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Managing Director or Director Operations

Managing Director or Director Operations

Work Experience

2000¡Vpresent Norit Process Technology Hengelo, NL
Managing Director Norit Operations
Member of the Purification Management Team.
Responsible to set-up a corporate Operations function to optimise the integrated operational usage of the companies within EAPA (Europe, Asia, Pacific & Africa), supporting the market strategies of the Business Units. ¡¦ Integrated Pure Solutions ¡¦ EPCM projects, including DBFO and BOO concepts.
Reporting to the Board of Directors of Norit N.V..
B. Responsible for Norit Process Technology BV as Managing Director
Annual turn-over Euro 30 milion, total work under execution Euro 50 million, 120 employees. EPCM projects (incl. Membrane technology (X-flow Ultra Filtration)) within the Water and the Food & Beverage industry within EAPA.
Change the company from traditional work execution (majority through own manufacturing fascility) to modern EPCM project execution such that the error rate within the project execution decreased and company earnings stabilised/increased. Required e.g. refreshment / lay-off of resources, development / implimentation of EPCM work techniques and application of modern Procurement methods.
Primary focus is the Operations function and secundary the Sales as the corporate structure requires the Business Units to collect work within the strategic markets and have it executed at Norit Process Techology.
Increase and stabilise Operational earnings.
Proposals, Contracts and Projects unto Euro 100 Million.
Reporting to the chairman of the Board of Directors Norit N.V.
1999¡V2000 USF Benelux/Vivendi Water Oldenzaal, NL
Manager Operations.
Member of the USF Benelux Management Team.
Responsible to have all work executed utilising the companies (5) within USF Benelux. The Companies functioned as CostCenters, the Projects generated the earnings. General ledger within USF Benelux, turn-over Euro 60 Million with work under execution with a value of Euro 80 Million. Total resources 425 (300 within Operations), within Pre-assembly & Manufacturing fascilities, EPCM departments & project execution and mobile & fixed Water Production fascilities (DBFO & BOO concepts).
Markets consisted within the full Water Treatment chain, from Water Treatment to Waste Water treatment, combining technologies with ( partly) own products. Markets within the Municipal area, Potable Water and Industrial Utilities. Solutions included application of various membrane technologies (Memcor, Xenon, X-flow) and process technologies (ionisation, deminiralisation, purification, desalination).
Increased and stabilised the Operational earnings.
Proposals, Contracts and Projects unto Euro 50 Million, in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Secundairy responsibility included being Location Manager for 2 of the companies, ROSSMARK and HUBERT.
USF was acquired by Vivendi in 1999, however became active early 2000. Demanded USF Benelux its destination to change from international growth (USF Strategy) to domestic market only, requiring closing down recently acquired companies and de-invest in business.
Reporting to Managing Director USF Benelux.

1999¡V1999 Twynstra Management Consultants Amersfoort, NL
Management Consultant
Management Consultant with focus on Project Execution of large (semi-) governemental Projects, as well as Consultant for organisations requiring Development and Implimentation of Project Execution principles.
Clients were Water Boards, Utility Companies and Port Authorities.
Projects included the tendering process of Water Installations and Utilities.
Position as Head of Staff of a project to realise a Euro 200 million Container Loading and Uunloading dock in Amsterdam. Started the project by designing and implimenting its structure, execution strategy and tendering strategies. Consulted the Amsterdam Port Authorities on implimenting a Project Ecexution working method within the organisation.

1997-1999 ABB Lummus Global The Hague, NL
Manager of Engineering Oil & Gas Division
Member of the Regional Management team.
Responsible for the engineering execution and the resources within Engineering for the offices within Oil & Gas (Easthern Hemisphere). Main office at The Hague, with subsidiaries in The Netherlands, Denmark , Quatar, Nigeria and Gabon.
Implimented change of organisation from Engineering oriented to EPC execution oriented.
Total resources varying between 250 and 500. Annual turn-over Euro 150 million, work under execution Euro 220 Million.
Markets were within on-and offshore Oil & Gas
Clients were the Oil & Gas exploration and distribution companies such as Shell, NAM, Gasunie, Statoil, ELF, Wintershall.
Projects included Production & Exploration Platforms, Gas Compression Stations, Gas to Liquids, Gas to Power, Long Term Maintenance & Engineering Contracts, FPSO development.
Formed a highly skilled small department which supported major oil companies in confidential developments of new assets (Oil & Gas fields, distirbution networks) in the Middle East and Russia.
Due to the steep fall of the oil price in 1999 the workforce of this division was merged with the Petrochemicals division of ABB Lummus Global, forming one company handling all markets. I managed to do this without loss of Oil & Gas engineering resources.
Reporting to the General Manager Oil & Gas, later to the Vice Executive President Oil & Gas Global.

