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Projectmanager/Interim Manager ITC (Senior)

Projectmanager/Interim Manager ITC (Senior)

Work Experience

I have more than 35 years of job experiences handling IT Infrastructure & Communication issues.

1968 - 1977: Started with my first job on the 15th of August 1968 as bank employee as a Computer Operator.
After 3 years, in 1971 I was assigned as the Computer-room Supervisor/Manager within an IBM mainframe area.
Managing 3 time shifts and 21 employees, after 9 years I left the bank to expand my horizon.
1977 - 1993: Since 1977 till 1993 I have worked for several companies as an IT team-, IT centre-
or ICT project manager.
1994 - 2005: From 1994 till 2005 I have only worked as a Project Manager, PM/Consultant ICT Project & Solutions.
Started with Shell in 1999, present Shell Information Services BV (SITI) Leidschendam, NL.

As Team or Group manager, my main tasks were managing ICT departments, different project where
10 or more employees and or 4 or more groups were involved, (IT-Architecture, IT-Infrastructure-,
Software Implementation-,
End 2 End-, Rationalisation-, De-commissioning-, Outsourcing-, Contingency- Planning,
Risk-, Performance-,Vendor Management,
Quality & Delivery Assurance, Inventory-, Billing-, Accountancy-, Y2K- and Euro projects).
As ICT Consultant, run feasibility studies, design & implement IT-Architecture & PM Methodologies.
As GI (Global Infrastructure) Customer Service Manager (CSM), my main task was to implement
the Global Infrastructure for more then 3000 users in Europe, ASIA Pacific, USA and South America (Venezuela).

Experience of managing people and delivering projects of high complexity with: data, WAN, LAN,
and server technologies. Expert with MS Project and MS Office. Expert in remote management and
where necessary I'll travel and I did travel within Europe, ASIA Pacific, USA and
South America (Venezuela).
To execute projects I do use the PMI methodology and to
structure the ITC environment I do implement the ITIL modules
(Service Support and Service Delivery). Service Support: Configuration-, Helpdesk-, Problem- and Change
management. Service Support: Quality-, Contingency-, Cost- Availability-, Capacity, Network- and Service Level Management.

Job Title - Senior International Project Manager Aug. 2006 - June 2007
IBM Global Services to Implement and make Active Directory (AD) available for the current ABN AMRO (AAB) PC/NGM countries (12), Asian Pacific, Europe and North America. The implemented solution must match AAB Technical & Business International geographies needs. International travelling included.
The AD project implementation deliverables are:
• Service for the Wintel desktop and server environment
• Solution which is capable of scaling globally
• Solution that provides Centralised Management of Wintel Resources
• Single point of authentication, Wintel environment within each country
• AD Infrastructure for PC/NGM NT4 to Windows 2003 migration
• AD Infrastructure for PC/NGM Standard Desktop roll-out
• AD Infrastructure for PC/NGM Server Consolidation
• MOM, monitoring tool to monitor AD Globally
Global Project activities, Planning & Report tools for Global project guidance:
• MicroSoft Project Planning (MPP)
• Rational Portfolio Manager (RPM)
Network management, Security & Project Signoff Reports:
• Manage 3rd Parties Network delivery service provider
• TACS, ORAP, Legal and Risks & Compliances & Signoff documents

ANWB – Den Haag Nov 2005 June 2006
Job Title Senior Project manager/Consultant & Architecture
1. IT Architect – BCP (Business Contingency Planning)
In a Window’s, Novell KA, Middleware area (SAN,EMC,EVA).
• BCP check and improve the architecture design
• BCP Fall-Back test template, make necessary changes
• BCP Fall-Back plan, write procedures in connection with redundancy
• BCP Total quality assurance
2. PM - Manager Servers & Storage – Reorganisatie/In-Sourcing ICT ANWB
Analyse, Setup, Establish, Optimise and Communicate about the Server & Storage Environment. A strong IT – Vendor Management included. Activities:
• Manage, get a complete new S & S control set of agreement and SLA’s
• Servers & Storage, optimise current environment, review the RFC’s process and where necessary implement changes
• Implement the new S & S HR control organisation with ITIL knowledge
• Manage new SLA’s with the Control group in preparation of in-Sourcing
• Review, Clarify and Advise about the current S & S Financial situation
• Make a start with Server Consolidation (VMWARE)
• Review, Analyse, Advise about new back-up Strategy (SAN,EMC,EVA)
• Review, Design Procedures to Implement all Servers & Storage information in one CMDB (Marval)
3. IT – Consultant: Advise the IT Reorganisation & Implementation team

