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Chef de Projet, consultant, business analyst

Chef de Projet, consultant, business analyst

Work Experience

06/2001 – present SPRL Belgium
General Manager, Co-founder

06/2010 – 07/2010 Public hospital, France
Analyst / senior consultant
• Analysis of performance and restructuring potential of operations theater
• 3 operations rooms
• >500 beds
• Process mapping - Resources analysis - DILO Days in the life of - Statistical analysis
• Planning, programmation, operational organization
• Management system – cultural readiness – competences matrix

12/2009 – 03/2010 Financial Insitution, Suisse
Senior PMO
• Support project managers & recommendations to the Board of directors for continuation or stop of ongoing projects and planned ones.
• Propose and implementation of a centralized project management structure
• Correctives actions of project management
• Implementation of operational KPI

10/2009 - 11/2009 Utilities company – water distribution – market leader France
Project manager & senior consultant
• Target processes of optimization of calls handling
• Training schedule and matrix
• Regional work group with experts
• Formalization of key points of the implementation
• Optimization of 1.2 million calls per year

09/2009 Utilities company – water distribution – market leader France
Project manager & senior consultant
• Analysis of organization
• Customer service agents and workload
• Logic of calls dispatching and loss of performance
• Matrix of most efficient call taking and optimization of process
• Matrix of competences and training needs

03/2009 Public hospital, France
Project manager & Analyst
• Analysis potential gain in restructuration of indirect services
• Analysis of logistics organization
• Analysis of Purchasing, Human Resources , logistics department

03/2008 - 11/2008 Public hospital, France
Project manager & senior consultant
• Restructuration of a public hospitals (550 beds)
• Optimization of processes and patient care
• Optimization of consumptions and restructuring of purchasing department
• Absenteeism – process improvement and human development
• Coding and invoicing – training of doctors, development of training materials for new doctors, optimization of process
• Pharmacy diminution of loss of old medications by 20% - processes and interaction with care units improvement
• Internal communication definition and set up (doctors/administrative staff/nurses)

01/2007 - 07/2007 Utilities company – Project extension 2, general roll-out on 52 sites, France
Project manager & senior consultant - Utilities company – water distribution – market leader
• Implementation of the project on the 52 sites
• Development of a toolkit with all relevant training and materials for a smooth roll-out down
• On-site presentation of the approach and documents
• On-site training, visits and monitoring
• Internal training of the team
• Detailed Planning of the implementation and consultants’ roles and responsibilities
• Consolidations of identified synergies
• Weekly reporting to top regional management
• Presentation of findings, results and conditions of success for further improvements

09/2006 - 12/2006 Utilities company – Project extension, implementation on pilot site, France
Consultant & Project manager - Utilities company – water distribution – market leader
• Following the analysis of July, implementation on one pilot site
• Working on behalf of the regional top management (52 sites)
• Development and implementation of database of maintenance activities including time, frequency, material and competences detailed in typology of installations
• Development and implementation of maintenance and activities planning (LT, MT, weekly and daily) per employee (in respect of their competencies)
• Development and implementation of competences matrix interfacing with the human resources management department to facilitate relevant training planning
• Development and implementation of emergency response processes in case of disruptive and/or recurring breakdown or maintenance activities
• Management and coaching of top-level to floor management
• On-site visits and control of the implementation
• Training of top-level to floor management in change management, planning, maintenance, prioritising, operational meetings, corrective actions…
• Presentation of results to top management
• Close collaboration with the client’s regional project manager

05/2006 - 07/2006 Utilities company - Analysis and recommendations, France
Analyst & consultant - Utilities company – water distribution – market leader
• Analysed the maintenance process of the company
• Analysed the on-going maintenance project of the company
• Analysed the documents, approach and document flow
• Analysed the maintenance process stakeholder interaction

05/2005 - 12/2005 Distribution outlet company- Project, France
Principal Consultant and acting Project Manager
• Analysed & optimised the Supply Chain Process
• Designed and implemented the new supply chain organisation structure
• Defined and supported the operational implementation of the new supply chain management software
• Coached the General Manager on operational management and staff training (13 people)
• Defined structured recommendations for future development phases involving the client’s organisational and IT needs
• Analysed and redefined the management, logistics and organisation of the product samples room (> 30,000 products)
• Analysed and redefined the management and organisation (roles & responsibilities) of the quality insurance process
• Recruited and trained 5 new purchasers
• Created the indirect purchase department, trained and coached the 2 dedicated new buyers
• International distribution outlet (7000 containers yearly from China)

