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HRM manager

HRM manager

Work Experience

2002 to date
Interim manager; several small and large projects in the areas of ICT, HRM and financial management.

Most important assignments:
 2006 to date: As manager operational management a.i. with an organisation for the promotion of the interests of insured people I was responsible for the improvement of internal company processes, especially for HRM, finances and improvement projects for the line. Projects in progress: drawing up a business plan in connection with increased market activities, making a marketing and promotion plan. Improving the customer-orientation of the provided individual information and advice and of the policy advice to the authorities. Update of the Employment regulations in response to some recent and somewhat older law amendments (WIA, WVP, WULBZ etc.)
 2004 – 2005 As HRM manager I managed the reorganisation and shrinkage at a large museum in a financial crisis. Gave a quality impulse to result-oriented management.
 2004 Project manager of a stranded part of a project for the division of the power distribution company with the electricity company Eneco in Rotterdam. Still successfully completed the project within the agreed time.
 2002 – 2003 Interim manager ICT with a Chamber of Commerce with a serious continuity crisis. Realised overdue activities and investments, organised the move to new office premises.

1999 – 2002
Director of the Association of Chambers of Commerce (after a merger with the NV Databank Chambers of Commerce)

1991 – 1998
Managing director NV Databank Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Computer centre, software house, commercial sales of information and several other shared services for the Chambers of Commerce. Turnover almost €30 million euros, ± 190 permanent employees. Carried through a crisis and drastic change management course for the sales & marketing of information/advice products and for the ICT business.

1989 - 1991
Managing director Foundation Information Centre of the Commodity Boards (ICP). Computer centre and software house of the Commodity Boards. Turnover around € 7 million euros, ± 50 employees.

1985 - 1989
Deputy director CMG Informatietechniek B.V. (Computer
Management Group, now LogicaCMG). Turnover around € 800.000,
± 8 to 16 employees.

1984 – 1985
Consultant/project manager CMG Amsterdam B.V. (industry office)

1981 – 1984
Application Engineer Farrington Data Processing Holland B.V.

1977 – 1982
Co-founder and chairman Coöp. Ver. De Toermalijn in Rotterdam
(organic food shop)

1976 – 1981
Teacher physical lab Erasmus University of Rotterdam, medical faculty. Also worked as a teacher in mathematics and physics at some secondary schools.

Other jobs and positions:
2004 to date Teacher Management & Organisation, HRM management, Labour law & Social Security on behalf of the Higher Vocational Training in Personnel management
2003 to date Teacher NIMA Marketing A and B on behalf of a Higher Vocational school and several training institutions
2002 to date Board member of two schools in Haarlem
1995 - 2001 Treasurer of the Haarlems Bach Ensemble
1993 - 1998 Member of the section of address suppliers of the former DMSA (Dutch direct marketing association)
1992 - 1999 Commissioner of Farrington Ltd.
1992 - 1997 Member of the Member Council of the Royal Institute of Engineers (KIvI)
1985 - 1991 Secretary of the Department/Section Information technology, KIvI/NGI)
1976 - 1981 Teaching assistant Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Medical Faculty


 University level Business Administration and Higher Vocational Training in Commercial Economy
 Electrical Engineering, TU (Technical University) in Delft

 Many courses and private study in the areas of management, interim and change management, ICT (from programming to analysis, design and consultancy, (relational) database design (Codd)), strategic management, crisis management, sales and marketing, information management, coaching, quality management (INK model), financial management, HRM, Hay appraisal of jobs etc. etc.


 Business services industry (ICT, consultancy)
 B-to-B marketing, database marketing
 Fashion-distribution
 Publishers
 Medical electronic equipment
 Trade company
 Retail trade
 Electricity companies
 Museums
 Central government and semi-government/ZBO
 Education (university, Higher Vocational Education, secondary and lower education)
 Healthcare

 Interim management
 Change management
 HRM management
 Strategic management
 General management
 Project management
 Organisational advice
 ICT and facility management


English, German


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