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Senior IT Management Consultant

Senior IT Management Consultant

Work Experience

Extensive international IT Management experience, in diversified domains and cultures: Banking and International Trading, Industry, Scientific Research.
- Results-focused IT Program Manager, with large project-governance and risks management expertise.
- Specialized in aligning IT strategies with Business Objectives, especially in the Finance services sector.
- Hard-worker, enthusiastic, combines excellent analytical skills and vision/leadership, communicates effectively at all levels in French and/or English, good level of German.
- French citizen, 57, Computer Sciences Engineer (ENS IMAG 1971), resides in Switzerland (“C” permit).

2006-present : Senior IT Management Consultant
- IT Governance, with specific expertise on IT Finance and controlling and Information Risk Management.
- Vast Projects/Programs Management experience : IT Portfolio Management, PMO, Projects Risks and governance.
- Business Process Re-engineering expertise in Financial and Logistics services.

Recent achievements :

2006 (ING Bank)- Managed the porting of ING’ Trade Finance System from its original Mainframe MVS system (CICS, DLI, Cobol), onto an i-Series platform. Project outsourced to a French supplier having the proper engineering expertise/tooling.Initiated the process for selecting an Application Management Services supplier for the resulting code.

2005 (ING Bank) - Lead the IT Internal Controls initiative, aimed at ensuring ING Bank’ SOX and ASB compliance, certified by independent Auditors.

2005 (ING Bank) - Implemented an IT Portfolio Approach to enable Management to prioritize the various projects/requests according to their contribution to the Bank’ strategic objectives. Resulted in a 3-years rolling Road-Map.

2004 (ING Bank) - Developed Geneva as a Services Hub, servicing other ING’ Private banking entities (Jersey, Guernsey, Monaco, and Curacao), with the appropriate SLA’s, governance processes, invoicing, etc.

2004 (ING Bank)- Managed the functional enrichment of the systems with new Banking functions, beyond the mandatory/regulatory projects : AML, KYC, EcoFIN, e.g.:
- Analysis of profitability by Dept/Banker/Client segment,
- Highly-secured digitalization of the Bank’ Central File,
- Advanced web-banking functions for Clients and external Wealth Managers,
- Advanced Client reporting based on AAA/Actuate.

2003 (ING Bank) - Drastically reduced the IT costs (>20%) by optimizing the Bank’ infrastructures, re-negotiating key contracts and suppressing services ; implemented a transparent IT costs re-distribution based on services consumption.

2002 (ING Bank) - Managed the IT aspects of the merging of two Private Banks (BBL-Suisse and ING Barings PB), including the migration to Olympic/AAA.

2000 (André & Cie) - Co-directed the group’ Internet initiatives ; resulted in the development of the group’ web presence, including an interactive site for capturing Financing requests.

1999 (André & Cie) - Co-managed the Y2k IT program, including its world-wide coordination.

Work History :

2001/2006 - ING Private Bank – Head of IT
Managed the IT related aspects of the merger of ING Barings PB and Banque Bruxelles Lambert Suisse, and, subsequently, the resulting IT services organization and Projects.
The target environment consisted of packages (Olympic, AAA) and internally developed functions (MIS, web-banking, Intra/ExtraNet) based on an SQL-server Data Warehouse replicating the Olympic structure.
The recurring operational activities have been increasingly outsourced (mainly to IBM), with the required SLA and governance processes. Services and Solutions vendors Management represented a significant share of my time.
I acted as interim Information Risk Manager for more than two years ; in particular, I directly managed our IT SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) compliance program, with positive Audit review.

1991/2001 - André Group (Lausanne) – Chief Information Officer
Context : Privately-owned group, one of the “big five” in agricultural commodities trading, combining an opportunistic culture, and a sharp expertise in Finances, Logistics, and Risk management.
- Created the group’ CIO function, re-established the credibility of the IS organization : completion of critical projects, restructuring and modernizing the IS team and tooling, etc.
- Developed and implemented a global Systems “vision” for the group, enabling the replacement of outdated local systems by a consistent Trading solution ; it combined packages (CODA, Frango, etc.) and specific, internally-developed modules: positions management, physical contracts, hedging operations, etc.
- Managed the corresponding projects, from requirements definition to their implementation, including the BPR actions.
André’ system suite, based on modern technologies (Oracle, Business Objects, Citrix, Lotus Notes, etc) was successfully implemented in the group’ main trading units (1’200 users worldwide). It enabled the re-positioning of IS as a strategic function within the group, bringing innovative and cost-effective solutions to the business (IT Budget ~$24 Mios).

1987/1991 - Digital equipment Corporation – EHQ IS Manager
Responsible for a team of 80+ IT specialists in charge of providing innovative solutions and services to a highly demanding population of initially 1’000 HQ users in Geneva:
- Identification of Business needs in a highly demanding context,
- Delivery of the corresponding solutions and services,
- Participation to the European IS Management team,
- Management of the European Telecommunications hub in Geneva.

1976/1987 WR Grace & Co. – European IS Development Manager
In the context of an ambitious transformation program, WR GRACE had undertaken the development of a highly integrated information system (ERP) to manage its European subsidiaries by Product-lines.
- Business Systems Analyst (1976-78)
- Systems Analysis Manager – Europe (1978-82): Responsible for the overall systems architecture, the systems requirements definitions and specifications, their implementation, and the direct management of our Analysts and Project leaders (18 persons).
- Systems development Manager – Europe (1983-87): Management of the technical development of pan-European systems, which was carried out by two teams (France and Germany), i.e. a total staff of 50+. This internally developed ERP covered most of the supply chain Management’ functions from Order-entry to Production QC.

1972/1976 : Software engineer at CERN (Geneva)


1971 : Ingénieur en Mathématiques Appliquées (ENSIMAG - Grenoble)

1970 : Master in Computer Sciences (University of Grenoble)


ICT Strategy definition (alignment with Business Objectives)
Project Management (PMO)
Information Security


French - mother tongue
English - Fluent
German - Good level (Hoch Deutsch)


Holder of a Swiss C permit
Resides in Switzerland


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