1996-1997 Raytheon Engineers & Constructors Rumania
Manager Technical Operations
Full time assignment at Litwin Rumania S.A., a subsidiary of Raytheon in Ploiesti, Rumania.
Responsible for the Operations, the Engineering and (secundary) Sales
Prime task to run the Operations and to change and modernise this company from a traditional eastern European origin into a modern, task-force oriented project organisation. Developped and implimented (on ISO 9001 based) working methods leading to certification by Lloyds. Implimented state of the art IT structures including 2D and 3D design tools.
Made the company capable to handle EPC projects unto 150.000 mhrs. with quite profitable earnings.
Clients were the Raytheon offices worldwide, Shell, Brittish American Tobacco, RJ Reynolds, Unilever..
Projects included EP of a 3200 MW Powerplant in Thailand, EPC of Gas plants (Rumania, Moldavia, Bulgary), Soap Detergent factory (Rumania), Sigarette factories (Rumania), Beverage installations (Rumania), Polypropylene Plant (Poland), FCC¡¦s (UAE, Saudi Arabia)
Number of resources 220

1995-1996 Raytheon Engineers & Constructors The Hague, NL
Senior Project Engineer
Responsible for task areas within the execution of a project, replacing the Project Manager/Project Engineering Manager when necessary. Task areas required handling of Technical, Financial, Organisational and Commercial Aspects
Project involved the EPC of a CO plant (Euro 40 Million) in The Netherlands, Client Air Liquide.
Task areas covered Civil, Cost Control & Planning, Piping, Field QC and site supervisory of the construction of a Steam Methane Reformer including auxiliaries.
Reporting to the Project Management Team
Temporary assignement to Litwin Rumania S.A. to trouble-shoot the problematic manufacturing and pre-assembly of a Steam Methane Reformer in Rumania.
Reporting to the General Manager of Litwin S.A. in Paris

1991-1995 ABB Lummus Heat Transfer The Hague, NL
Project Manager
Responsible for the technical, financial, contractual and commercial aspects of the project execution for the projects as assigned to me. Support in Sales phase to determine scope and contractual aspects
The projects covered a range of products and services utilising Heat Transfer technologies within the Petrochemical, Power and Municipal Waste industries.
Scope of the projects ranged from Feasibility Studies to Large EPC projects all around the world.
Clients included Shell, Public Utility companies (Greece, Russia), Lucky Goldstar (Korea), NEI Parsons (Malaysia, Singapore), ABB Power (Switzerland) and various Russian clients.
Projects included EPC of Steam Condensors, Steam De-Superheaters, Steam Reformers, Ethylene Furnaces, Naphta Crackers, Gas Regeneration Heaters, APEX Pre-Heat systems.
Proposals, Contracts and Projects unto Euro 10 Million.
Reporting to the Director of Projects.

1990-1991 ABB Lummus Heat Transfer Voorburg, NL
Project Engineer
Assisting the Project Manager in the execution of projects
Execution of small projects
Projects included EPC scope of the products listed above
Proposals, Contracts and Projects unto Euro 1 Million
Reporting to the Project Manager

1988 ¡V 1990
Project Buyer
Responsible for the Purchase and Expediting of various Equipment and Material Packages.
Purchasing included inquiries, negotiations, contracts, etcetera unto final delivery to the jobsite.
Projects included Chemical and Petro-chemical plants.
Worked on a free-lance basis for Fluor Daniel (PPF-2 project at DSM, PVC plant at Shell), Tebodin and The Netherlands Refining Company (local merger of Texaco and BP), all in The Netherlands.
Reporting to the Procurement Manager.


1981¡V1984 Ships Mechanical Engineer Scheveningen, NL
1984-1987 Navigation Officer 4th rank Amsterdam, NL
1987-1988 Navigation Officer 3th rank Rotterdam, NL
1989-1994 Technical BusinessManagementThe Hague, NL
Bachelor (dutch Engineer (ing.)).
Graduated simultaniously in both Technical Business Management and Commercial Technical management.
Graduation speciality and thesis on Management of Changes.
1996 Study and Exams for Business Management Masters degree level

Courses & Studies:
1993 Internal Audits (ISO 9001)
1994 VVA-1
1994/1995 Russian Language skills (Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam)
1995 ABB Order Project Management (ABB Corporate Communications, Switserland)
1996 Purchase Management/Marketing 3D (Open University)
1996 Material Management (Open University)
1996 Rumanian Language skills (ITA, Amsterdam)
1996 Presentation Techniques (tutor David Bloch)
1996 Interview Techniques training (PACT, Amsterdam)
1998 Engineering Management (Intermediair Management Training, Amsterdam)


General Management, Operations Management in Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) & Unit Manufacturing, Change & Crisis Management, Contracts Management


Nederlands & Engels vloeiend, duitse taal verbaal voldoende, Frans verbaal matig, Roemeens en Russisch basis spreekvaardigheid


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