Jan. 2005 – Oct. 2006 Shell - Pré – pension
Sabbatical period

Projects and tasks from January 1999 till December 2004, different Shell Companies:
2004 - Global IT Infrastructure Project (SPEED) Manager/ICT Architect & Consultant--SIEP
Shell EP global project.
* The main deliverable was make sure that the SPEED programme and application suite will be
prepared, planned, scheduled, rolled-out and does work within the GI Citrix environment for 900 SPEED
application users.
Project structure & Implementation method
The project had adopted a phased approach, before- and after scripting.
= Phase 1 rollout BPO4 (200 SPEED users (100 super users)), BP=Business Planning.
= Phase 2 migrate the Phase 1 BP04 users to the new SPEED suite scripted environment and rollout BP05,
900 users globally within Shell EP. From start till the end of the project all necessary actions were executed by the
fulltime assigned SPEED IT Infrastructure team.

2003 IT Services South Korea, Geoji City (Samsung Heavy Industries)(SIEP) Senior PM
Manage 3 projects, remote from NL in parallel as a programme.
1) SEIC IT Services South Korea, Geoji City (Samsung Heavy Industries)
The main deliverable for this project was structure and implement an operational GI environment for the
SEIC staff in the Koje office in South Korea.
This to accommodate earliest possible availability of quality IT services whilst implementing a standard
GI environment.
Project structure & Implementation method:
The project had adopted a phased approach.
= Phase1: Implement an adequate IT facilities/MO for up to 30 GI users (MO=Mobile Office);
= Phase2: Make an Initial for Koje users hosted on Seoul Korea Hub;
= Phase3: Implement a full function GI office environment based on dedicated server to serve up to 250 SEIC
users in Korea and other future premises in the Asia Pacific area.

2) IT Services Third Party Connection Access (TPA) sites (SEIC)
Main deliverable: make sure that 100 TE's can execute their daily work activities from TPA sites.
Manage and implement the possibility for SEIC GI users, 100 high qualified technical engineers to work from
Third Party Access sites.
= In Schiedam NL, GI - IT Infrastructure MOP and MOB;
= In The Hague NL, GI-IT Infrastructure MOP and MOB;
= In Fano Italy, GI-IT Infrastructure MOP and MOB;

3)WTS Server in the Europe Domain Installation AP area (SEIC)
Main deliverable: solve the GI time-zone issue and take care of the AP area business continuity.
Implement an SEIC Window Terminal Server. This server will be used by Sakhalin Energy
for their remote offices, e.g. like in Japan & Korea. Shell users in these remote offices are using MOP
as their only means of connection to the Shell network.
Because of the ITC backup procedures in Europe and their time zone, these users were suffering from
the reset of the MOP infrastructure each night around 03:00 A.M. MOP stands for Mobile Office Private.

IT Infrastructure move project. Shell Renewable LTD Office move from UK ¡V NL, Oct till Dec 2002
Main deliverable: Move Shell Renewable LTD Office move from UK - NL
Project activities:
= Research & execute the IT office move possibilities from UK to NL;
= Co-ordinate, communicate IT office move scenario SIR from UK to NL with customer;
= Co-ordinate, communicate all IT office move actions from UK to NL with SIR and all ITDS parties;

ITC Project/Programme Manager/Consultant RAINBOW Programme Management Office, July 2002 till
December 2002;
Main project activity/deliverables, Project activities:
= Reinforce the Rainbow PMO team and assist the PMO manager.
= Design a complete project implementation framework, design and implement the Project
status report and progress monitoring procedures.
= Automate the PWO (Project Work Orders) process for 120 small projects; there were nearly 6000 Rainbow
project men hours involved.

