Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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Work Experience

Research manager: AKU Central Research Knitting dept.(NL)
Technical Development Manager: British Enkalon, Leicester (UK)
Product Manager Glassfibres, Silenka (NL)
Market Research/Strategic Planning manager: Silenka (NL)
Vice President Century Enka, (India) operationally responsible for Engineering plastics start up and market development
Automotive Market development manager Akzo Plastics (NL)
Manager Arnitel at Akzo Plastics (NL)
Mgr Compounds and Elastomers/MT member Akzo Plastics (NL) incl. disentanglement of EP from Akzo for sale to DSM.
Member of Octogon Advisory group for the Akzo Nobel Board re Europe 1992.
Chairman of the Cefic New Materials Database project group within the R&D Committee.
Mgr Planning & Development EP/MT member DSM (NL)
Director IT Services Akzo Nobel Inc (USA)
Director Millennium Program Akzo Nobel (NL)
BPR/ERP manager Organon (Japan)
Business/IT Alignment mgr Akzo Nobel (NL)
Director BV, Business Consulting and Support services


MSc Physics/Tribology (Leeds University, UK)
PhD (DeMontfort University, Leicester, UK)
Bedrijfskunde (TU Twente, NL): Top mgt, Marketing
Executive Mgt course Akzo Nobel
Executive Mgt course DSM


Strategic Planning,
General management,
Industrial Marketing (Europe and Far East)
Procurement and Vendor Mgt
Quality programs
IT and Information Management
Business Process Reengineering/Project mgt


Dutch, fluent
German, good
English, fluent
French, reasonable


Extra Curricular: Board Member of large Old Peoples Home until moved to USA


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