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M&A in HR

M&A in HR

Work Experience

Over 20 years of experience in different HR areas as well as work experience in management consulting, with focus on business transformation and strategic HR, organizational development/change management and PMI
M&A due diligence experiences include data room reviews, analytic and financial cost reviews (esp. HR), communication with advisory groups/stakeholders, resources coordination, drafting of HR diligence reports
Experience with post-merger-integration methods and tools, e.g. synergy tracking, and with organizational (re-) design including methods and tools, organizational effectiveness analysis, process and systems harmonisation
Talent / Recruitment Systems: I.a. workforce planning, employer branding, advertisements and online search, interviewing, selection, contract negotiation and closing, onboarding, administration and outplacement
Career / Training Systems: I.a. identification of key jobs and staff, determination of successors, career planning and aspirations, evaluation/assessment/feedback and mentoring
Compensation / Performance Management Systems: I.a. expatriates, development of competencies, job evaluation, system development (incl. STI and LTI), planning and implementation of ERA, MBO and BSC
Leadership and proven project and change management skills and experiences; HRIS strategies, planning and implementation, support and introduction of CompOnline/Expat Monitor, Hyperion/Oracle, SAP/SuccessFactors
International work experience and intercultural approach, esp. in FinServ, ICT, chemical, pharma, automotive supply, FMCG, life science and international industrial goods combined with an excellent command of English


Master Studies Computer Science, Business Administration, Economics


E, D, F


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