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Director / VP

Director / VP

Work Experience

On the basis of a degree in engineering and broad, relevant supplementary training, I have been working with strategic and administrative management within IT and telecommunication from an international perspective during the last 10 years. One of the key areas of my career has been management of companies and organisations undergoing change, including changes in deregulated markets.

Working countries:

· Denmark, full scale PTT from scratch, and 2. Mobile operator
· United Kingdom & Ireland, international carrier
· Germany, paging company from scratch
· Lithuania, full scale PTT turn around

As executive vice president and director, I have focused on building and developing business-to-business units as well as turning around a foreign subsidiary, primarily in the telecom and IT industry.


· 1982, BSc (electrical engineering), Engineering College of Denmark
· 1976, Admission course, Engineering College of Denmark
· 1975, Traineeship, DSB central workshop in Aarhus
· 1974, Heavy-current Workshop Training School, Technical School in Aarhus
· 1973, Lower-secondary school-leaving examination, Vestergaardsskolen Viby J


Business qualifications
Strategic and tactical management

· Management activities, including development of strategic plans, analyses at tactical level, sounding board for management at various levels
· Participation in and responsibility for company strategic planning
· Establishment and operation of IT companies
· Establishment and operation of telecoms
· Reorganisation of a company operating in a highly monopolistic market (Lietuvos Telekomas in Lithuania)
· Presentation and approval of strategies and budgets for an international board of directors/ownership

Human resource management

· Operative management responsibility for 100 employees in my own area, divided into six departments (two in Oslo, two in Stockholm and two in Copenhagen)
· Indirect management responsibility for a total of 10,000 employees via group management and management teams
o Strategic coach
o Sounding board at management level
· Responsible for all parts of management
o Attract
o Retain
o Develop
o Settle
· Development and implementation of management trainee programmes for employees at MA level as a minimum
· Adaptation of organisation/redeployment of employees in connection with company reorganisation

Operations and project management

· Responsibility for preparing global tenders, including management of major tender organisations focusing on international groups
· Responsibility for M&A projects, including team management during acquisitions and evaluation of acquisition candidates
· Greenfield establishment of a telecom in Germany

Sales and marketing

· Sales and marketing of IT and telecom services/products in both monopolistic and deregulated markets
· Sale of services to customers with international subsidiaries
· Coordination of strategic sales to international groups
· Project sale of customer-tailored, complex telecom solutions for the BtB market

Sourcing management

· Establishment of overall processes and procedures for sourcing of services in both IT and telecom
· Establishment of an internal organisation for handling/managing sourcing partner
· Implementation of Sourcing Strategy in/at
o Own organisation
o Sourcing partner

Management and organisational processes

· Development and implementation of product-development processes
· Development and implementation of price policies
· Development and implementation of product-evaluation bodies (product councils) in Denmark, Norway and Lithuania
· Implementation of processes and procedures (adopted by the group management of Telia AB) in the Danish branch of the Telia group, encompassing everything from idea, development, testing, marketing, sales, delivery, invoicing and settlement
· BPR evaluation of company processes and adaptation by means of balanced scorecard

International experience

· Lived and worked in Denmark (with global responsibility)
· Lived and worked in Britain
· Lived and worked in Germany
· Lived and worked in Lithuania
· Used to travelling and conducting negotiations in most parts of the world
· Approx. 130 annual travel days


· Danish, native language
· Speak, read and write English
· Speak and read German
· Some Lithuanian
· Understand more than 90% of Norwegian and Swedish


· Result-oriented (assignments are completed observing deadlines, costs and quality)
· Independent
· Very persistent
· Trustworthy in relation to employees, management and union representatives
· Strong HR manager
· Respected by both employees and superiors
· Committed


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