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Work Experience

-Aug.94/July 03 NFI (New Food Ingredients) - Lille- Nord. European Managing director
Formulation and sales of food ingredients – 18 people

Mission: boost the growth at a European level of this new Joint Venture between Newly Weds Foods (USA) and RHMI (UK), world leader in food coating systems (crumbs, batters, spices based mixes).
1) Set up and implement strategy :
* Grow the turn over, from 6 Millions EUR in 1994 up to 10 Millions EUR in 2002, by acquisition of new customers, reinforcement of the market share, innovation.
* Increase export sales by 54 %, which represents now 64 % of total sales. Personnally in charge of building the relationship with the major Fast food and Catering international groups.
* External growth : acquisition and integration of companies, then pan European re-organisation.
2) Management :
* Structure the company: recruitments to reinforce the sales and R&D multicultural teams (7 nationalities in the team), extension of the network of distributors all over Europe, animation and lead of the teams.
* Financial and operational reporting to the shareholders, cash management (including in foreign currencies), decrease of 25 % of the logistic costs per tonne, decrease of the stocks from 10.5 days in 1994 down to 5.8 days in 2002.

-Jan.89/Aug.94 CHAMPAGNE CEREALES -Reims – Marne

* May 93/Aug.94 CHAMTOR -Bazancourt - Marne
Farm produce chemistry - 150 people
In charge of missions for the managing director : set up the sales organisation (administration, logistics ) of this new company, of which the turn over ought to reach 700 M FRF within 5 years, due to the starting of its new plant.

* Jan.89/mid.93 WESTHOVE - Arques - Pas de Calais. Managing director
Formulation, production and sales of food ingredients -30 people -
Mission : insure the start up of this new company.
1) Set up and implement strategy
- Grow the turn over: 13 M FRF in 88/89 up to 40 M FRF forecast in 93/94.
- Boost the export share from 0 to 1/3 of the total sales.
2) Management :
- Manage and lead the team, recruitment to increase the manpower from 19 people in 89 to 30 in 93, computerisation, setting up of: procedures, account control, quality control
( to be accredited ISO 9001 ).
- Member of the steering board of another subsidiary of the group.

-sept.87/dec.88 CAMO - Bar le Duc – Meuse. Managing director
Agriculture co-operative . Turn over: 400 MFF - 165 people -
Mission : avoid bankruptcy.
- Reorganisation of the co-op to improve the Balance sheet and the P&L. Results: better availability of the products (2 days instead of 15), increase of sales (+10 to 15 %).
- Partition and sales of the company, then amicable liquidation.
- 80 people regraded , 85 people made redundant, without any strike.

-1981/1987 Ets MOMONT - Mons en Pévéle – Nord. Vice CEO
Breeder - producer of crop seeds . Turn over: 100 MFF - 80 people -

- Commercial strategy : structure sales force, set up marketing approach, launch diversification and exportation (sales increase from 1 M FRF up to 12 MFRF).
- Re-organise: logistics (10 % savings), production program (savings: 1 MFRF), IT.

-1979/1981 DOCUMENTATION AGRICOLE - Lille – Nord . Vice CEO
Agricultural technical magazines (CULTIVAR, VITITECHNIQUE, AGROMAIS)

-March 76/April 79 Ets Paul RIGAUT - Cambrai – Nord. Vice CEO
Agricultural trader: providing and collecting - 24 people
- Fully responsible for the company during the chairman illness (9 months).

-1973/1976 GRCETA (Groupement Régional de Centre d' Etudes Techniques Agricoles) - Pithiviers - Loiret Management consultant


* Master in Agriculture and Food industry : ISA Lille 1971
* Continuing Professionnal education at ISM, CCI, ACOFOPE
* Top management training at KRAUTHAMMER 1998.


- Global management of B to B oriented companies.

- (Re)launch and / or development of companies, subsidiaries of groups or SME, B to B oriented, both by internal and external growth, at an international level.

- Set up of import / export departments, building and animation of multicultural teams : recruitement of employees and / or implementation of distributors network.


Bilingual English, German school level.


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