IT Infrastructure project: IT Delivery Services Europe / Africa, May 2002 till July 2002
Main deliverable: ITC Data Centre Feasibility study and Move report.
Project activities GI-MEDOCc project.
= As PM/Consultant execute a Global Infrastructure (GI) feasibility study how to move the current running
Data Centre to a new location.
= Report includes: current situation, move to a new location, move scenario described from a
helicopter view, fall-back scenario, twin data centre concept and total cost calculation.

STO Programme Office - January 2002 till April 2002
Main deliverable: Setup structures for a Global Programme Office.
Project activities:
As Senior PM set up and initiate the STO Programme Office globally for all potential Shell customers
(EP, OP, CH, IGE, Expro and SITI worldwide).
Application used: The PRISM application (a Shell human-, hardware and software resource application)
was used to register and manage all projects and the LifeLink DB to store all Project documentation.

Group Customer Segment (CS) - GI CSM roll: May 2000 - October 2001
Main deliverable/activities:
= Manage to implement the GI programme for 3000 ITC users.
Project main activities:
As a Senior PM assigned to the Group Customer Segment CSM group.
= Reinforce the Group CSM's to Manage & Coordinate all necessary issues/activities for the
G-CS customers questions/issues concerning: the GI Architect, GI /Services & Contracts (GI or non-GI
(MSA, TOR, DDC's and PIMA))/Billing or project issues.
= Manage/Coordinate the overall GI-D rollout plan for all 40 G-CS customers in the Central Offices of
LON and HAG, 3000 users involved.

2000 -- ITC Infrastructure projects
Manage several small/parallel projects during January 2000 till May 2000
= GID security activity management; Smart card development and implementation;
= Initiate RIO application rollout;
= SNR / RFS Pilot project; Point Of Presence ¡'t Hofplein. = Dismantling the IT Hofplein Rotterdam;
= IT office move GEC 23 - GEC 09;
= Implement a robust network Infrastructure GEC offices C09, C23 & Hoekstede.
= Secured Network environment SSI TSEA-7: Trust Domain certification.

1999 ITC Infrastructure move project SNV - RIVIUM1 July -December 1999.
Main deliverable: Move 350 Shell employee facilities to an other premises. Project activities:
= Manage and implement the new IT office move for 350 employees (From Shell Hofplein location to the
RIVIUM1 location).
1999 ITC Implement a new application, ITS/TSCO January 1999 - July 1999.
= Implement a new PM methodology PMI & PPC.
Manage, organize, implement the infrastructure for the new global PPC PM methodology rollout Platinum Process
Continuum (PPC) tool-set with special focus within ITS Europe.

* 1994 - 1998 Project/Programme management before - Shell SSI or SITI.
1998 - ICT Senior Project Manager, As Team Manager Manage the integration/rationalise, reorganisation of
4 IT Centres into 1 (one) single ICT centre (Client Server Project).
1997 - 1998: ICT Senior Project Manager Manage the conversion and implementation of the
System Software MVS/ESA to MVS/OS390, 9 LBM LPARS. =Implement one Central Help Desk process for the
1st- and 2nd line Support.
=Manage, Reorganise and implement the IT-Work-process procedures and instructions for the
Central Help Desk (CHD),
Problem & Change, Network Control and Application Distribution Control, (Mainframe Project).
1998 - ICT Y2K Project-Manager
= 2x Y2K projects in a mainframe environment.
1995 - 1997 - ICT Senior Project Manager: = As Team Manager Manage the integration/rationalise, supervising
and coaching
of a total new ITC Client/Server department.

1994 = ICT quality improvement PM = 2x ISO9001 implementation projects.

