement proposal.
Experience in various field of business, from banks to cement, textile, mechanical engineering, glass, ceramics, automotive tec. ROI 10+


Slovak, Hungarian - mother tongues, English, Czech - fluent, Russian - basic


2005 Expertis Prague Project Management In Practice

2002 Impac University Punta Gorda, Florida, USA
Concepts of Productivity – Start of an MBA Course

2002 Association Productivity Specialists New York, USA
Advanced Productivity Specialist – Lifetime Award

1996 Impac Ltd. Dublin, IRELAND
Productivity and Management Control

1993 Open Society Fund and Margaret Thatcher Fund Placement at AE Clutterbuck Solihull, UK
Learning western style of work – one month stay

1992 Instituto Commerciali Estero Trieste, ITALY
Course on Management Marketing and Foreign Trade

1991 University of Cambridge Košice, Slovakia
First Cambridge Certificate in English – Grade A

1985 — 1987 Slovak Technical University – Faculty of Electricity Bratislava, Slovakia
Electric Light – Postgraduate Study

1979 — 1984 Technical University – Faculty of Electricity Košice, Slovakia
Electric Heat and Light

1975 — 1979 Slovak High School – Gymnázium s vyuèovacím jazykom slovenským Moldava nad Bodvou, Slovakia

1996 -
As self-employed working on contracts for the following companies:

2008 VB Slovakia a.s. – Bank with branches all across the country. Analysis and project proposal preparation with Proudfoot Consulting, London

2008 OLPA a. s. Czech Republic – Multilocation paper mill, analysis and project proposal preparation with Czipin & Proudfoot Consluting, USA
Matador Automotive a. s., Slovakia – Major supplier to the automotive industry. Analysis and project proposal preparation

2007 SES Tlmaèe a.s., Slovakia – The biggest producer of boilers and equipment for power stations in Slovakia.
Restructuring of the economic department and accounting of the company after it had been bought by private equity J & T – contract through BFM. Implementation of project management and capacity planning supported by MsProject

2004 - 2006 Sklostroj Turnov CZ, s. r. o, Czech Republic – Producer of equipment for the glass container industry
Production Director
Supervising 190 people in two separate production units – metal machining and the purchasing department with the warehouses. Annual production value CZK 6 -700 mil. Implementing new information system MFG-Pro from QAD.

2003 - 2004 Csepeli FémmÜ Rt. FA, Budapest, Hungary – Csepeli Metalworks (in Administration) – Biggest producer of copper alloy strips in Hungary
Increasing sales and restructuring the sales organization of the company
Consulting in the area of sales – in two months increasing sales from 200 to 450 tons a month

2003 - 2004 Sklostroj Turnov CZ, s. r. o, Czech Republic– Producer of equipment for the glass container industry
Restructuring Project in Administration and Development of New Organization Chart of the Whole Company
Complete restructuring of the company. Identification of a new Information system, increasing machine utilization from 35 to over 60%.

2002 - 2003 Tokodi Üveggyár Kft., Tokod, Hungary – Tokodi Glass Factory Ltd. – Producer of glass containers
Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Consultant to the CEO and later CEO
Preparation of a new investment plan of HUF 1.5 bill. Negotiations with suppliers, banks, bank loan of HUF 900 mil.. Increase of the efficiency of production by HUF 200 mil. Annually.

1999 – 2002 Impac Ltd., USA (Improvement in Productivity And Control – consultancy)
Unit Vice - President of Operations in Central Europe
Supervision and co-ordination of several projects and analysis at:

Kross Sp. z o. o. – Poland – Second largest producer of bikes in Poland.
Increase of efficiency, restructuring, project value of € 450 000.
VSE a. s. – Slovakia – Distributor of electricity in Eastern Slovakia - Reduction of operating costs by € 3 mil. The company was sold after this to a strategic investor
Zalakerámia Rt. – Hungary – Biggest tile producer in Hungary. Reduction of operating costs, Increased sales, reduction of stuff, decreasing the scrap rate by more than 30%. The project value of € 750 000 with ROI 250%. The company was later sold to strategic investors
Lampart Rt. – Hungary – Producer of small ovens, basins and other metallic parts – only analysis
BHG Rt. – Hungary – Metal processing – car parts - analysis
Digép Kft. Hungary – Heavy metal parts, railways - analysis
Evig Kft. – Hungary – Wind mills, electric components – reduction of operating costs, reporting, project value of € 200 000.
Matáv Rt. – Hungary – Biggest telecom in Hungary – analysis in a call centre
Köbal Rt. – Hungary - Aluminium sheet and strip producer. Increased efficiency and productivity, project value of € 320 000. The company was sold after the project to strategic investors
Tokodi Üveggyár Kft. – Hungary - Glass container producer. Increased sales and overall productivity. Increased production, reduced waste, project value € 320 000
Alpha Cement A. o. o. – Russia – Two cement plants in Russia with Swiss owner – Holderbank – now Holcim. Increased productivity, reduced waste and stealing, project value of € 450 000
Pannoncem Hungary – Hungary (now Holcim) – The same owner and the same nature of project as above € 450 000 – cement plants
Rafako s. a. – Poland - Big boiler producer. Increased productivity
Elektrobudowa s. a. – Poland – Switch boards and other electrical components - increased productivity and sales
Škoda Praha a. s. – Czech republic - Engineering company (that time building Temelin nuclear power station) – increased productivity, decreased operating costs, increase efficiency, project value of € 600 000

1997 – 2001 Impac Ltd., USA
As a Project Director leading projects on productivity improvement, restructuring, process redesign and/or crisis management at the following companies:
Tokodi Üveggyár Kft., Hungary –Glass container production, Projected savings € 300 000, ROI 250%
Kras –Haka a. s., Czech Republic – Costumes and suits, Projected savings € 350 000, ROI 300%, Implementation of information system NORIS from LCS.
ÈEZ a. s. – Czech Republic – Energy distribution, analysis
Unicem Rt., Hungary – Two cement plants, Projected savings € 450 000, ROI 300%
MKB Rt., Hungary - Hungarian foreign trade Bank – Process audit in IT and Marketing departments with projected savings € 150 000
MKB Üzemeltetési Kft., Hungary –Operational part of the bank, savings projected and delivered € 350 000 with ROI of 350% - resulted the second assignment with the same client ( - above)
Duslo a. s., Slovakia – Chemical plant, fertilizers and inhibitors, Savings delivered of € 2 500 000 resulting in second assignment with the same client (layoff of 600 personnel – completed successfully as well)

1996 – 1997 Impac Ltd., USA
Productivity Specialist - Engineer
Responsible for Projects at:
Duslo a. s. – Slovakia

1994 – 1996 Gymnázium slov. and SPTŠ slov. Moldava nad Bodvou, Slovakia
English Teacher at two secondary schools

1994 – 1995 Immobiliser Slovakia Ltd., Slovakia -UK
Director and Partner

1988 – 1994 Štátny Majetok š. p. Moldava nad Bodvou, Slovakia
Chief of Support production and deputy chief at Transport Department

1984 – 1988 TESLA Moldava nad Bodvou š. p., Slovakia
Energetic and Technologist


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