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CIO/IT Director

CIO/IT Director

Work Experience

May 06 - present Freelance IT consultant. Networking, Web-design, IT-support, interim-management.

Jul. 03 - May 06 Royal Philips, Corporate IT, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Executive Vice-president Enterprise Communication & Collaboration.
Responsible for all Data- and Voice-communication and all Collaboration tools such as Lotus Notes/Domino for e-mail and workflow, Quickplace and Instant Messaging for teamwork worldwide, as well as the RAD application environment within Lotus Notes.
The PGN (Philips Global Network) is a worldwide network connecting 650 locations and enabling 166,000 employees to communicate. Our Lotus Notes instance was one of the largest in the world with 110,000 registered users in a single domain. My office was also responsible for negotiating worldwide mobile- and fixed-voice and data contracts and developed workflow applications and services for all Philips employees.
Through a tariff system I had P&L responsibilities for my departments with a total annual budget of 400 million. I reported directly to the CIO (member of the Board of Management)
Main accomplishments:
Creation of a state-of-the-art Internet Centric Strategy to significantly reduce network costs and enhance usability for the product divisions.
Conversion from a many point-to-point network to a 4-region and 4-vendor Global Network with central coordination and management. This has reduced the annual network operation costs from 80 million to 65 million while increasing our bandwidth and service level.
Central handling and negotiating of all mobile and fixed contract activities, thereby leveraging the buying power of Philips and providing a reduction in voice operating expenses from 120 million to 100 million.
Successful upgrade of all 110,000 registered users from Notes R5 to Notes R6 through the development of a remote roll-out package. Also upgraded the Domino server environment to R6 and reduced the number of server locations from 65 to 28 thereby reducing the annual e-mail managed-operating expenses from 40 million to 30 million.

Dec. 00 - May. 03 PeopleSoft International. Vice-president IT, International Operations, Amsterdam.
Responsible for all aspects of Information Systems and Information Technology for all regions outside of North America: EMEA, Asia-Pac, Japan, Latin America. I have dual reporting lines to the Executive Vice-president International Operations and to the CIO.
Re-organized a team of IT professionals for the support of infrastructure in the four regions and created a team of application professionals for the development and implementation of our own PeopleSoft applications: HR, Finance, Customer Systems, Reporting & Analytics, and eProcurement.
Main accomplishments:
Successful organization of a new applications development department for the international regions
Successful implementation of complete PeopleSoft Financials and CRM suite for the International Operations countries
Reorganization of the worldwide IT support departments and escalation processes and systems to accommodate a global organization.

Nov. '96 - Dec. 00 Cisco Systems International B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Sr. Manager IT Operations & Technology EMEA.
Responsible for the setup of a new Infrastructure and Helpdesk organisation and the implementation of the Oracle based ERP application and Oracle financials for Europe. These mission critical systems were located in Amsterdam and ran on Sequent multiprocessor systems and Sun 5000 class machine in a highly secure environment. The infrastructure had a network of WAN lines to 70+ offices in Europe, Middle East and Africa, with about 100 NT servers for general file and print serving and 60+ high-end servers in a state-of-the-art Oracle NCA client-server architecture. My team consisted of 100+ technical and administrative people with an overall budget responsibility of US$25 million supporting 8000 people in 70 offices across EMEA. I was responsible for the ERP installation of applications and systems in the EMEA areaa and our E-commerce site handled 85% of the Cisco EMEA revenue.
Main accomplishments:
Completely re-designed and build a state-of-the-art IT Operations Facility with Network Operating Center and a next century ready Data Center.
Completed strategic development of staff and data center systems, processes and technologies, for the execution & delivery of computing and network services and (Web based) applications to the 8000+ Cisco employees based in EMEA
Implemented 1st and 2nd line support organization
Developed and implemented new technologies to streamline the operational aspect of the salesforce.
Implemented new group for Web application development (Intranet and Extranet).

Jun.93 - Jun '96 TeleCheck International, Inc. (Division of FDC),
Houston, Texas, Vice-president of IT Services (Officer of the company).
Included all previous responsibilities as well as the full control of all corporate and district telecommunications and data-processing activities within the TeleCheck organization in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, overseeing a staff of 100+ employees. The yearly telecommunications budget was $12,000,000, the capital budget was $13,000,000 and the employee budget was $8,000,000.
Main accomplishments
Reorganized all telecommunications activities, infrastructure and organization and saved the corporation $700,000 yearly during 1994 through conversion from conventional 56Kbps leased lines to world-wide Frame-Relay services and increased efficiency in our 800 toll-free communication services.
Converted the network to a TCP/IP based routing system with Cisco WAN routers, Ascend ISDN routers and Cascade Switches.
Windows PCs and Windows NT systems have been installed in about 50 remote sales offices with full TCP/IP connectivity using Frame Relay.
Lead the application-programming group in the development of checkprocessing transaction and database software using C and C++ in a client/server architecture.
As a member of the due diligence team, for the technical and financial evaluation of companies to be acquired into the TeleCheck organization, I participated in the successful acquisition of 5 major companies.