Job history & Position 1968 - 1998
-- ICT Employee, ICT Centre Manager & ICT Project Manager
- 1968 - 1977: Maduro & Curiels Bank, Willemstad Curacao - Computer room Supervisor;
- 1977 - 1993: Worked under contract for Compuhelp, Micro-life & CTG.
- De Lage Landen, Eindhoven - Team manager, Computer room Supervisor;
- Interlot BV, Schijndel - Team manager, Computer room Supervisor;
- Philips Nederland, Eindhoven- Team manager, JCL Project Consultant;
- De Telegraaf, Amsterdam, ICT Mainframe Conversion Manager;
- De SNS Bank, Veenendaal, ICT Mainframe Conversion Manager;
- ABP, Heerlen, ICT Mainframe Conversion Manager;
- GCEI, Amsterdam, ICT Mainframe Consultant;
- CCN, Heerlen - ICT Project Manager/Consultant;
- Bloemenveiling, Aalsmeer - ICT Project Manager/Consultant;
- VGZ, Tilbury - ICT Project Consultant;
- AMRO Bank, Tilburg - ICT Project Manager/Consultant Contingency;
- Ministry of Health (WVC), The Hague - ICT Team Manager/Consultant;
* All the projects or Consultancy jobs which I did execute or conduct in the
Mainframe area (IBM, Burroughs and Sperry computers).


Secondary school:
MULO (Secondary school) 1968; VHBO (Preparatory University School), 1977;
High Professional School:
Business Administration Management (HEAO BE), 1984;
Management Information (ICT) Systems & Services (MIS), 1989;
Management & Project Management Skills, 1989; Management for Modern Supervisors, 1973;
Management & Organisation of ICT Management and the Employees Council, 1997;
Shell Leadership Training:
Shell Leadership Challenge Program, 2003;
Coaching for Performances PM¡¦s or Jung graduates, 2003;
George Washington University (School of Business and Public Management):
PMI - Certificate Program, Project Management Professional, 2003;
PM - Risk Management, 2004;
Training in Computer sciences & ITC Structure:
IT ¡V Computer Sciences Learning Program (AMBI); ITIL ¡V Essentials and Service Management Modules;
Risk Security Management Information Systems; Contingency & Disaster Recovery Planning;
RACF Management Overview; IBM several education programs, etc..
Technical Summary:
MS Project, MS-Office, PEC, PRISM, Life-link, ISIS, PPC, IBM operating systems MVS
OS390 V2.R.2, MVS/ESA, MVS/XA. DOS/VSE, VM, UNIX, MS-DOS, Windows 95.
Professional Qualifications: Member of Professional Management Institute


As a Senior Project/programme Manager/Consultant ICT, I am an effective and successful Computer Science
Professional with extensive experiences who can design & manage several kinds of ICT Projects. This for more
then 16 years already.
The last 8 years I was assigned to manage big and or global projects with many challenges
(see experiences and history). Projects where 500- or more users were involved with a project budgets starting from 500 thousand
Euros or more. Experience of managing people and delivering projects of high complexity with: data, WAN, LAN,
server technologies and implementing the ITIL methodology.

My core competences as a Senior Project/Programme Manager/Consultant ICT are:
1) Planning;
2) Risk Management;
3) Performance Management;
4) Problem & Change Management;
5) Vendor Management;
6) Quality & Delivery Assurance;
7) People/Group management;
8) Experience of managing complex third party and internal relationships;
9) Thorough knowledge of project methodologies;
10)Good technical awareness of business applications;
11)Experience working with technical teams across a broad range of IT disciplines;
12)Excellent communication skills (verbal and written);
13)Excellent negotiation and influencing skills;
14)Ability to manage programme & project stakeholders at senior levels;
15)Good leadership and team/resource management skills.
PM Methodology:
I do have a sound knowledge & experiences of the PMI - project life cycle, project phases methodology,
(Project Initiation, -Planning, -Execution, -Control, -Closure) and project management processes,
(Integration Management, Scope-, Time-, Cost-, Quality-, Human Resource-, Communications-, Risk- and (Contract &)
Procurement-(Multi-project overview) ).
Knowledge of other PM methodology are:
PRINCE (PRojects IN Controlled Environments); PROMPT (Project Resource Organisation Management
& Planning Techniques) & 5 STEPS (5 Steps To Ensure Project Success).
Within the ITC environment I do structure and implement the ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) modules
or method, Service Support & Service Delivery (including network).


Languages: Dutch, English, Spanish, Papiamento, little French, German and Portuguese.


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