Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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senior (HR) interim manager/interim HR director

senior (HR) interim manager/interim HR director

Work Experience


Since 1990:
Self employed senior consultant (HRM), educator, trainer, senior (HR) interim manager

Accomplished consultancy and interim management within organizations in a diversity of sections, such as Retail, ICT, Accountancy, FMCG, Local Government, Industry, Museums, Education institutes:

• HRM consultancy
• Recruitment(projects)
• (Management)training
• Problem solving and crisis intervention
• Interim management
• Development and accomplish education programs
• (re)Structuring and (re)positioning HR policy and/or HR department
• Reorganization
• Compensations and benefits
• Conditions of employment
• (re)writing job descriptions
• HRM projects and HR special programs

In my last interim assignement from March 2009 till November 2009 I was responsible as procesmanager for:
-reorganizing the production primairy proces into labour development
-reorganizing the HRM processes
-redesign administrative procedures
-implementation of a new HRM/salary system
-interim head of the HR department (25 empoyees)
-interim manager in designing and implementation of the labour research department
-member op the managementteam

The organization in this interim assignment is a sheltered working company with 1300 employees.

Other interim assignements I was working in are:

-interim personnel manager for 60 supermarkets (4500 employees)
-privatising a local gouvernment company with 1200 employees
-reorganization of a voluntary organization
-building and implementation new HR department
-interim manager labour research centre



Mulo B
Salary administrator
Social Security laws
Labour market Politics and Personnel Policy


-strong and motivating leadership
-capable to implement labourmarket developments into the organization
-strong developped sensibillyties for labour relations and organization cultures
-capable to motivate management and employees to coöperate in changemanagement and making changes succesfull
-capable to bring HRM in the right position within the organization
-used to work within complex, professional and/or political environments
-strong people/talentmanager


My language skills:

Dutch native speaker
English negotiaton level
German communication level


My mobility:

I have a drivers licence

Within less than an hour there are two Airports near my place from witch I can reach the most of Europe.


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