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Interim CEO/MD

Interim CEO/MD

Work Experience

15 Years of Experience in $10Bn+ company, Avon Cosmetics Inc.
5 years in Position of Senior Vice President as Head of Global Sales or President of CEE Region
3 Years Member of Executive committee

Started 8 companies in different countries. All these companies have significant market share and high profit margin.

Lead a complex Business Unit, Central and Eastern Europe, with $1.6Bn in sales, 22 different markets with different consumer preferences, from Finland to Albania and Czech Republic to Kazakhstan.

As Head of Global Sales (10Bn+ dollars in sales) rolled out new Global Sales Model, identified risk free transition models in major Markets, including UK, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Taiwan, Malaysia, Turkey, Poland and Russia.

Pioneered Web Based business model, CEE being the first BU with 100% on-line representative participation.



BA Economics, Major International Trade , Belgrade University 1979.


It took less than 5 years to grow Avon Romania from the start to 100 million $ business.
All other companies that I and my team started had explosive growth as well and achieved double digit market share.
Avon Poland , 200 million $ business moved from -7% to + 3% growth in 1 year.
Similar results achieved in Czech Republic and Hungary.
Sustainable Growth:
All countries in South East Europe cluster during all 7 years when I was responsible for them, delivered at least double digit yearly growth and 20-30% Operating profit margin
Global builder:
As Senior Vice President of Global sales I helped Avon to achieve historical record in number of active representatives growing Global sales force in 2008 with +7% to the total of 6.5 millions.
Cultural Flexibility:
During my career I worked in Belgrade, London, Alger, Amman, Libreville, Bucharest, New York and Warsaw


English - Excellent
Serbian/Croatian - Native
Romanian - Excellent
French - Conversational


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