Flex Manager
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General Manager

General Manager

Work Experience

09/1971 – 10/1977 Mars Group Great Britain
Production Manager, responsible for 40 employees
Personnel Manager, for a plant with 3000 employees, at first technical, then, after sales training, PM for sales organisation
Training and development manager, organization development manager

07/1979 – 07/ 1985 Mars Group Germany
Organisation Development Manager – introduction of radical new forms of management
Restructuring of Sales force to react to market attack
Marketing – Brands Manager, Group Brands Manager
Tripled turnover of Snickers, re-launched Milky way, introduced seasonal packs (Easter, Xmas)

07/1985 – 07/1987 Mars Group Italy
Divisional Director Confectionery Italy
Responsible for all operations; Successful Turnaround of unprofitable business
Introduction of world’s biggest chocolate product (M%M’s) into Europe
07/1987 – 04/1994 Thimm Verpackung Germany
First Marketing & Sales Director, then Managing Director
Doubled the business to 300 mio. €, 800 employees. Expanded business into Europe (W and E)
Significantly increased profitability

06/1994 – 01/ 1996 Villeroy & Boch AG
Member of the Board, responsible for the tiles division 1,7 Bn €, 4500 employees
Responsible for Group purchasing and group Raw Materials. Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender of several daughter companies.
Successful and dramatic turnaround of a business which had been loss-making for 22 years
Complete restructuring of all areas, particularly manufacturing. Introduction of strategic marketing with new product ranges, re-dynamisation of sales.

03/1996 to date CEO (London & Zug, Switzerland)
Matrix organization across Europe and USA focused on Change Management, Restructuring, Corporate Strategy, Marketing, Sales and Purchasing
Numerous projects on consulting or interim basis for medium and large companies


Grammar School, England, 4 "A" levels

University of Sheffield, England.
B.Sc. Honours degree in Biochemistry


A general manager with broad international experience in Corporate Strategy, Marketing, Sales, Product Development and Human Resources mgt.

Proven record of success in many industries and in several countries, improving strategic competitive position and profit performance. Recent re-branding and strategic marketing project for global leader in Bearings.

A strategic thinker with lots of hands-on operative experience.
Since 1996 a highly professional international management consultant.

Specialist in Corporate and Marketing strategies, branding, sales revitalisation and company turnarounds. From Banking, through FMCG to building industries.


English (mother tongue)
German (fluent)
French (fluent)
Italian (fluent
Russian (basics)
Bulgarian (basics)


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