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Managing Director

Managing Director

Work Experience

Former founder / partner / CEO of:
1992 - 1998 Amplitude Consulting ltd, The Isle of Sark, management, assets and equity
1997 - 1999 UTRO ltd, London / Brussels, petrol distribution & retail
1998 - 2000 Pallas sa, Brussels, real estate & investment
2000 - 2005T.T.L. Recordings & Productions, Luxemburg, digital recordings and production

Starting his professional career in 1972 as an account executive within major advertising agencies, he served international accounts (P&G, Dupont, Renault, Fiat, Esso, Gulf Oil, Nestlé, General Biscuits, McDonald’s, Levi’s, etc.) successively with Y&R, Publicis and SSC&B/Lintas, of which he became client service director in 1980. All through the years, he developed skills and expertise in comprehensive product / corporate marketing, identity and image design, branding and market intelligence, account management, budget control, new business and team management.

From 1980, BJO launched out into free-lance consultancy, focusing on innovation, strategic management and marketing as well as public and corporate communication:
- implementation of Blue Bell (Wrangler) retail network in Eastern European countries (Poland, East Germany, Hungary) in 1980 / 81;
- EFT network (Mister Cash) of two major banks in Belgium between 1982 and 1984;
- from 1984 to 1987, strategic branding & marketing for a leading European bio food producer (Lima), introduction of the first bio brand into EU retail distribution, becoming a reputed international consultant for the bio food distribution in Benelux, France, the UK, Germany and Spain;
- Belgian / European educational / didactic fully equipped photography unit for the Ministry of Industry of the People’s Republic of China (1985);
- from 1981 until 2001, management and marketing consultant for the tourism and travel industry in Belgium (UPAV, Wagon)Lits).

He fulfilled from analysis to implementation various management consultancy and interim management missions for SME’s and / or multinationals, contributing to HR, marketing and business development.

1990 - 1993 In the nineties, BJO extended and reinforced his competence in the field of innovative / strategic management, mergers & acquisitions, equity & funding, joint ventures & innovative public / private partnerships:
- development strategy of a leading brand and packaging design international network: based in Brussels, he set up a joint venture with France, Portugal, Great Britain and the US

1993 partner in the first Economic Mission of the Walloon Region in Japan
1996 - 2000 partner and/or managing director in charge of strategic development with small and middle-sized companies such as Amplitude Consulting Limited (Isle of Sark, assets and equity management), Pallas Belgium sa (Real Estate, investment), UTRO Ltd (London & Brussels, petrol distribution), T.T.L. Recordings & Productions (fine digital recordings and music production), Cyberscouts GmbH (3D animated characters in real time for broadcast and shows).

Over the last 15 years, BJO was strongly involved into cultural and social issues, and coordinated equity and funding as well as overall management for the City of Brussels, the Brussels Capital
Region, the City of Charleroi, the Walloon Region, and various cultural NPO’s such as La Monnaie (National Opera – Brussels: creation of “La Monnaie au Parc de Bruxelles” – open air concert, 15.000 p. audience), the Brussels Museums Council, the Army Museum of Brussels, etc.
BJO also conducted several public / private health info & communication campaigns over nutrition, cardio-vascular diseases, hepatitis, meningitis, etc., focusing on lobbying and strategy, raising equities and funding between Federal and Regional Health and Social Public Services, Universities (UCL / KUL, ULB / VUB, Ghent, Liège), Belgian and European NGO’s and Industries (UCB, Roche, GSK, Pfizer, Novartis, Janssen-Cilag, Solvay, etc.).

Over the last 15 months, BJO has started and managed 2 major missions:
- an innovative T-IPTV (Targeted IPTV) media concept, developing integrated narrowcasting type of networks, authorizing “right on target” contents and advertising;
- an innovative mutual insurance concept benefiting to pets, owners, vets and public Health Services.
Equity & funding was a major issue.

BJO’s education includes Law, Modern Languages (etymology and linguistics), History of Arts, and various management and marketing seminars, courses and trainings. He fluently speaks French, Dutch and English, has a good knowledge of German as well as basics of Italian and Spanish.



Innovation, strategic thinking & marketing
New business development
Project management, incl. partnerships & networking
Equity & funding, mecenat & sponsoring
Interim / crisis / change management
Corporate, brand & product design
Corporate communication / B to B / PR & PA

Areas of application:
General management
Marketing & communication
New technologies (3D, web, IPTV)
Health & environment
NPO’s (arts, welfare)


french, dutch, english, (german)


His hobbies are opera, cinema, novels (modern French literature) and history. He is also a good sailor and game fisher. He dedicates a lot of time with friends, sharing with them cuisine (his second nature) and good wines.


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