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Head of Marketing

Head of Marketing

Work Experience

09/2008 – today Cedar Lane Asset Management
Position: Head of Marketing
Branch: Finance
Location: New York (USA)
Size of company: 100 Employees
Job Description:
Marketing Management for the market launch of a new financial product in Germany
- Product Development
- Development of a Marketing Plan
- Budgeting
- Launch of the new product through an integrated marketing campaign
- Management of an interdisciplinary marketing team

05/2008 - 08/2008 DB Schenker
Position: Head of Internal Communications International
Branch: Transport / Logistics
Location: Berlin (GER)
Size of company: 88.000 Employees
Job Description:
- Establishment of an internal corporate communication-structure for the launch of a first global communication campaign of DB Schenker
- Management of the internal campaign
- Management of an interdisciplinary team
- Establishment of acceptance towards communicative departmental goals worldwide
- On-time supply of different communication kits for 88.000 employees worldwide

04/2008 - todayJucho & Coll - Deutsche Industrieanleihen GmbH
Branch: Finance
Location: Berlin (GER)
Size of company: 4 Empolyees
Job Description:
- Strategic consulting of Jucho & Coll in the marketing of various debentures issued by midsize companies
- Marketing and communication planning as well as management of various interdisciplinary agencies and services
- Clients: Gebhard Real Estate AG, Human Bio Science GmbH, EVA Finance GmbH, Scandic Immobilien ApS, Behr AG
- Successive launches of debentures into the financial market

01/2008 - today
Different trainings and in-house seminars for several German companies
Job Description:
- Execution of 2-day intensive seminars on the „Collaboration with Advertising Agencies and other external Services in Marketing“. Usually as an in-house-seminar and as a branded “Management Circle”-Seminar
- Clients: Management Circle, Nestle Deutschland GmbH, Secca GmbH, PBS Bank

06/2007 - 10/2007 Network for the integration of visually impaired people (NBT)
Position: Campaign-Manager
Branch: Non-Profit
Location: Marburg (GER)
Size of company: Association of 15 non-profit organisations (about 2.000 employees)
Job Description:
- Planning an execution of a public campaign for the network consisting of 15 non-profit organizations
- Overall campaign management (budget 800.000 €): steering of all agencies and services involved. (Advertising Agency: Joussen Karliczek; PR-Agency: Pleon; Media-Agency: Goldmedia Sales and Services; internal Team for internet-editing and -programming)
- Consulting of the NBT management board
- Creating an broad public awareness for the interests of the network in correlation with the initiative “Woche des Sehens” (Week of Seeing) 2007

09/2007 - 12/2007 D-Trust GmbH
Branch: Trust Center / Online-Services
Location: Berlin (GER)
Size of company: 40 Employees
Job Description:
- Development of a long-term marketing- and communication strategy for the market launch of a new online service portal (D-TRUST prokura)
- Development of a pricing strategy for the services offered
- Consulting on usability, user guidance, text and structure of the portal
- successful and on-time launch of the new portal

08/2006 - 05/2007 Deutsche Bahn AG
Position: Head of Marketing Communications for Transport and Logistics
Branch: Transport / Bahn
Location: Berlin (GER)
Size of Company: 230.000 Employees
Job Description:
- Supporting the division of corporate-marketing-communication to establish a new division-brand-structure
- Supporting the international integration of the logistic company Bax Gobal into the Schenker Corporation
- Direction and Supervision of all marketing-communication activities and the division
- Integration and coordination of all internal and external stakeholders
- Supervision of primary market research in major German cities on the new division-brand-structure
- Support, preparation and supervision of mass communication by the division DB Logistics in lieu of the TRANSPORT LOGISTICS trade show 2007 in Munich
- Pitch-Consulting for Railion Deutschland AG during their tendering for a new lead agency
- Steering of internal, national and international agencies
- Establishment of the new division-brand-structure
- Global re-branding „Bax goes Schenker“

05/2006 - 08/2006 neofonie GmbH
Branch: IT
Standort: Berlin (GER)
Firmengröße: 100 Mitarbeiter
Job Description:
- Coaching of the existing internal Marketing-/Sales-team to develop their independent marketing strategy and an integrated marketing plan as basis for a financing approval by a new investor

04/2005 - 05/2006 Nuon Deutschland GmbH
Position: Head of Marketing Communications
Branch: Energy Supply
Location: Berlin (GER)
Job Description:
- Supervision of the market launch in Germany
- Execution of market and field research
- Strategy development and positioning in direct agreement with the board of directors
- Marketing-/ budget planning and controlling
- Integrated campaign management / development and implementation of a launch-campaign for the test market Berlin (budget 1 million €)
- Management and integration of various agencies (creative-agency, media-agency, PR-agency, online-agency)
- Consulting of the CEO in internal corporate communication / writing of speeches
- Parallel training of an internally recruited employee to manage marketing /and corporate communication
- Successful launch of the brand “Nuon” and their product Nuon-power in the Berlin market (30.000 customers after 4 months / goal: 100.000 customers in one year)
- Successful training of a new employee to manage marketing and corporate communication

03/2005 - 10/2008 Winters & Hirsch Property Consultants GmbH
Branch: Real Estate
Location: Berlin (GER)
Size of company: 40 Employees
Job Description:
- Management of brand building in Germany
- Overall marketing- and management-consulting
- Consulting in creative concepts
- Marketing in other European countries (UK, Denmark, Spain)
- Successive building of a support network of special marketing services
- Leading and supervising of all agencies and services involved (PR-agency: Markengold; Media-agency: Goldmedia Sales and Services; Internet/Online-Design und –Programming: Re-Structure; graphic services: Rainer Födisch; Text/concept: Winfried Ressler)
- Establishment of a marketing-function in the company
- Establishment of a market oriented management style among the companies top-management
- Establishment of a corporate brand

