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Human Resources & Legal Management

Human Resources & Legal Management

Work Experience

since 01/2008 Head of Human Resources and Legal Department
Nordsee Austria (biggest fish restaurant chain and retail group in Europe)
Head of a team of 3 employees
Reported to the Group CEO
- Responsible for the HR affairs of 500 employees in 40 stores in Austria
- Optimising HR development and HR marketing, recruiting, compensation
- Responsible for all legal matters of the company:
Labour law, company law, trade law, contract law, law of the European Union

2005 - 2007 Human Resources Expert
iT-AUSTRIA GmbH (datacenter and telephone service unit of Unicredit and Erstebank Group)
Negotiations with the Workers Council
Head of recruiting:
- planning & moderation of hearings for management positions
- Human resources development (introduction of a new compensation and career advancement system, training, internal communication)
- Labour Law Advisor (planning and holding seminars on collective labour law for 60 managers)

2004 - 2005 Human Resources Expert
Raiffeisen-Leasing GmbH
- Focused on HR development
- HR controlling & reporting
- labour law and recruiting

2002 - 2003 Human Resources Specialist
PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Focused on HR development
- HR controlling & reporting
- labour law and recruiting
- organisation of events for 500 employees
- representing the company at job fairs

1998 - 2001 Payroll Accountant and HR Assistant (part-time job, 20 hrs.)
Ludwig Polsterer OHG
- Payroll accounting for 60 employees
- recruiting
- labour law

Seminar “Labour Law for Managers” for managers of iT-AUSTRIA and NORDSEE (concept & lecture)
Workshop „Dangers of Alcohol Abuse in the Economy” in cooperation with psychologists (2006/2007)
Seminar “How to Apply for the First Job” (concept & lecture) for students (2005-2008)
Private guided tours in Vienna (since 1996)


1994 - 2001 University of Vienna, Austria
Faculty of Law
Graduated in the top 14%
Focus on labour law, European law and business law
Diploma Examination in European law

1986 - 1994 Secondary school “Institut Sacré Coeur der Erzdiözese Wien” Pressbaum, Austria
June 1994 A-level Secondary School Diploma “Matura” with honours

Additional Training and Skills
Annual Labour Law Conference, ARS 2008
Seminar “Project Management” (Primas Consulting 2004)Seminar “Labour Law in the Czech and Slovak Republics“, December 2007
Management Soft Skills Training (GWO), November 2007
Seminar “Innovations in Labour Law“, ARS 2007
Member of the HR Development Forum (ÖPWZ) 2005-2007
Seminar “Types of Employment Contracts”, ARS, December 2006
Seminar “Overtime Payment“, ARS, January 2005
Seminar “Flexitime“, ARS, January 2005
Basic knowledge in German Labour Law (responsible for the affiliated company of Raiffeisen Leasing in Germany)
Good knowledge in payroll accounting and wage income tax issues
Seminar „Systemic-integrative Recruiting“, Albrecht Business Coaching, 2004
Seminars “Business Communication”, offered by keytrain Consultants and ComeOn institute for communications


He's an experienced Head of HR with an extensive background in law. He possesses 11 years of management and hands-on experience in all HR disciplines at top Austrian companies (development, training, recruitment, compensation, payroll accounting & HR controlling, HR marketing) and also heads the legal department in his current position. He has completed his studies in law with a Magister iuris, the Austrian version of Master in Law (LLM). He has demonstrated social responsibility and leadership skills by his leading roles in charity organisations such as the Lions Clubs, and he has shown his initiative and presentation skills by organising and giving lectures and guided tours to very diverse audiences.

Head of the Legal Department and Human Resources Manager
Magister iuris, University of Vienna
German native speaker, fluent in English
Previously at PwC PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Raiffeisen Leasing, iT-AUSTRIA and Nordsee


German native
English fluent
French, Italian basic knowledge


My friends and colleagues would describe me as an extrovert personality of integrity, competent demeanour, etiquette, good sense of humour, sensitivity and assertiveness. I like to collaborate with people both within and outside the company and I get additional motivation from an environment with a dynamic team spirit.

The ability to self-motivate in difficult situations, a self-critical aspiration for continuous improvement in all areas of my life and stamina with complex tasks are aspects which complete my personality.

Activities having to do with reform, restructuring and improvement in efficiency fascinate me, because I can introduce my creativity and analytical skills, as well as my own initiative and organizational skills.

In addition to professional goals, a full, happy personal life and social commitment to others in emergencies or with special needs have always been important to me.


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