01/2005 - 05/2005 Distribution outlet company- Project, France
Principal Consultant and acting Project Manager
• Analysed the purchasing department’s staffing and proposed restructuring
• Designed and implemented the new purchasing department structure
• Coached various departments’ line managers on purchasing (10 people)
• Coached the purchasing department staff on key negotiations
• Coached, supported and advised purchasing staff at key negotiation venues/fairs (10 people):
o Frankfurt Germany (3 days)
o Paris France (3 days)
o Guangzhou China (10 days)

11/2004 – 12/2004 Pharmaceutical factory – Analysis, Belgium
• Analysed the organisation’s operational processes’ efficiency
• Analysed the project management structure
• Analysed the warehouse tools and organisation
• Analysed the warehouse management and interaction with main warehouse
• Defined recommendations for the factory’s physical relocation

03/2002 – 07/2004 European Performance Institute (EPI), Brussels
Management Consultant
European Operational management consulting company specialised in change management & implementation and performance improvement.

09/2004 – 11/2004 Aerospace equipment manufacturer - Project, Belgium
Implementation Manager
• Analysed process efficiency and developed solutions for the purpose of operational organisation restructuring:
o Human Resources
o Production planning
o Request for Quotations
o Maintenance

05/2004 – 06/2004 Aerospace equipment manufacturer – Analysis, Belgium
• Analysed the organisational processes efficiency
• Analysed the project management structure
• Identified potential savings of 84 Full Time Equivalent
The client accepted the analysis findings and the project proposition

02/2004 – 04/2004 Water supply company - Project, France
• Contract extension to the project dated 11/2003-02/2004
• Implemented the in-house operations planning software in 6 sites
• Developed and implemented the communication structure with the client’s national Project Manager
• Planned & coordinated the national implementation of the system
• Developed and implemented a management toolbox to follow up on operations
• Developed training materials on workload planning and time management, and trained client staff on 6 sites (30 people)

• Regional Vice-President Bretagne
• Regional Customer Care Director Bretagne
• Branch Manager Quimper
• Local Customer Care managers Quimper and Rennes

11/2003 - 02/2004 Water supply company - Project, France
Project Manager
• Analysed and redesigned the operational processes & operational management
• Analysed and redesigned the field work planning processes
• Formalised the designed processes using Microsoft Excel and Visio
• Redefined the functional requirements for the implementation of in-house operations planning software
• Presented the target process to the Regional President
• Analysed, developed and implemented Best Practices for operations and field work planning
• Implemented the solutions on 4 sites covering a 150-kilometer radius

10/2003 - 11/2003 Hospitals - Analysis, Belgium
• Analysed the purchasing organisation; Roles & Responsibilities (R&R)
• Analysed the purchasing processes
• Analysed the existence of purchasing mapping
• Analysed the purchasing negotiations planning (existence, contents, R&R)

06/2003 - 08/2003 Foodstuff producer - Project, France
Consultant and acting Project Manager
• Analysed the purchasing department staffing and proposed restructuring
• Developed and implemented the new purchasing department structure
• Coached various company departments’ line managers on purchasing. (5 people)
• Coached the purchasing department staff on key negotiations
• Implemented a communication structure between management and the manufacturing facility (200km distance)

05/2003 - 06/2003 Hospitals - Analysis, Belgium
• Analysed the existence of purchasing mapping
• Analysed the purchasing organisation (R&R)
• Analysed the negotiations planning process & tools (existence, contents, R&R)

04/2003 - 05/2003 Telecommunications Poland
Project manager
• Requested by the client personally to perform the audit follow-up on the project (11/2002-01/2003)
• Coached all 10 company directors in meeting management, assertiveness, process presentation and argumentation

02/2003 - 04/2003 Railway company, UK
• Developed and implemented a management tool for evaluating timetable performance and corrective action. The tool included an operational performance report for station managers and staff
• Developed and implemented a communication structure for staff and management performance, as well as simple meetings and reports