Feb.91 - Jun.93 TeleCheck Services, Inc. Houston, Texas, Director of Hardware Services.
Included all previous responsibilities as well as the full management of the Systems Management Group, responsible for all Operating Systems and Network Management as well as the control of the yearly hardware budget of nearly $10,000,000
Also became responsible for Facilities Management, which included all power backup facilities (UPS, Generator), air conditioning for the computerroom and all construction and relocation efforts for the corporation; and the Shipping & Receiving Department.
Main accomplishments:
Reorganized the shipping & receiving department to automate the sending of collections notices with state-of-the-art printing and posting equipment.
Upgraded all datacenter facilities with new environmental control equipment
Implemented alternative datacenter in Denver Colorado for fail-over and distribution of tasks.

Nov.88 - Feb.91 TeleCheck Services, Inc. Houston, Texas, Manager of Hardware Services.
In charge of a team of engineers, responsible for the development, installation and maintenance of the computer systems used for check verification and guarantee services to the retail industry. The data center included 150 micro- and mini- computers (VAX and ALPHA processors) and a Wide Area Network (WAN) of 50 remote sales sites in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, as well as 40 links to third party vendors and major customers. Our transaction system was an in-house written Client-Server based application.
The WAN included high-speed transmission links up to T1 and associated equipment such as modems, bridges, DSUs.
Main accomplishments:
In 1990, I was responsible for the relocation of our headquarters to a new facility. This responsibility included the design and installation of a completely new data center with LAN and WAN and the overall logistics of the move of 400 employees and computer equipment, without interrupting service to our customers.
Streamlined and standardized the equipment and procedures for our datacenter systems.

Sep.85 - Nov.88 Geoservices Inc. Houston, Texas. Technical Manager.
Responsible for the management and trouble shooting team, including installation, maintenance and development of data-logging equipment.
This function involved definition and control of all installation and maintenance procedures for both onshore and offshore mudlogging contracts, as well as development of new hardware and software for mudlogging and downhole pressure testing equipment.
The Houston based office-supported activities in the Continental US, Guatemala and Ecuador and assisted other bases in South-America and West Africa. I personally supervised engineers in the USA, Guatemala and Ecuador.
For the Research Department of the Paris, France based parent company I also searched the US market for new equipment and technology.

Jan.84 - Sep.85 Geoservices Int. S.A. Paris, France. Instructor at the Technical Training School.
I was in charge of the daily operations of the classes and instructors.
My responsibilities included the maintenance of the training equipment, teaching the electronics and calibration techniques of our instruments and the programming basics of PC-based computers (MS-DOS, Basic, HPL), the preparation of training courses for new instruments, hiring of instructors and development and policies and goals for the school.
The courses were given in English and French.

Aug.82 - Jan.84 Geoservices Int. S.A. Paris, France. Engineer. Installation, operation and maintenance of
data-logging equipment on oil-drilling platforms, combined with analysis of geological data obtained from well samples. For this function I traveled extensively in Europe and North Africa (Libya, Tunisia, etc.).

Jan.78 - Aug.78 Eriks N.V. Alkmaar. The Netherlands. Inside salesman in chemical hoses and accessories.



Sep.78 - Jul.82 H.T.S. Alkmaar: B.Sc. Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering.

Nov.76 - Aug.77 Electronics Training during military service.

Aug.68 - Jun.76 H.A.V.O.-B in Amsterdam and Alkmaar. Equivalent to secondary school.


Offshore survival course Robert Gordon Institute of Technology, Aberdeen, Scotland.

FID Gas-Chromatography Baseline Industries, Inc. , Boulder, Colorado.

Project Management Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Administration, Rice University, Houston, TX.

C hands-on programming Integrated Computer Systems, Boston, Massachusetts.

Macro for VMS Decus 1989, Atlanta, Georgia.

FDDI Decus 1990, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Business Law Houston Community College 1992.

Professional Leadership Schouten & Nelissen. (Professional Leadership Training) 1996 - 1997

Presentation skills The Patnaud Group 1998


Seasoned IT and management professional with 30+ years of (international) experience on senior and executive level with Leadership, outsourcing, Business Applications & Processes, Information Technology, E-Commerce, change management. Successful track record in both small and large multinational companies accomplishing standardization, growth and structure. My areas of interests are (international) senior and executive positions where growth is a key driver. I am willing to travel international.


Spoken Dutch, English, some French, some German.
Written Dutch, English, some French, some German.



Chairman, committee matchtennis, Tennisclub Hoorn (TV Hoorn)
Secretary, Gemeentebelangen Drechterland (Local political party in the community Drechterland)


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