Flex Manager
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General Manager

General Manager

Work Experience

2005 – to date

Getronics PinkRoccade/ CapGemini BAS

Position and responsibilities

Business Unit Manager ECM

• Member MT Professional Services, Sector Industry
• Member MT Business Development en Business Innovation
• Member MT ECM/ BI
• Building a new organization of market oriented Business Consultants and Project Managers
• Setting up market groups (Industrial) in order to develop markets and value propositions in the area of Business ICT alignment and System Integration
• Positioning internally and externally of the new units
• Reorganization ECM Business Unit from a technology driven organization towards an ECM competence center.
• Partner management OpenText and Kofax
• Responsible for
- people management
- profit and loss
- cooperation with partners
- Relation with customers
- Competence Management
- Knowledge Management
• Responsible for Business Development and Business innovation for Industrial applications
- Scoping
- Business Planning
- Budget control

In the first year I have set up a brand new unit from the beginning up to 50 senior employees, mainly senior business consultants and senior project managers. These employees partly are involved in chargeable projects at the (top 500) customers in the Netherlands and partly are developing new markets and belonging propositions.
The unit has a significant influence in choosing strategic markets for Getronics PinkRoccade.
After that I moved to the ECM/BI unit to setup a new OpenText competence center. Due to managerial changes I took the challenge to reorganize the complete unit.

2004 – 2005

Van Zundert Personele Diensten.
Guiding employees from work to work

Position and responsibilities

Commercial Manager

* General
• Member MT

* Commercial
• Key account management
• Contract management
• Structuring the sales organisation

* Project management

• Project Manager special projects (commercial en organizational)
• Project Manager new services


• Implementation CRM application
• Website

2003 – 2004

Neo Matra
International Trading company in all kinds of special high tech fasteners.

Position and responsibilities

Interim General Manager

* General

• Financial management
• Purchase Management
• Strategic management

This was an interim management job. Goal was to advise the partner of the seriously ill owner what to do with the company. After a thorough international investigation of possibilities, the willingness of suppliers to invest and cooperate and after financial analysis, I have advised to close the company.

2001 – 2003

J. Wildeman Waalwijk b.v.
International trading company in materials for a variety of branches, mainly leather processing companies, furnitures branche etc..

Position and responsibilities

Managing Director

* General

• Responsible for strategic management
• Responsible for financial reporting to shareholders
• Responsible for for internal procedures
• Responsible for change management
• Responsible for logistics

* Commercial

• Establishing new companies strategy
• Setting up new sales organisation
• Reorganisation of the Purchase Department
• Contractmanagement of the worldwide suppliers
• Marketing Management
• Setting up new PMC’s
• Implementing new CRM
• Key account management


• Implementatiion new ICT application
• Committee member User organisation

This old fashioned family trading company had asked me to find and explore new markets as the traditional markets they were in to (leather processing market) didn’t exist anymore since years (Netherland and Europe). The internal organization worked with old fashioned tools and working methods. Within half a year we managed to modernize the company and find new target markets. An approved business plan including a new investment plan by the shareholders was basis for the first steps to a new and promising future. Unfortunately the shareholders withdraw there intention to invest in the company after 9-11. For this reason there was no choice than closing the company.

1996 – augustus 2001

Putoline Oil b.v.
Developer, producer and international distributor of lubricants and maintenance products for the motorized two-wheels.

Position and responsibilities

(Commercial) Director

* General

• Responsible for strategic management
• Responsible for financial reports to shareholders
• Responsible for internal procedures
• Responsible for manufacturing and logistics

* Commercial

• Setting up a new sales organisation.
• Setting up the international distribution network in all countries of Europe and some outside.
• Managing the 2 affiliates in the UK and in Spain.
• Marketing Management
• Sponsor management
• Key Account Management.
• Product development
• Introduction concept selling


• Implementation new ICT systeem
• Website

During my commission the turnover of the company doubled and was profitable again after years of loss. In UK and Portugal Putoline became market leader in this niche market. The growth in turnover, profit and name awareness was amongst others due to very creative marketing campaigns (e.g. introduction of Strawberry oil, a 2 –stroke oil that gave such impact on publicity that turnover of 2-stroke oils 5 folded in one month)

2000 – 2001

Stichting Nationale Motordagen (Foundation National Motorcycle Days)

Collaboration between the RAI vereniging, Stadium “het Gelredome” in Arnhem and advertisement agency TBWA/ BEC in Amsterdam, with the purpose to organize a single, large scale motorcycle event.

Position and responsibilities

Founder and first chairman

* General

• Co-founder
• Co- initiator
• End responsible
• Daily board of committee
• Concept control

* Commercial

• Contract negotiations
• Partner Management
• Ambassadors role

The RAI association asked me to set up and lead the new foundation (for a single occasion) based on my success as director of Putoline Oil.

1990 – 1996

Modem Software/ ICL-SIAC

Position and responsibilities

• (Senior) Logistics Consultant
• Business Consultant
• Project Manager
• Manager branche Group logistics

* Consulting

• Logistics Consulting
• Determine Common Best Practices
• Preparing ISO certification

* Commercial

• Acquisition new consulting assignments
• Responsible for commercial development branche group


• Implementation ERP systems
• Application development (functional)

* Project Management

• Responsible for the practice of consultants for an international project of British Steel implementing van Common Best Practices and a belonging standardized ERP systeem.
• Implementation ERP system

1985 – 1990

Keystone Valves (butterfly valves)/ Centrafarm (Pharmacy)

Position and responsibilities

Logistics manager

* General

• Responsible for purchase and manufacturing planning
• Responsible for warehouse
• Responsible for distribution


• Implementation MRP II systems


VWO B 1976 diploma
TH Delft Civiele techniek/Bouwkunde
1976 - 1979, no diploma
HTS Tilburg, Economische Bedrijfstechniek
1980 - 1984, diploma
Material Management Instituut Canals, Material Management
1985, certificate.
VLM, Capacity planning en Work in process control
1991, diploma
ITA, Business German
1994, diploma
ITA, Business French
1995, diploma
ICL, Project Management Methodology
1995, diploma not relevant
Power Based Selling (Sales & negotiations)
1996, diploma not relevant


• Senior Manager, organizer
• Creative entrepreneur with a strategic view and proven commercial results
• Proven creativity in undertaking and setting up new organizations, services and new products
• Relations manager
• Convincing people en optimally enabling organizations
• Broad international experiences




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