01/2005 - heute
Self-Employment as a constltant and interim manager in marketing- and brand-management

11/2001 - 12/2002 Foote, Cone and Belding
Position: Management Supervisor / New Business
Branch: Advertising
Location: Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt
Size of Company: approx. 2.500 Employees
Job Description:
- Creation and Management of a local New Business division (3 employees)
- Integration and coordination of all new business-activities within the German FCB Network (Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt)
- Representation and marketing of the agency to potential new clients
- Coordination an execution of all new business presentations
- Won clients: Financial Times Germany / Media (b-to-b business / 3 million € budget); Berlinwasser / Multi Utility (10.000 € budget)
- Placement of agency in pitches: Ravensburger Spieleverlag / Leisure, Varta AG / FMCG, Digital TV Berlin-Bandenburg / Media, Timberland Germany / Fashion, Kaiser’s Drugstore / trade, Radio Hundert,6 / Media
- Introduction of „Trendvision“ a survey tool for client acquisition

06/2201 - 10/2001 Publicis Berlin
Position: Head of Consulting / Strategic Planning
Branch: Advertising
Location: Berlin (GER)
Size of company: 120 Employees
Job Description:
- Director of both divisions (about 20 employees) in direct agreement with the Management
- Extension of the division „strategic planning“
- Internal planning and budgeting
- Face to the customer/ -consultant to all clients of the agency
- Execution and coordination of all new business presentations
- Creation and coordination of a new business division
- Won budgets: Schroedel Verlag / Media (200.000 € budget)

10/200 - 05/2001
Position: Account Director
Job Description:
- Direction of a team of consultants (4 employees)
- Responsibility for 7 client budgets (6,2 Million € budget)
- Execution and coordination of all new business presentations
- Help in introducing and integrating of a strategic planning division
- Won budgets: avida / utility services (3 Million € budget), Investitionsbank Berlin (100.000 € budget), Hitwin / Internet (200.000 € budget), Winters & Hirsch / Real Estate (50.000 € budget)
- Placement of agency in the folowing pitches: Liegenschaftsfonds Land Berlin / public services, BerlinOnline / Internet-Portal, Strellson AG / Fashion

04/2000 - 09/2000
Position: Account Manager
Job Description:
- Direction of a team of consultants (2 employees)
- Responsibility for 2 existing budgets: plenum AG / IT, Karstadt Itellium / IT (together 600.000 € budget)
- Won budgets: Berlinwasser / Multi Utility Holding (2,2 Million € budget)
- Placement of the agency in the following pitches: Teles AG / IT, Plenunm AG / IT

10/1999 - 03/2000 New Sign
Position: Account Manager / New Business
Branch: Advertising
Location: Berlin (GER)
Size of Company: 20 Employees
Job Description:
- Creating and directing of a new business division (2 employees)
- Placement of the agency in the following pitches: 123 Mondia / IT, Blub Badeparadies / Leisure, Radio Hundert,6 / Media

06/1998 - 06/1999 Röntz & Partner
Position: Account Manger
Branch: Advertising
Locationen: Berlin (GER)
Size of company: 30 Employees
Job Description:
- Direction of integrated project-Teams (5 – 10 employees)
- Marketing of the agency to potential clients
- Strategic consulting of all clients
- New business development
- client acquisition
- Introduction of strategic planning-techniques to improve efficiency and the clients services
- Won budgets: Möbel Rath / trade, Elbe Haus Industrie AG / building, Bierpinsel / gastronomy (together 220.000 €)

09/1997 - 03/1998 Borsch, Stengel & Partner
Position: Concept/Copywriter
Branch: Advertising
Location: Frankfurt (GER)
Size of Company: 130 Employees
Serviced brands:
- Concept/ copy writer for the following brands: Ferrero (Hanuta, Mon Cherie) / FMCG, REWE / Handel, Remy Martin / beverages, Sternjacob (Scout, 4 You) / Fashion


MBA (04/2003-08/2004)
“General Management”
Macquarie Graduate School of Management MGSM, Sydney (AUS)

First Academic Degree in Social and Economic Communication Studies (1991-1997)
The University of the Arts, Berlin (GER)

University-entrance diploma (08/1982 - 05/1990)
Gymnasium Lutherschule, Hannover (GER)

Further Training:

Schauspielschule Berlin (GER),
„Acting and Rhetoric for managers“ (11/2007)

SPM, St. Gallen (CH),
„New Business Development“ (07/2002)

Management Circle Berlin (GER),
„Staff Motivation“ (06/2001)

IEB Berlin (GER),
„E-Business“ (08/2000)

ITW Berlin (GER),
„Project Management“ (12/1999)


Internationally educated advertising-expert for strategic and operative marketing and marketing communications management; longtime experience in integrated brand management in advertising agencies as well as reputable experience as a consultant, coach and interims manager for marketing and brand-communication in different industries; experienced in planning and implementing national and international campaigns for SME’s and corporations;
type: initiator; fast, reliable and pragmatic approach


German - native language
English - business-fluen


- Award
MGSM (Sydney, Australia)
Merit Award
for exceptional attainment in „Leadership and Motivation“ (06/2004)

- Computer skills
MS Office Suite


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