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Senior Business Developer

Senior Business Developer

Work Experience

Key experience: document management, knowledge management, IT, Business Process Outsourcing, Facilities Management, workflow control.
Key sectors: aerospace, automotive, nuclear, telecommunications, IT

Business developer: creating new financial models for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), winning multi-million Dollar sales, advising on strategy.
Managing Director: as part of a MBI (Management Buy In), turned around (Turnaround specialist)a loss making UK company into profit.
Founder: as founder of my own company, initiated strategy, won new sales, won EU grants, developed new products and had >20 Fortune 500 clinets.


BA Hons in Philosophy (Birmingham, 1981)
MSc in Computing (UMIST, 1986)


Senior sales, managing director, business and corporate development, raising capital and finance, building business plans, initiating and implementing strategy




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