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CEO / consultant

CEO / consultant

Work Experience

Since Sept. 2002
Setup of own entrepreunerial technology consultancy practice. Larger entrepreneurial projects included business planning of a true mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), business planning for an early stage technology venture capital company, and an innovative solution for a digital police and rescue radio communication solution based on existing mobile communication infrastructures. Founding of a sales company for innovative specialized software and telecommunication solutions, later also services, Gefotec GmbH, in 2003. In 2006, one week internship with Munich patent attorney Zimmermann and Associates. In 2007, reconnecting with latest web developments: Setting up Plone websites, Python programming, Blogging, Webservices (Python ZSI), studied SEO techniques, Affiliate Marketing, Adsense and Adwords.

September 1999 – August 2002
T Telematik Venture Holding GmbH (T-Venture), Bonn (until Dec. 99) and Boston, USA (since January 2000), Investment Director Technology, startup of US East Coast operations of T-Venture of America Inc. as part of the corporate venture fund of Deutsche Telekom AG. Established good contacts to MIT entrepreneurship center (Ken Morse) and followed up existing relationships to Media Lab. Investment in Novilit Inc., a Massachusetts early stage software enabling technology company with the potential to speed up complex communication software development such as UMTS by the factor of 10-100. While Novilit sadly lost its funding after M.W.'s return to Germany in the bursting of the telecommunication bubble, its founder and first CEO later successfully exited from the next Internet company he co-founded.

July 1993 - August 1999
DeteMobil Deutsche Telekom Mobilnet GmbH (T-Mobil), Bonn, now the wholly owned mobile communications subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG (started up July 1993), at the time privatized as the mobile communications branch of Germany's Administration of Postal and Telecommunication Services. Founding chair of general works council of the company. Set up a large number of collective bargaining agreements with the company's board. Designed the first goal-oriented compensation scheme of Deutsche Telekom Group. Negociated the first collective bargaining agreement on a complete set of compensation rules in mobile communications in the very difficult transition from public compensation rules to those adequate for a private company. Managed difficult mediating tasks. From 1991 until 1999 Deutsche Telekom's mobile operation grew from a small project to more than 7000 employees and from 0 to more approx. 7 Mio customers (20 Mio in Feb. 2001). Vice chairman of the company's supervisory board, Q1/1994 - Q1/2000. The supervisory board was also set up as T-Mobil's investment committee.

April 1991 - June 1993
Detecon Deutsche Telepost Consulting GmbH, Bonn, Germany. Project Engineer, responsible for complex conformance testing of the GSM Base Station Subsystem (BSS, switching functionality) bought from several vendors. Also responsible for controling the technical fulfillment of a large contract about a complex GSM protocol testing system of BSS. Setting up of a geographically distributed testing environment based on internet, UNIX and ISDN technology. Case study on the use of formal software development methods in telecommunications. The complete mobile communications project was then moved to the newly founded DeTeMobil GmbH.

April 1990 - March 1991
University of Hamburg, Germany. Research Assistant, teaching of conventional and AI computer languages in B.Sc. classes. Research on Knowledge Representation / Formal Methods in Computing.

Oct. 1989 - March 1990
Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Programming Research Group, UK. Visiting PhD student, research on formal methods. Sponsored by a grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Nov. 1988 - September 1989
University of Hamburg, Germany. Advanced Studies in Computing. Freelance consulting on formal methods in computing for Deutsche System Technik GmbH, Kiel. Freelance teaching of B.Sc. classes (UNIX, C) at the University of Hamburg.

April 1987 - Nov 1988
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt/Germany. Research Assistant. Teaching and research on the use of formal methods in the design of knowledge based / database systems, within a European ESPRIT project.
April 1986 - March 1987

University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. Research Assistant. Research on the joint use of automated theorem proving and database design techniques within a European ESPRIT project.


Ph.D. (German "Dr. rer. nat.") in Computer Science, 1994, University of Hamburg, Germany about Mathematical Information Engineering = Mathematical Software Engineering for transaction oriented and database systems.
M.Sc. (German "Dipl.-Informatiker") in Computer Science, 1986, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Thesis about a special topic in Automated Theorem Proving.
B.Sc. (German "Vordiplom") in Computer Science. Additional B.Sc. („Vordiplom“) in Physics/Astronomy, both 1981, University of Bonn, Germany.
Abitur, 1979, Fürstenberggymnasium Donaueschingen, Germany. "Scheffel" Award for best (German) essay.
Award winner in Youth Science Contest "Jugend Forscht" 1978.


Ability to interconnect different domains of knowledge (technical, legal, business, finance, ploitical) including people. Strong negociations and project management skills. A rich set of interpersonal skills.


English (fluently at negotiation level)
German (mother tongue)


Likes to sail. Refuses to get involved in unlawful activities.


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