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Managing Director

Managing Director

Work Experience

Date of Birth: 06 August1957
Place of Birth: Regensburg/Germany
Martial Status: Single
Languages: English
Nationality: German


A highly motivated individual, who has the ability to communicate with people at all levels. A flexible trustworthy person, who actively seeks new challenges. Specialist in general management, programme management, business reengineering and process engineering. Main areas of achievement in constancy project management, supply chain management and interim management. Proven history of success within these fields. Used to working under pressure and meeting strict deadlines in an environment that constantly changes.
An excellent administrator who is well organised, adaptable, enthusiastic and takes great pride in his work.


Interim Management 1995 - to date

Specialises in Interim and general management and currently responsible for the whole supply chain of PEGUFORM,an automotive supplier.Before responsible for several companies of BU (Bücker Unternehmensgruppe), a engine manufacturer and dealer.The years before responsible for the plant of EXEL in Germany, a just in time automotive supplier , delivering automotive parts to AUDI.

• Responsible for more than 20 successful projects in the last 11 years.

for example:

PEGUFORM GmbH 2005 – 2006
(turnover 180 Mio €, 850employees) Director Logistics
(company:1,5 Bill. €, 8000 empl.)

Responsible for plant “Bötzingen”, supplier of Porsche, Audi, Mercedes and BMW
Re-engineering of all business processes
Restructuring Company and business process organization
Programme management and cost reduction over whole supply chain
Negotiations with premium OEM car manufacturer

BU Bücker Unternehmensgruppe 2003 – 2005
(turnover 30 Mio €, 260employees) Managing Director

Responsible for several operating companies, busy in engine production
Responsible for whole business, mainly production, quality management and”KAIZEN”, and sales.
Optimization and restructuring of companies and plants in process and performance.
Activities for increasing turnover.
Activities for reduction of costs.
Continuous improvement management (KAIZEN)
Planning and founding new plants
Reduction of stock 33 %
Increasing profit + 90 %

EXEL PLC. 2002 – 2003
(turn. 40 Mio. €, 300 empl.) General Manager / Plant Manager

Responsible for the site in Offenau, Neckarsulm
Responsible for the whole supply chain process and just in time delivery of 15 manufacturers to AUDI AG
Realization of different change projects like
- Improvement of relationship to customers
- Acquisition of new assignments
- Increase of turnover
- Reduction of costs
- Improvement of leadership and motivation of staff
- Partly change of management and working staff

- Successful change management of the whole plant with all relationships
- Successful daily business (running the plant)
- Clear improvements with important cost reductions
- Increasing Turnover + 80 %
- Successful conclusion of all projects

Crown Bender GmbH 1999 – 2000
turnover 250 mill. DM / 600 employees Director Logistics, member of the board

Responsible for all supply chain processes, head of logistics with the departements sales, purchasing, material planning, production planning and control, warehousing, shipping and distribution section.
Realization of different Supply Chain Change projects like
- Outsourcing shipping center
- Reduction of manufacturing penetration
- New logistics in supplies
- Just in time

- Clear improvements with important cost reductions
- Successful conclusion of all projects

PACO Co. Kft. (Hungary) 1995 – 1997
Managing Director c.e.o

• Founded the company on behalf of a client and developed the company for a period of 2 years before handing the company to the client.
• Main business was steal construction
• Responsible for finding premises, building, expanding hiring and developing all aspects of a newly founded company including all supply chain management subjects
• Building a highly successful company with a good reputation
• Achieved a certification of EN IS0 9000

BMW AG 1984 – 1995
(8000 employees / Plant Regensburg)

• Worked in various departments within BMW and at different locations.
• Started as a trainee in Sales and Logistics and advently became the Head of Department for Procurement.
• Responsible for overseeing the whole department and worked with 600 suppliers worldwide, responsible for the whole supply chain process
• Responsible for purchasing volume of DM 2300 billion
• After the purchasing department he became responsible for 3 other departments which were project mangement, supply chain management and quality assurance and all logistics and strategy concepts.
• Project leader for logistical preplanning at BMW Manufacturing Corporation Spartanburg, U.S.A.
• Co-ordinates suppliers workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa
• Decreased stock holding by 70 percent

Academic History
Since 1993 Assistant professor Fachhochschule Regensburg (Polytechnic)
\"Material management and production management”
1987 - 1992 Lecturer chamber of commerce Regensburg
\"Fachkaufmann für Vorratswirtschaft\"

1982 Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI (Club of German Engineers)
1995 Personal member ”Deutschen Wirtschaftsclub Budapest”

1996 Logistic-Management: USW Schriften für Führungskräfte
Verlag Schäfer Poeschel, Stuttgart

Education and Qualification
1980 –1984 Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Polytechnic Munich and Regensburg
Business Administration Degree

1992 Quality Engineer / Quality Manager (DGQ)


Dipl. Wirtsch. Ing.


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