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Marketing from Strategy to Execution

Marketing from Strategy to Execution

Work Experience

Director of Marketing - Kokua Communications Ltd

Kokua is a provider of broadband Internet access and services. 11 reports (2 marketing communications, 2 product managers, 4 telesales, 3 field sales),
Market research and analysis.
Development and execution of brand, marketing and business plan including strategic directions.
Development and execution of on-line and off-line sales models including recruitment, training and management of direct telesales, field sales and indirect channel teams.
Product managing access, IT, application and information services (identification, selection and negotiation)
Establishing affinity relationships.
Developed and executed the on-line marketing strategy (branding, content, execution of sales, integration with CRM, billing and provisioning systems, email, web marketing, affiliate marketing, database marketing)
Identification, selection and implementation of enterprise applications (billing, eCRM, SFA, self-help, intelligent FAQ, content management)
Execution of marketing communications including exhibitions, seminars, advertising, PR, direct mail and collateral

Sales and Marketing Manager (Europe) - Wall Data (Europe) Ltd.

Accountable for revenue in excess of $40m (FY 1997) & a budget of approximately $1.2m.Responsible for the full marketing mix surrounding the software (RUMBA legacy connectivity), Internet (Cyberprise eCommerce), & service & support (ONESTEP) brands & products throughout Europe, Middle East & Africa.
Created & executed business, brand, marketing & sales plans
Reduced channel inventory levels from 9 months to 3 months.
Recruited a niche channel to penetrate Healthcare, Education, Government and Financial Markets.
Managed a team of reseller and corporate account managers and a team of country marketing managers and external agencies.
Grew revenues by 25% in a market that grew approximately 7% during 1997
Managed the end of life of several revisions of RUMBA products and the introduction of the replacements.
Launched the Cyberprise brand in Europe.
Initiated relationships and worked closely with key strategic partners including MS, Novell, NCD & HP

Group Marketing Manager- Infinet Group Ltd.

Responsible for all marketing and business development within the group, which comprises Caplin Cybernetics (parallel processing, consultancy and UNIX systems), Able Services (networks and cabling), Citynet (real-time financial software and financial data distribution) and Staffnet (recruitment and human resources for IT).
Identified business opportunities within the existing group structure and identified target markets, partner companies and entry strategies
Worked closely with key vendors including IBM, Oracle, Informix, Lotus and Tivoli to develop and execute marketing campaigns in the petroleum, finance, media, scientific, academic and manufacturing marketplaces.
Extensively involved in developing and executing product, services, relationship marketing and sales plans.
Developed from the ground-up and rolled-out Caplin’s entire consultancy service product portfolio.
Managed the launch of Staffnet, including all of the press activity and launch publicity.
Created an updated identity for each subsidiary to ensure a group identity while maintaining each company\'s individuality.
Introduced a marketing measurement system to monitor the effectiveness of each project.
Increased group revenue and margin by 50%.

Strategic Marketing Manager - Memorex Telex (UK) Ltd.

Planned and executed the marketing mix for all of Memorex Telex\'s local area network products, plus financial planning, revenue, margin, P and L, OPEX, inventory and contribution for operations in the UK, Eire, Middle East, Scandinavia and South Africa. I left in March 1996, due to a restructuring of the company following a re-financing.
Introduced the Internet as a way of improving cost containment, enhancing logistics and communicating more effectively with customers, partners, suppliers and remote staff. Designed Memorex Telex\'s WWW home page and related processes.
Sourced and rolled-out several product sets. These included Hierarchical Storage Management for the network, a high-level application generator for midrange and ODBC database systems, document management and workflow systems.
Responsible for key partner relationships including Novell, Compaq, Tricord, IBM and Microsoft.
Increased revenues by over 300% and gross margins to over 25% (from 6%).
Created and managed an 18-month promotional campaign to change the perception of Memorex Telex to that of a supplier of integrated application, network and data solutions.
In charge of marketing information systems and a member of the IS steering committee. Implemented a workgroup system in the marketing team. Implemented sales and marketing databases, executive information systems and hypertext systems for use as marketing tools, electronic catalogues and information distribution.
Led a process re-engineering and workflow automation task-force within the company focusing on cost saving and improved responsiveness in order to maximise customer retention.
Liased with colleagues in Europe and World Wide Marketing in the USA on product sourcing, design, and development
Created several sales and marketing campaigns based on the concept of a total PC solution and also on the \'green\' issues related to PC production, use and disposal.
Managed a reduction of the product basket from 300 plus lines to 75, concentrating on margin earners and managed the end of life and transition to replacement of three complete ranges of PCs.
Commercial and technical product management of a high value product set
Managed the launch and implementation of the SuperServers in the UK, in the process creating the market for this class of system.
Handled all of the issues related to new product implementation, including training, logistics, sparing, distribution, pricing, promotion and PR.
Managed the promotional aspects of the European product launch in Monaco, including the first ever true multi-media presentation to be given in Europe utilising sound, graphics, text and video.
Established, a very successful reseller channel. This included partner identification and selection, contract negotiation and termination, joint marketing, co-operative negotiations, sales incentives and locum management of two sales executives.



Full range of marketing and marketing management skills covering strategy to execution for on-line and off-line models




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