01/2003 – 02/2003 Telecommunications - Analysis, Poland
Senior Consultant Lublin & Warsaw
• Coached and trained a team of 3 Polish external (EPI) consultants in change management and process analysis methodology in Warsaw
• Work floor coaching of 4 internal (client) consultants on analysis methodology in Lublin
• Analysed stock value, stock management, reporting, and materials tracking system

11/2002 - 01/2003 Telecommunications - Project, Poland
Project Manager
• Restructured the project management process
• Reorganised the management organisation and reporting system
• Developed and implemented the projects monitoring process and tools

10/2002 – 11/2002 Telecommunications, Poland
Senior Consultant
• Managed a team of 4 Polish external (EPI) consultants
• Identified and analysed “invisible” client accounts (accounts receivable) representing a total of €250,000 and developed & implemented a management tool for the recovery & follow up of accounts receivable
• Analysed client satisfaction and retention and developed & implemented a management tool and procedures for follow-up and corrective action

06/2002 – 10/2002 Ferry service company, France
• Mapped the purchasing organisation
• Developed negotiation training
• Coached client staff on negotiation rounds (15 people)
• Analysed supplier and purchasing strategies
• Redefined and implemented a new purchasing strategy and management tools

06/2002 Insurance broker, Belgium
• Business Analysis of administrative processes
• Analysed the way of working for 8 agencies and branch offices
• Analysed the Best Practices and implementation potential of a uniform national organisation

05/2002 - 06/2002 Telecommunications, Poland
• Business Analysis
• Analysed the project management process and management
• Analysed the structure, organisation, budget assignation, budget control, project organisation and follow up

03/2002 - 05/2002 Telecommunications, France
• Project: Call centre performance and organisation
• Defined and followed-up key performance indicators
• Trained call centre operators and management on operational issues and day-to-day management
• Developed toolboxes and held training session on “fighting absenteeism”
• Coached operational line management
• Analysed competences and developed a Roles & Responsibilities Matrix
• On the basis of this matrix, analysed and defined the training needs
• Supported the management on development and organisation of training sessions

04/2001 – 06/2001 Strategic Analysis Europe, Brussels
Research Analyst Belgium

08/1997 - 02/1998 Waterleiding Friesland, The Netherlands
International Business Development Trainee the Netherlands
• Research and analysis of worldwide competitors within the urban water supply and wastewater management markets.
• Building up international business contacts.
• Analysis of and reporting on international tenders.
• Development of strategic internationalisation alternatives based on merger and acquisition scenarios.

I conducted a series of studies aimed at obtaining a clear picture on the competitive situation within international urban water supply and wastewater management markets. My investigations, which included many competitors' strategy analyses and visiting various clients in Europe, enabled me to propose an international market development strategy to the company Coordinator of International Affairs. My research and analysis resulted in a strategic development policy paper that included recommendations to the company on entering and developing its international operations.


1994 - 1998 EPSCI – ESSEC Cergy Pontoise
Bachelor’s Degree France
• Double-Award exchange programs with Amsterdam School of Business; see below.
• Thesis: "Services: public or private? A comparative study of the water market".
Awarded 16/20 for content, argumentation, and presentation.

1996 - 1997 Amsterdam School of Business Amsterdam
Bachelor's Degree The Netherlands
• One-year exchange program to obtain double bachelor degree accreditation.

1993 - 1994 San Francisco high school San Francisco
High school – French Baccalaureate USA
• A-level equivalent in Philosophy and Mathematics.
• I was elected valedictorian for the Graduation Speech in French and English



1) Experience of planning, consolidation and delivering large and complex Programs and Projects impacting across many business functions.

2) Managing multi-disciplinary, cross-functional and external company teams and offshore software development and vendor management.

3) Assessing and Managing risks at both Program and Project level.

4) Business consulting, budget control, change management methods, tools, techniques and implementation. Procurement, People Management, Budget Management, Supplier Management and Order Management.

5) Stakeholder Management.

Completing Projects according to scope, budget, time and quality requirements.

Lean, Six Sigma, CMMI, 5S,TQM, KAIZEN, Prince2, PMI practitioner


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