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B2B Marketing Strategy & Pricing Manager

B2B Marketing Strategy & Pricing Manager

Work Experience

2001- 2009 Holcim Group Support - Holderbank, Switzerland
Senior Consultant
Feb 2006 – June 2009
Identification of price potential / development of action plan. > 2% of net sales in average price improvement potential identified in 10 subsidiary companies in Asia and Latin America.
Nov 2004 - Feb 2005
Determination of best in class marketing information processes and practices among subsidiary companies. > 5 Best of class practices identified by market type - adopted as benchmark for Group companies.
Feb 2002 – Dec 2005
Production of a corporate commercial performance benchmarking report: users' needs validation; KPI development, report layout, Excel prototype. > First-ever global commercial benchmarking report in Holcim, 45 companies ranked according. 2008 versions companies included 120 KPI’s.
Aug 2001 - Feb 2002.
Development of the Business Warehouse (BW) performance management definitions for the production report: user needs; KPI’s definition; user training. > 150 KPI’s definitions provided (volumes, costs, technical); Report quality assurance in pilot company Spain conducted.

1997 – 2001 Holcim (Venezuela) - Caracas, Venezuela
Planning Manager
Jul 2000 - Aug 2001
Support to EXCO members on strategic projects. > Functional plans; Business, Financial plans; quarries investment payback evaluation; social housing cement market - control database conception, development, user training.
Marketing Supervisor
Jul 1998 - Jul 2000
Marketing operations supervision. > Marketing functions and customer service to a 60+ distributors and final users; marketing processes and suppliers’ deliverables control. Call center operation.
Feb 1997 – Jul 1998
Identification of cement market segments and needs characterization. > Processing and control of project data and research. A group of 4 people were trained to perform data collection.

1992 – 1996 Consejo Nacional de Promoción de Inversiones (CONAPRI) - Caracas, Venezuela. Logistics Manager
Development and supervision of the direct marketing database; development and production of investment promotion publications. > Improved distribution allowed a double-digit courier costs yearly reduction rate.

1986 - 1989 Dun & Bradstreet, C.A. - Caracas, Venezuela
Database Manager
Development of customized database projects and reports; alignment of database content to physical products. > Value was extracted of the otherwise idle customer electronic database. The activity became a profit center and a flagship product.


Sep 1991 - Sep 1993 IESA. Caracas, Venezuela

Sep 1985 - Dec 1986 Université de Rennes, France
Évaluation de Projets

Sep 1976 - Sep 1982 Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela


Pricing: Price structure re-design; competitive pricing; value drivers, sales incentives; market monitoring,
Commercial Benchmarking: international definition, team coaching, collection and report consolidation.
Performance Management: Reporting user-needs collection; production, cost, efficiency and quality KPI’s.
Marketing: Customer segmentation, call center and production management; database marketing.

International: In-situ working experience in 14 countries in Asia, North and South America.
Structured Integrator: Organizing data to analyze complex realities and provide decision-making support.
Creative Doer: Hands-on; robust approaches to link data, people and processes and enhance long-run results.
Coaching Management Style: Experience in coaching international virtual teams.
Native Spanish: English as working language; advanced French and German.


Spanish Mother tongue
English Business fluent (primary school in USA; working language in CH)
French Very good
German Very good


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