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Experienced Finance & HR Director

Experienced Finance & HR Director

Work Experience

2011 Switzerland
Recruitment Accountancy Management Consulting

2007 - 2011 Debiopharm SA, Director, Finance & Administration SWITZERLAND
Swiss Pharmaceutical company (300 staff)

Responsible for the Accounting, Controlling, HR, IT and Logistics / General Services departments. Reported to CEO and shareholder. Managed a team of 25.

Supervised the Human Resources function: recruitment, training, evaluations, remuneration policy, personnel administration, salary preparation and social insurances.
Managed all issues related to IT: supervision of projects, security, IT master plan, investments, evolution of systems.
Controlled and analysed quarterly reporting. Responsible for yearly budget and forecasts.
Established the tax declarations and managed the insurance portfolio.
Optimised the logistics: travel, telephone, property management.
Set up the internal control system.

1997 - 2007 Danka Suisse SA, Finance & Administration Director SWITZERLAND
Swiss subsidiary (100 staff). 1 HQ and five regional offices.

Responsible for the Finance, Sales Administration, HR, Debtors and General Services Departments. Reported to local Managing Director. Managed a team of twelve.

Generated significant cash. Reduced debtor days from 105 to 40 days.
Initiated several reorganisations involving dismissals and cost reductions.
Managed all issues related to Human Resources: salary preparation, recruiting, work permit requests, bonus system, social insurance, appraisal system.
Controlled and analysed monthly reporting. Responsible for yearly budget. Established the statutory accounts.
Set-up the company in Switzerland. Liaised with banks, auditors, leasing companies and tax authorities.
Represented the company in all legal matters.
Managed the company premises and insurance portfolio.
Set up procedures and improved the internal controls.

1996 Mercer Management Consulting, Consultant SWITZERLAND

1992-1994 BTR Valve Group, Financial Controller GERMANY
Divisional Headquarters (3 staff) for 20 world-wide subsidiaries (2,500 employees).

Responsible for preparing consolidated group monthly accounts, forecasts and budgets for the holding company in accordance with UK accounting principles.

Supervised controlling of subsidiaries and conducted on-site reviews.
Analysed financial statements and prepared cross-subsidiary comparisons.
Improved procedures for the monthly and yearly closing cycle.

1990-1992 SAIA Sàrl, Financial Controller FRANCE
Subsidiary of Williams Holdings PLC, UK.

Responsible for the management of the Finance Department. Reported to local Managing Director and Group Marketing Director. Managed a team of two.

Reduced the time taken to produce monthly management accounts from ten to four working days. Analysed budget / actual differences.
Led a project team of ten charged with the planning and installation of sales administration and accounting EDP software packages.
Involved in managing the company during a change of Managing Director.
Set-up treasury management, cash flow forecasts and credit control procedures.

1988-1989 ERNST & YOUNG, Junior Auditor SWITZERLAND
Audit and Business Advisory Practice, Basle.

Member of an audit team responsible for auditing the accounts of Swiss and international companies according to UK, US and Swiss accounting principles.

Co-ordinated a consultancy team in the planning of the first ever physical stock take (and subsequent valuation) at a new manufacturing client.
Analysed internal control procedures for a diverse audit client base.


1995 INSEAD, MBA Programme, Fontainebleau. FRANCE
1998 University College Dublin IRELAND
Bachelor of Commerce Honours (Accounting) Degree.


An experienced Director, I have an accounting degree from University College Dublin and a MBA from INSEAD, Fontainebleau.

Focus on Human Resources and Financial Consulting.

Trilingual (English, French and German), I have worked in Switzerland, Germany and France.


English mother tongue
French fluent
German fluent


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